So, what does Sup Forums Think is a good computer mouse

So, what does Sup Forums Think is a good computer mouse


I'm being serious brah like I can't find any good decent mouse that have good DPI under $60 that don't look like garbage like these transformer mouse man.


Get a DeathAdder Chroma and disable the lighting.

Enjoy your stealth mouse.

>have good DPI
Unless you have triple 4K monitors or something else retarded like that, you shouldn't need any more than 2000DPI which basically every mouse made in the last ten years can hit.

Logitech Ifeel mouseā„¢

Please be bait.

OC'd @ 1000hz

Any mouse, ever, as long as it doesn't have retarded side buttons.

>bawwww side buttons are fine because i am eight and have baby hands that don't hit them

>muh ledzz

lol, fag



Read the sticky, you will only get troll recommendations here.

anything that does not require its own software driver.

M705 working strong after 5 years. Battery lasts 3+ years under heavy usage.

I have this, does its job. Nothing crazy

old one was really good. Pre-Chroma shit. Quality went down the shitter on and after 2013 editions. Best you can get are the old Deathaddders Black.
Don't fall for the Zowie meme, they are shit and have more or less same quality issues, most shitheads here get that because they hate Razer hardware but they don't like Logitech either.


Im using that one for 4 years now and its pretty good

But it doesnt work properly without its required always online software

i know it happens often, but oc'ing your fucking computer mouse must be the most geeky thing you guise do.. Just try to explain this to your god damn gran gran