>tfw feel superior to linuxfags always fixing their broken DEs
>think windows (especially) 10 is great
>read about all of the botnet, "whatever, i'll block most of the spyware"
>read about the forced update restars "whatever, it never happend to me, it must be a meme or old people who dont know how to use their computer"
>get back from vacation after 1 month
>pc was at home
>turn pc on

I have shit to do. The updating started 25 mins ago and it is just at 18%. Fuck this shit.

I will wait for this shit update to end, backup my data and install linux.

Sorry Sup Forums for not believing you earlier. will not make the same mistake again. FUUUUUUCK.


welcome among us my son

doesnt Ieddit actuaIIy Iike win10?

>not disabling automatic updates


>after 1 month
Fuck off.
Why would you use outdated shit?

Try Antergos, it's arch without the autism. Rolling release and just works.

t. ex winfag

I finally saw the truth. ok, i may be exaggerating, but i'd rather spend a couple mins fixing some broken DE than having to wait 2 hrs for a fucking update to install.

also, to all of you linfags, is xubuntu a good starting distro?

Any of the ubuntus are great for starters.

Linux Mint is pretty good too.

Heck, even Fedora.

seconding this, i went for ArchLinux, but it may be a good introduction

>Sorry Sup Forums for not believing you earlier.

you can't disable automatic updates on a home edition, you can just delay them

right, better get fucked waiting 2 hrs for an update than use a 1 month old OS, fuck me for being so dumb. thanks for the insight user

ok, will look into that. is it stable? i use it for uni, wouldn't like to lose my stuff due to it being rolling release.

>is xubuntu a good starting distro?

outside of installing gentoo, yes

>being too dumb to disable automatic updates
>not understanding why these updates are forced

having the o/s force updates by default is good for almost everyone.
it mitigates the incentive to develop any kind of malware. too many retards can't use common sense

You have to disable them again literally after every single update.

You have stockholm syndrome

>Linux Mint is pretty good too.

mint is garbage

why do people still recommend this? its basically ubuntu with a crippled update system and an annoying botnet firefox build and has a search 'enhancement' plugin thats a bitch to remove


Idk, it seemed alright when I last tried it. It was LMDE but like 3-4 years ago now?

>is it stable?
It has been pretty stable for me, can't vouch for the long term stability because i migrated from Windows like three weeks ago and nowadays i only play csgo which runs fine on Linux.

>wouldn't like to lose my stuff due to it being rolling release
Backups of data should be a standard practice regardless of the OS imo but still I'd rather have a rolling release system than reinstalling my OS each time a new version appears.

>Computer hasn't been updated for a month.
>Automatic updates is on.
>Computer tries to update.
>Omfg it's botnet.

Ladies and gentlemen the average IQ on Sup Forums is 80.

Firstly welcome back. Also install gentoo.

thank you for the help

8/10 trolling

thanks, yes, should i also get a x220, a waifu and a neckbeard?

You CANNOT disable it. If you do it in GPolicy it doesn't work and keeps updating as if you didn't change anything, if you do it in Services, it checks for updates and uses CPU but cannot download them. I don't fucking know how, but this happened to me and I went back to W7

I disabled it and haven't installed an update in months and it's still disabled

half of /r/windows10 is actually people complaining about shit not working or breaking with updates

I'm able to get Windows 10 Edu, Windows 8.1 Pro or Windows 7 Pro through DreamSpark. Been interested in 8.1 - should I go for it? Or just stick to Win 7?


So far 99.9% of the posts have been complaining about broken shit and other stupid stuff MS is doing.


Stick with 7

LMAO you learnt the hard way.

Get started with Ubuntu MATE, faggot

jesus christ what a retard

the people who are enjoying windows 10 aren't on forums supporting windows 10, they are just going on doing their normal thing

Windows 10 is the computing idiot filter. If you don't like Windows 10, even if you prefer to use another OS, you are a certified retard.

>t. pajeet

>Browsing Sup Forums
>Using windows
What oxymoron is this?

7 is the best, but 8.1 is good too if you install classic shell. I just grabbed all of them when I still had dreamspark access.

same happened to me. also my laptop would just randomly turn on in the middle of the night to start the update. even crazier thing is that most of those updates would break my windows as it would be stuck at login screen without the option to login, so i had to restore and block that update.
one day i just snapped, installed linux, moved my files and removed that shit
fuck windows. never again, not even in virtual maxchine am i gonna use it

Windows 10 is the pajeet filter. If you like Windows 10, even if you don't prefer to use another OS, you are a certified street shitter.

7 is definitely my top favorite, but I'm interested in 8.1 mainly because of wanting to try something new, and maybe some minimal performance boost if there is any. It also looks more stylish, but that's just a comfyness factor.
A fresh install would also do good.

go for linux mint if you've never used linux

what's wrong with update system?

t. mint user

>think windows (especially) 10 is great
>read about all of the botnet, "whatever, i'll block most of the spyware"
>read about the forced update restars "whatever, it never happend to me, it must be a meme or old people who dont know how to use their computer"


Windows is p. good 7 is the most recent high point though.

If 10 is their last then fuck I mean I guess its time to brush up on my Linux or get a fagbook.

I installed it for bash on windows... which sucks. Git-bash for windows is far superior.

why don't you just use win7? Why are people always so keen on new versions?

it doesn't install certain updates by default, especially kernel patches. in addition it lists those updates in red and as a 5 (1-5 scale of risk to break your install) - making newer users afraid to update. completely retarded from a security perspective. especially if you do online banking or anything important.

major distros like ubuntu are largely past breaking installs. not that it doesnt happen here and there, but nothing like it used to be 5-10 years ago when nearly every update broke your OS.

.. and that's just for OS updates.

then there's firefox which is a linux mint branded build with a bundled search 'enhancement' botnet in it, which you can't remove. each update with put it back. even if you try removing firefox - apt-get will pull the same build from mint repositories right back in and install it again.

i could go on and on.. the whole distro is trash.

>fixing broken linux de
The memes never stop around here.

>I will wait for this shit update to end, backup my data and install linux.
You won't do shit. You will complain, bitch and moan and maybe you'll even really install linux, see one small inconvenience and come up with an excuse to install windows again. Then you come back with some greentext about how bad linux is. Fuck that, just save everyone the drama and stay with your windows like a good bitch.

Get a Mac, or install Debian stable or Ubuntu MATE LTS if you're comfortable with UNIX tools. Microsoft doesn't care about consumer Windows versions anymore.

by default it doesn't install shit, you have to choose and install. if you do anything important then you are probably aware of the risks and you probably update your kernel, as for the noob users, it's perfectly fine as it is

if you don't know how to install other firefox version maybe linux is not for you. have you tried windows?

>by default it doesn't install shit
yes, it does. also it installs lower level updates by default but not important kernel patches. mint completely ignores them unless you specifically tell it to update them

>probably aware of the risks
>noob users
pick one

would go for a memebook if i had the money

laptop came with 10, you cant just downgrad to 7/8.1, can you?

well one of the most popular generals around here is about "ricing" your desktop and people discussing which wm/de is the least shitty

have more faith in me user, i'm going full anakin->vader over this shit

too poor

>Windows notoriously updates at inconvenient times
>Didn't set update settings to prevent auto-updates like this
You're a fucking moron.

i set them u idiot, but if you dont restart for a long time, it will restart at the first available moment.
read the op.

>yes, it does
no it doesn't

t. mint user

Are you retarded or something?

In that case, good... good... let the freedoms flow through you.
Just know that this path will not give you more convenience. Just coping with MS bullshit would be far easier. Things will break, or be broken out of the box, require learning on your part, and even if it works things may still look and feel like crap. But you know why it's still woth doing it? Because it's the right thing. You will no longer be supporting that endless coil of bullshit and abuse that proprietary software is and always has been. Just be sure that you do it out of conviction and not convenience, otherwise you'll not last long. Your reward is that you may feel superior to those plebs who let themselves be abused and spied upon.

This bait thread with all the bait replies.

>8/10 trolling
No, not really. This thread and the replies are more like 4/10 at best.

here your (You)

>reddit likes everything I don't like
if only you fucking knew how similar it is

That expires quickly.

>not using server 2016

Fuck off, master pleb!

but muh panels

>it doesn't install certain updates by default

That's a good thing, you retarded asshole.

Archfaggots are such fucking cancer

>often serious security bugs not patched by default
>a good thing

kek okay

and no i dont run arch

citation needed.

Mint is horse shit. Just use Ubuntu or go full Debian if you don't mind working with the command line. If you've never used GNU/Linux then Ubuntu is the way to go. On help pages the commands are clear and you can just copy and paste. Debian help pages usually assume you have a little experience and just tell you to do something. Examples:

Ubuntu help page:
>type "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" to edit your source list
Debian help page:
>edit /etc/apt/sources.list

As far as DEs go, Gnome, KDE, XFCE, or LXDE are all great. Unity is buttnet and stuff like Cinnamon is a meme. I use KDE because it's comfy and has KDE connect so I can control my PC with my phone. If you're looking for something lighter, look into Openbox.

It's ok. I'm not a fan but I see why people like it.

cant install firefox from mozilla site. retard.

Pajeet, you will be eating ox shit for dinner tonight.

So why are you talking about updates then?
Hows that "updated" repo youre using?

>I will wait for this shit update to end, backup my data and install linux.
C'mon son... It's only one update. Accept it and keep Windows 10 in your machine.

t. Debian user

You're not fooling anyone pajeet.

>Things that did not happen.

Everyone knows that Anniversary Update adds the function to set working hours in which windows will not restart for updates no matter what happens.

You can downgrade, but if you're rocking a laptop, good fucking luck. You've gotta fuck about in the bios to disable secure boot and fast boot, then you have to enable legacy mode. Then, you install 7/8.1 annnnnd...none of your hardware works. There may or may not be drivers that work on older versions, and you'll need a flash drive to install them since your network card won't be working.

werks on my machine.

>"whatever, i'll block most of the spyware"

google it. better yet - install it and see for yourself

for new users migrating from windows, even that is a learning experience

one that shouldnt be necessary for a web browser without bloat

semantics. we're talking security updates/patches by default

debian works well for my needs but thats outside of what im saying. besides, most mint security updates come upstream from debian anyhow

Debian or Fedora are perfect. They come with nice installers but still let you control stuff.

im on enterprise with autoupdates turned off and even i got triggered by updates twice - first the 1511 update broke something about boot sequence, then the anniversary update failing to install and reverting back multiple times in a row, each attempt for whatever reason took around 40 minutes. Fuck it, im gonna wipe it off my ssd and use that space to enlarge the fedora partition.

>professionals using home editions
if you lose your work it's your own fault desu

ITT: OP tryhards to shill GNU+Linux.

Not storing hordes of pictures of your diseased genitals.

>Not dualbooting Windows 8 Embedded Industrial Pro and Gentoo with runit, custom boot scripts and an anti freedesktop/GNOME/RH setup

Holy shit, get off my board.

That's particularly why I got Windows 7 Pro for my gaming desktop, that and the price.

> Though I am joining the light, and I am on the verge of enlisting within the ranks of the Linux users.

I'm experimenting with Arch linux and contemplating future plans of going balls deep and experimenting with it and some old hardware I am using and have lying around.

>windows 7
Enjoy no DX12

Does that even do anything if your GPU doesn't have proper support for it?

>Windows 10 reddit
>One promoted post and 80+ complains & problems

>Linux reddit
>Cool new shit you can do now with wide variety of votes
>Percolated by people asking for help doing X

Windows 10 is the best windows ever, you guys! Honest! See how many are using it!

>you can't disable automatic updates on a home edition, you can just delay them
>he doesn't know

poo in loo

the problem is not the anniversary update, fucking hell. the problem is that it took 2 hrs to install that update and that i couldnt use my computer

>ADDS the function to set working hours
is this bait? How the fuck am i supposed to use that function if i hadn't that update installed yet? why am i even answering to bait?

yeah, exactely what i meant, it's nightmare

yes, i was delusional

thanks for the suggestion

yeah enterprise is not that much of a shit like the home edition, but it costs a lot, doesnt it?

lost nothing, just couldnt use my pc for 2 hours

eh? i just installed xubuntu, im still learning about all of this sudo apt-get things. i guess in a week i'll be using it normally. hope it is worth it.

yeah, yesterday was just too much for me. also i dont game so thats not a problem for me.

you cant disable updates on the home edition, stop memeing, it is not possbile.

my first distro, good to start with linux

It's possible, I use w10 home right now and I can disable its update. Stop being retard.

use ubuntu 8.10


Install Windows 8.1!

OP is an idiot for thinking win10 will pop up and run bugfree


>Have shitty internet and computer
>Complain about my OS

Yeah OP, you may as well just get a fagbook or something.

I still haven't gotten the anniversary update yet. Is that a good or bad thing?

It's so broken I'm surprised they haven't pulled it back completely.