Would you buy AMD? I buy AMD

Would you buy AMD? I buy AMD.

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Who is this bearded cave troll and his transvestite friend with skin disease I see posted on Sup Forums all the time? Some form of youtubers?


>this man walks into your house
>goodbye horses starts playing

Stop being so 2015.
Hating nvidia is the fun thing now.

she's not TRANS!

It puts the (AMD) processor in its case or else it gets the captia again.

I want logan to fuck me so hard.

I think I see the contours of an adam's apple, but anyway he or she surely has some form of skin disease.

>ywn pull on pistol's trigger

Logan posted this in incognito so that he could go on here and pretend that pistol posted it.

you do understand women have adam's apple too? jesus have you ever chocked a woman during sex? oh wait... this is Sup Forums.. of course you haven't

>jesus have you ever chocked a woman during sex?
...I'm pretty sure that's called rape.

So what is Wendell going to do? Nothing new on his twitter about what's going on

Kek his voice fits that too well

wendell has a fucking business, he isn't some youtube star like logan

Why do people call him a AMD shill? Because he says AMD is not terrible?

>facial piercings
Yep, definitely a tranny

>Would you buy AMD?
If it were 2001. Now all the good PCs have Intel CPUs.

He started off as Logan's camera man. He can go back to that shit because he sure as hell wasn't having fun doing this youtube shit.

Watch this video and see the description if you want to know what will happen with him: youtube.com/watch?v=xb2hioH5hrw

wake up Aniki!

i'd get that quake 3 tin box desu

He runs his own company, a consulting firm.
The youtube gig was pretty much just Wendell doing his old pal Logan a solid because they grew up together.

i buy AMD.

I buy Intel. You buy cock.


I would. Intel and Nvidia are jewish and don't respect freedoms.

Yeah... pretty interesting stuff in there.

Are you retarded? Choking is a pretty damn popular bedroom thing

You watch too much porn, virgin. The only thing I choke my girl with is my cock.

I buy AMD too user

>Clearly doesn't know jack shit about irl bedroom activities
>Calls others virgins

I'm glad you'll never actually reproduce.

ask ur mum lol

>n-no u

>ur mum

High quality comeback you guys. You sure told me.

>I'll make fun of their posts! That'l show them!
Its like you can't read or come up with anything to defend yourself.

>I'm having sex and ur not !!
you guys are more patethic than you think


Of course you do, Logan. You're a fucking LinusCuckTips knockoff.

>getting this upset
What exactly didn't I read?

>lol u mad Xd?
Nice meme. The fact that you're wrong? Iunno what else to tell you but any shitcunt knows choking doesn't constitute rape and is a known thing among many couples.

i buy amd gpus
but the cpus have been bad since the phenom

Sweet fucking Jesus this is hilarious.

>(almost) all girls like it rough

>some girls like it rough

Shifting the goal post much?

I can't believe you are this emotionally invested in this. It's almost like you have massive complexes about your sexuality or something.

Yup, confirmed virgin


There's a reason it's called ADAM's apple you dumb fuck. Stop fucking transhomos, gay nigger.

You're literally replacing my words with yours and making the goalposts up entirely on your own. Keep trying.

Linus used to be somewhat good, but he's sucked so many corporate cocks over the years that he's unwatchable nowadays. Sad.

>choking is rape
>are you fucking retarded since when was someone asking me to choke them/vice versa rape
>wew you sure are invested in this you must be pretty insecure

Only the best counter arguments allowed on 4chin

>implying I'm the same poster
>getting asked to choke
>being this beta you can't even take some initiative in bed and/or figure out what she wants unless she explicitly asks you
holy fuck just kys

>he cares about brands

>n-no u

Again. lol.

>I can't come up with anything so I'll just make fun of their post!
Again. lol.

Its like you don't even know what nou is supposed to mean.

My Computer history.
CPU: Core2Duo, i7 920
GPU: 8500GT, HD4670, HD6950, GTX1060

AMD is okay, I think Ill stick to intel for CPUs though.

>choking is rape
>what if it's asked for
>you're a "beta"

Of course I'd find retards like you on an AMD thread

Only the best on 4chin.

>literally just repeating my post
>posting reaction pics this time

I give up, your meming skills are too much for me, meme boy.

What a girly face

Processors, yes
>no botnet

Videocards, no
>no drivers

See first:
>implying I'm the same poster

I never said choking was rape you fucking illiterate imbecile.

Also, your insecurities about your sexuality (read: virginity) on the board with the highest number of virgins after Sup Forums is just hilarious.

You have yet to post a coherent argument.

>Posting about this makes him insecure

I made that goodnight sweet prince video.

Should I make another one senpai? So far it has 4.5k views.

Either way, still applies.
Give me a good argument and not just "hurrh durrh ur dum and insecure" and maybe you'll raise some eyebrows.

>You have yet to post a coherent argument.
Are you under the impression that you calling some poster a virgin and me calling you out on you being a virgin yourself and you then basically just repeating my own posts word for words somehow is a "discussion"?

Fucking lol

>samefagging this hard

Yeah, you reek of confidence and masculinity user. How could I be so wrong?

Go ahead, ignore what you know well and clearly was the subject.
There couldn't possibly be more than one person who thinks I'm a retard!

>pretending to know anything about sex when you think that women have adam's apples

If you don't even know basic female anatomy, how can you claim to have had sex with a girl?

And no, some faggot dressing up in a skirt is not a girl, no matter how submissive he is and wants to get choked.

Lins was never good

hello pistol
please leave

>Go ahead, ignore what you know well and clearly was the subject.
The subject was "hurr durr you know nothing about sex because you browse Sup Forums and I know a lot about sex therefore it's not a trannie".

I'm sure that constitutes as a valid discussion subject in your head, but for everyone else it's just generic shitposting.

>using "inspect element" and removing the (you) proves you're not samefagging

>women have adam's apple too

It was pretty nice when he'd just do unboxings and talk about shit he knows about instead of videos on everything out there with almost no understanding of what he's talking about sometimes.

Dude uh... Google it.
No, seriously. Google "Do women have Adams apples."

>everyone who has sex must be into choking
>women have adam's apples too

no, i don't waste monies

First three hits are
"Why do men have adam's apples and women don't?"

"Why don't women have adam's apples?"


"What is the purpose of an adam's apple and why do only men have it"

Not exactly sure what you wanted to prove about this?

Here's what Wikipedia says about it
>the Adam's apple is considered to be a characteristic feature of adult men, because its size tends to increase considerably during puberty
>adult men

why is that baby being shat on?


>not having fucked a sweet boipucci and choked a slender boy while jerking of his feminine penis
>not a virgin

Pick one

Not him, but I got more or less the same results as him.

Because toddler scat hurtcore is a thing

So they cant call samefag.
I took this earlier but didn't use it.

Uh, what?

1) What are you trying to prove?
2) Why are you responding to me?
3) If you want to appear not invested into this, why are you putting so much effort into it?

You know this is a shitty AMD vs Intel shill thread, right?

Not sure who you are.
Also, work is slow today.

Ps; Intel vs amd is like AIDS vs HIV.
They're both shit.

They're also both essentially the same, which I guess is part of your point.

Some girl's have it tho, my friend's daughter got one. She is like 13 and no trans/gay, I know her since she was a baby.

wew lad

HIV is the virus, AIDS is the disease.

All that shit hanging off his/her lip fucking Christ


All women have them, but they're considerably smaller than in grown men. Hence the name.

Also, I'm pretty sure the original comment () was nothing more than bait, and it obviously worked.

... eyyy well I got a good laugh. gg, I bit.

I would never use anything else.

I don't like immigration abuse or racism so Intel's out.

Nobody is making ARM desktop so that's out.

Obvious choice is yes AMD. Nothing else.

kill your shelf

>implying Intel is better
When people ask what your pc has, they typically say "AMD or NVIDIA?"
Idk about you but Intel not even being considered says quite a lot eh?
My rig is a full AMD, with an MSI MOBO, and I've yet to find something it can't run.
... still need to try Crysis though. Who knows, man.

He shills AMD and tells everyone that the FX 8XXX series beats the i7, but then uses Intel for his own shit.

Yes I would. Paying anything more than $500 for a single PC component just seems like a massive waste to me.


Shit I didnt know Stallman was on the tek


>Prominentia laryngea: The prominence of the larynx, more commonly known as the Adam's apple. This familiar feature in front of the neck is due to forward protrusion of the largest cartilage of the larynx. It takes its name from the story that a piece of the forbidden fruit stuck in Adam's throat. The prominent cartilage is the thyroid cartilage. It tends to enlarge at adolescence, particularly in males. The Latin for Adam's apple is "pomum Adami." This may have been a mistranslation of the Hebrew "tappuach ha adam" which also means male bump.