Why don't you own a 1080 yet?

Why don't you own a 1080 yet?

no room for a 4k tv


I'm waiting for the 1080ti, desu

My mom wouldn't buy it for me.

Because my needs are served by a Kaveri IGP and I'll be upgrading to Bristol Ridge for the sake of overclocking once that comes out. It'll be massively overkill for what I do with my desktop.


Motherboards sata controler died, had to buy a new one and updated to a 6800k. I'll get the 1080 when I know my PSU can handle it.

2405 you forgot your tripcode

I bought one and I feel like it's a waste for my monitor. Now I have to spend another $600-$800 for something to justify it.


Because the 1070 is overpriced enough as it is. If anything Ill get a 1080ti but no way in hell will I get a 1080 now while its sitting at 750 euros and most likely ends up getting destroyed by the 1080ti.

House isn't insured against fires.

Because I use multiple monitors and want something with HBM.

Too expensive, and
The 1080Ti will barely max 4K and I hope one can do Andromeda.
This happens every time since the 700 series, but I think the Ti will be Titan price this time. Note the first Titan released for around 800 €.

Waiting for Vega

Cause I've a rx480 crossfire.

I own a 1070 cuz I'm poor

I'm poor.

Because my 9800gtx+ plays csgo just fine

m8 get a new CPU with on board graphics for csgo
you'll save the cost in electricy alone

Because AMD is better than Nvidia you fucking shill OP

i'm still waiting for the 1070 they promised for 380 bucks

Wtf, I got in two days
That sucks man :/

I melt GPUs like butter its better I stick with something cheap.


getting 200 fps in maxed out games at 1920x1200 is awkward and makes me feel bad about my purchase

I wish 1440p/144hz IPS monitors existed without the QC probelsm from asus and the stupid, awful branding from acer.

I'm happy with my 980ti

Makes muh dick hard desu


how much did you pay?

cuz I'm poor college student and only now getting my first IT job

About 350$ total on newegg with two day shipping

I had to suck 2 dicks but it was worth it

Sorry 450$*, you sure you didn't get scammed

Fucking money, and the fact I'm waiting for further iterations of the 1080.

My current rig's power supply can run all of my hardware with a 1080, though right now I have a 950 and it serves my needs as a gamer.

A 1080 is definitely something to dream about, but that fucking price point, jesus fucking christ.

I though to myself :
> Why didn't I get the 980 instead of a 950 seeing that the 10xx series lineup came up.
> 300-600 fucking dollars that's why.

It's my first build as a computer enthusiast, and I'm happy with it, but good fucking lord graphics cards need to lower their price point from absurdity.

Also note I care about frame rate upmost of anything.
I can be at 720p at High settings and still enjoy a game because of the playability and frame rate.

$750 really is not bad for a GPU this powerful relative to the current market. You can easily buy the 1070 or 1060 and run everything available - the 1080 is an enthusiast card at an enthusiast price point. Not everything in every hobby can be widely available to consumers.

Also didn't really fucking help that I didn't have an extra monitor lying around, so had to the throw 200 dollars at a nice 60 hertz 27 inch 1920x1080 display which I could've used on the fucking graphics card.

Because noooo, Dell just had to fucking discontinue that line of monitors my brother uses and I liked really much. They just had to fuck it up and take away DVI-D from all their monitors.

> Do I sound salty, that's because I am.

waiting for a decent 4k gpu with > 16gb of vram that costs $500 so probably will be waiting a while

1080p is fine


i have 1
i'm probably gonna go 1440P soon, as this 1080 won't even get 99% utilization at 1080P

I see your point.
I personally consider the power a 1080 provides a luxury, a very desirable luxury, but still a luxury.

Though my 950 and 16:10 display are a pretty nice combo, get's my coding real estate sorted and can play games at a playable frame rate with a nice window.

I think 16:10 may be my new favorite aspect ratio.

>console kids think PC Vram is = to console Vram


Do you want to know what I'd think would be nice?

> Graphics cards with expandable VRAM.

I know that older graphics cards did have expandable VRAM, but I believe the reason for directly integrating VRAM chips was for thermal reasons (modularity would decrease effective thermal dispersion on the card I believe).

Because Im not into meme 1440p enough to get a 1080 but also im not a 60fps pleb enough to get a 1060. 1070 is 2016 sweet spot

don't give a fuck about spending $600 on something I will utilize at ~20% every six months at best

fuck games


>nvidiots are 3rd worlders
wew lad its like i haven't seen this before

For one, always wait for the Ti version with Nvidia. Also, Vega is the last stop on the wait train for me. I want to have AMD to have a chance to prove that they can put out a better cheaper card than Nvidia. It's their last chance though. Vega or 1080ti.

I'm really tired of waiting.

already have one user. Have a couple of 1080p monitors and my main 1440p. Runs smooth as butter. Playing some games on 1440p with everything beyond maxed out and works fine.

doesnt support FreeSync

I am jew

What's the point of even buying anything past the midrange card of the gen anyway? It's all gonna get outdated within 2 years. Even the biggest toughest nigger of all GPUs isnt going to be worth shit because suddenly a $200 one beats it's ass next year, and you could've just gotten the $200 last gen GPU and the $200 new one instead of $800 for the bignig GPU.

Only time this situation doesnt really apply is when you're a AMDfag and your shitty GPU company redoes 7970 performance but for cheaper and cheaper for 4 years straight.

This, especially buying a Titan, what the fuck is the point of that card, least efficient nigger card ever.

only thing youll ever need is the Nvidia GTX x70 of that gen friendo
perfect for 1080p, perfect for 1440p if you turn down AA(which you dont fucking need for 1440p anyway), will last you a bit extra until you can get a new one

Waiting for the AMD competition to see whether or not its worth it. Might just wait for the ti variant to come out.

The sun will explode before waiting for AMD ever becomes worth it

I know but usually whenever there is a amd equivalent, there's a price drop. Then again, I might just get the ti when it comes out.

>1080 competitor let alone 1070
Good one.

You should still wait for the Ti though.

What a fucking bitch user why do you put up with that shit!?

>Even the biggest toughest nigger of all GPUs isnt going to be worth shit because suddenly a $200 one beats it's ass next year
lel. nope
also all components start to go obsolete after 3 years anyway

Fury X = 980ti competitor that already had good DX12 support
1070 =980ti but with DX12 support
1080= 10-20% better than 980ti but with DX12 support

>Nvidiots need to buy the 1070/1080 or face gimping while AMDrones can stick with their Furys

AMD doesnt need a 1080 competitor.

Tell that to 7000 series card owners.

Thats only because AMD is too shitty to innovate anything new

I could easily afford one but I don't play video games and I hate wasting money which is why I could afford one in the first place.

980Ti has DX12 support and even 16bit Async capabilities.

Not falling for the Nvidia meme again. I am EXTREMELY dissatisfied with the long term support of my 780ti. I will be getting Vega when it is available.

>AMD releases RX 490x and RX Vega
>they beat the 1070 and 1080 by a 5% margin
>Nvidia releases a 10gb 1080ti
>too overkill for your taste, so you search for the RX390x on all stores but since its amd you dont find shit for two months
>when its available you decide to wait for what amd will bring in 2018

Cuz I'm not a fucking goy and there's not even 5 good games released in the last 2 years. Probably going to be buying a 1060 in winter of next year

Still, the 1080 and 1070 are small fry upgrades over Maxwell, with DX12 the Fury X provides the same performance for a slightly lower price. AMD has no reason to release an entire new series when developers start supporting DX12/Vulkan for them and giving the Fury huge gains.

Vega is going to go for the 1080ti/Titan XP/Volta

Because until a few days ago, I didn't have a PSU to support one.
Now I just can't afford it.

64Gb HBM2 dual Vega GPU's.

>ladies and gentlemen I present to you the [handful of games] that run good on AMD
Every fucking thread

>DX12/Vulkan doesnt exist! lalala I cant hear you!
Every fucking thread
my point still stands, Fury is the 1080 competitor.



You have virtually no evidence that proves that Nvidia wont catch up on drivers and force developers to blatantly gimp software in their favour. All you do is ASSUME that game A-Y will be the same as game Z.

AMD contributes a lot of code to free drivers.
Nvidia drivers are non-free.

Argument settled for me. I'll never buy Nvidia until they make their drivers free like AMD.

>lel just wait for Nvidia to catch up in DX12/Vulkan hardware support!
The meme has turned around, AMD waiting meme is now the Nvidia waiting meme.

>Being this bootyblasted

>480 runs it w/ 200 gorillion fps
>1060 runs it w/ 100 gorillion fps

>480 runs it w/ 40 fps
>1060 runs it w/ 60 fps
So this is the power... of Pajeet....

Its you whos waiting. As of right now, Nvidia cards are still VASTLY superior for games than AMDs. This might change over the coming years, but its not guaranteed. So its you whos waiting for his straw-man to actually become reality.

I dont need to wait, my 390 has been doing great since I got it and only gets better as devs support DX12/Vulkan because AMD thought ahead.

Meanwhile cucks who bought Maxwell cards need to buy Pascal as a stopgap before Volta brings anything proper.

Gonna get a 1070 sea hawk x famalamajimjam. I only use 1080p and it overclocks like a hot damn AND it'll do VR real easy.

>Meanwhile cucks who bought Maxwell cards need to buy Pascal as a stopgap before Volta brings anything proper
Buy Pascal for what? Did I miss the flood of DX12 titles that have been released over the past 2 weeks? Because I dont recall anything worthwhile having been released. Apart from MUH DX MD which runs like complete shit on virtually any setup considering how bad it looks.

>He didn't buy a Pascal
What are you, poor?
Get the 1080 already goy.


Apart from Deus Ex ive played Tomb Raider and DOOM which run pretty gr8.
Best part is I didnt need an entirely new GPU to play them, you might soon.

I counter meme your memay

Dont worry, I bought a 1070 like 2-3 months ago because I built a new PC. Switched from 660m.

because my gigabyte g1 gaming gtx 1080 hasn't come in the mail yet. should be here tuesday, but purolator fucking sucks so probably next month

>AMD cards get a boost from new technologies while Nvidia gets gimped
>Nvidiots use mental gymnastics and heavy denial to spin this as a bad thing

Make sure to get the 1170 when Pascal's crippling feature gets revealed.

>Make sure to get the 1170 when Pascal's crippling feature gets revealed.
I only upgrade like once every 5 years :^)

Im actually a amd fanboy since i sold my nvidia 8600GT years ago. I'm just memeing

Hope you dont plan on playing any new games past the first year, then.

AAA has been shit for a decade now. The only games that I am looking forward to are Battlerite, Lost Ark and maybe Quake Champions, all should easily run 120fps at 1080p. Anything that isnt an online game is usually better if its an indie.

>Implying everyone here isn't just memeing
You seriously fight over computer hardware?
Im just looking for an excuse to debate.

You wouldn't even need a 1070 for that, I guess.
Why the fuck upgrade from a 970?

Well i always throw my baits at the side who is being more picked upon at the moment

Im preparing my content to throw next year into the Nvidia fanboys when Vega hits

Cause I just bought a decent 980 Ti for 330 bucks.