For the love of Harambe please halp

For the love of Harambe please halp

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What part of dividing by 4 is confusing you?

How retarded are you?

Did you go to uni to make video games?


psuedocode could look something like

>ask for sales from 4 quarters
>add the figures together
>averages the values
>prints average

I don't know Java, but I could do this is C++

>asking a nigger for help with programming

>You have final sales for the four quarters in 2010
>Compute total sales for the year
A year has 4 quarters, and you already have all the sales for the 4 quarters, so just count the number of records in the file

>Average quarterly sales
Get sales for each quarter, calculate average. In other words, for Q1, it would be number of sales in Q1 divided by total sales in 2010, if I understand correctly

Q1 - months 1, 2, 3
Q2 - months 4, 5, 6
Q3 - months 7, 8, 9
Q4 - months 10, 11, 12

easy stuff dude, don't let the text intimidate you, just make sure you understand what is being asked, break it down, and then start writing code once you know what you need to do!

Doing this in Javascript and a text file is annoying... in real life you would have an SQL database and do the calculations on a backend server using C# and data table objects or something.

just leave Sup Forums

Why would you use js for this shit?

I'm in a small town with the only opportunities being small IT companies. Are programmers really this stupid? I keep telling distant companies that I would relocate at my expense, I'm literally burned every time I read this stupid shit, there has GOT to be a way out of this.

I literally know nothing about code I chose to take these courses because it seemed interesting and something I could get into, I was honestly just looking for a ss to compare my current work to


if it does what its supposed to, and it fits any styles that your class wants, it doesnt matter

>Save your pseudocode in Notepad

What kind of fucking retarded school is this?

They use "Notepad" as a synonym for text editor?

Comments like this is why I keep coming here

Trick question
Real programmers don't comment.

Also pseudocode is for digital marketing undergrads.

Say that to your lecturer.


Welcome to modern universities where things normal people did on computers 20 years ago are now "advanced computing" beyond anything people can do.

>mfw I just write in js first then convert it to pseudo

Are people like OP going to be my competition in the field? I'm feeling a lot better about myself all of a sudden.

>write pseudo code
>then convert it to javascript
>and save it with the incorrect extension presumably without creating an actual HTML document

>in real life you would have an SQL database and do the calculations on a backend server using C# and data table objects or something.
No, you can do it all in SQL. Doing it C# would be pointless.