Hey guys I'm thinking about learning to code. Not for a programming job but to be able to build tools to automate stuff

Hey guys I'm thinking about learning to code. Not for a programming job but to be able to build tools to automate stuff.
What's the hippest language I can learn that will let me talk shit to people using c++ etc.

>build tools to automate stuff


I'm learning C because I use GNU/Linux

honestly if you're just automating stuff, use perl/bash/ruby because they're readily available on almost every *nix system.

Sorry but you won't "be able to talk shit to people using C++" with those languages, so I suggest getting a real fucking life and move out of your moms basement instead of incessantly wanting to feel better than everyone.


U salty br?

This, but only regarding the language choice (I'd also sub ruby out for python personally)

The second point I do take issue with, however. There is nothing wrong with bettering yourself just so you can look down on others.

not really salty, its just stupid to only want to pick a language based on talking down to people using another language. like if you're that hardcore use assembly or some shit. sure you'll be "better" than everyone, but it won't be easy and no one really cares.

Anyone else collect dragon dildos? I buy them used

nothing wrong with bettering yourself JUST to look down on others? seriously? jesus I need to leave this place

Do you even lift bro?

Umad uttermensche scum ?


Python is an extremely shitty language, use C# instead

don't listen to this autism, python is fine for what the OP asked for.

Listen, user. I've been using computers for more than 3 years now, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. C# is the best language for what OP wants to do.

>more than 3 years

It's true, do you want proof? Fucking tard.

How old are you?

Old enough to fuck ur mom

there it is


Fucking kek, are you 4 years old? Because that's the only way that would be impressive.