Sticker thread

sticker thread

no general shit or shameless shilling edition


I would be very scared of going outside like that

impressive autism

Those stickers are all autistically straight.

Also, there are other reasons it's autistic.


You really need to stop trying to make this shitty thread a regular thing. Seriously, Fucking stop.

just insecurity I suppose

stickers are technology

jesus christo lad


>5 posters

So i bought some laughing man stickers on a whim awhile ago and was thinking about putting one on my thinkpad. On a scale of 1 to OP how much of a fag would that make me?

>pic related the stickers I got from amiami


pls at least give me credit for my picture

oooh damn I like that FLAC sticker.

>filthy frank

You should actually probably kill yourself.

very kawaii senpaitachis

needs more animes

I really like that akari sticker. Where to cop

How's my MacBook, Sup Forumsuys?

is this the Sup Forums moderator approved replacement for desktop threads

Wtc K-on stickers

redbubble or find somewhere that does transparent stickers because those borders suck

>Stickers upside down
Those are pretty cute girl stickers

Boy stickers would be better

Not if you're a girl





I mean, if you're going to do neckbeard shit, you may as well go all out
points for dedication

you're the one that is dusgusting

whoops, wrong post. Meant

How you didn't get flamed on Sup Forums for that Bernie sticker I don't know. Also sexy af OpenBSD sticker.

>being this new



You are right. Coding isn't a crime. But in Iraq being a massive faggot is.

almost never see /o/ stickers here

What do you do with your launchpad? I have one but I don't know what to do with it



Stop posting the same shit again and again.
It's not even fun anymore. It never was.

did I do good

That's pretty neat.

Corporate slave tier.

I felt my dick shrivel a little looking at this.

>no cloud-sticker
you're a bloody hypocrite


I die inside every time I see these fucking hipster logos of shit tier frameworks based on shit tier "programming" "languages" together with le """""clever""""" nerd references

Absolute garbage

where do you get your stickers from?

Mostly from hackerconferences or hackspaces.

finally, a little fuckin creativity


pedo neckbeard kys at earliest convenience.
>having a laptop
>not being able to use it outside of home bc muh stickerz

me likey

Everything I see here is cringeworthy.

and all these other repeating images are?

Sup niggers

sneaky sakamoto

i'm in the same situation as you...

weeb shit

Acer cb3-111 (baytrail CPU)

a n i m e w e b s i t e

Shilling my private tracker

With the worst sticker they sell, nice


Do you realize this is (mainly) a weeb shit website, right?

Is this the NEW daily autism thread?


>pride flag
>man with fedora

You should consider killing yourself

>Sticker with a 74 year old socialist.

End yourself

Fukin edgy

Nice idea with the patches

Do you fuccbois actually browse lainchan or do you only want to associate yourself with it?

a lot of people from lainchan come here for Sup Forums

this is great

most others are bad

>squidward dabbing

Dope af


>having no taste
>the post

That vh sticker tho

Dear lord. And I thought my laptop was edgy....


>Funding Lainchain so Kalyx can blow it all on advertisements and Apple products.
>Going out in public with animu stickers on you laptop

Is Sup Forums falling for the meme meme?

>giving a shit what people think about you in public

fucking betafags

>Implying things people never said

fucking betafags

do you actually go outside with this

>Going out in public with animu stickers on your laptop
>is Sup Forums falling for the meme meme?

sounds like I implied correctly, if not why does it matter if you go out in public with animu stickers?

is there any good site to order custom stickers?
preferrably with non-rectangular shapes allowed

It doesn't holy kek.

Where do you get stickers online people¿
Where can I be „cool„
Like you

Coral binders.

You have the Hispanic flea market t-shirt of stickers on your laptop

That... That was my purpose.


Very cute

I hope to see you on campus


lmao I would bully all of you nerds if I saw you in real life

Go away Chad, this site is not for U.

lmao you wouldn't do shit

Too bad I've got a ccw licence. Armed nerds don't get bullied-.