Html is actually a pretty cool language

html is actually a pretty cool language

No. Please go fuck yourself

ah no stop

all I'm saying is that it's pretty cool once you learn it. I like how it is kind of object oriented but not turing complete and I just appreciate how well it does its job

yes senpai
this site's popularity wouldn't be possible without it

wtf I agree tbqh.

HTML is bollox

CSS is alright

JavaScript is the best. He has objects and prototypes and doesn't afraid of anyone

OP here and I think javascript is utter garbage

it has really confusing object oriented features

I hear you can instantiate a method as an object. What the fuck?

What do you mean instantiate a method AS an object?

Sorry OP, but I can only openly appreciate the most complex languages. I have to convince myself and others of being more sophisticated than I really am.

I don't know javascript that's just what I've heard

Then why do you think it's garbage if you don't understand it?

I've tried it before

specifically phantomJS

In the end I just did what I wanted to do in Python and it was easy as hell

>pretty cool language


You can't compare javascript and html, one is a markup language and one is a piece of shit.

What do you think HTML stands for

Ignore him, he's just an underage that doesn't understand the difference between a markup language and programming language.

HTML is outdated, but ok.
CSS is fucking garbage.
JavaScript is bloated.

Hyper Text Markup Language, fucktard.

Guaranteed (You)s


you stupid.

>specifically phantomJS

you know you can't program in phantomJS right?

>mfw people hate JS
prototypal inheritance > classical inheritance sorry you cannot understand how prototypes work 8)

If you think HTML is cool, you should definitely take a look at postscript.

>I hear you can instantiate a method as an object. What the fuck?
It's called functional programming.

Even ASCII is a language, moron.

Liberty and justice for all.

HTML is based off of XML which is a shit way of configuring programs. HTML isn't a language and the world would be better off without both.

'Language' is a means for expression.

You're thinking about 'Programming Language'

i cant even tell what ratio of posts itt are for real