>tfw trying to make an app where college sluts can beg neckbeards to buy them liquor for house party in return for an invite to the party
>tfw 50% done
>tfw my lawyer tells me this is illegal in California
>tfw trying to make an app where college sluts can beg neckbeards to buy them liquor for house party in return for an invite to the party
>tfw 50% done
>tfw my lawyer tells me this is illegal in California
Why dont you make a app to give us infinite plinkett reviews
Fucking RLM
Fucking hack, frauds.
Make an app where you can make friends because I really need some friends
When is the next Plinkett review?
Grindr already got that market cornered.
why the fuck do you care about california? ask him about nebraska, i bet nebraska is pretty fucking lenient, and it doesn't take shit to publish an app besides cash and an internet connection
VCs won't invest if they can't monitor it from their home in Palo Alto.
Just checked that out...
It seems to be for gay dudes.I want friends not cock.
Are you sure? I charge $5 for a blowie
lol so? can they not make a skype call instead of driving over?
even better, put a baby monitor in the office
How are they going to justify their exorbitant fees to their fund investors if they don't show up unannounced all the time and micromanage?
fuck off you're in every thread holy shit please stop posting for the love of god
there are multiple people posting using that non-trip, i think
>Don't put it in Californian server
>When they buy it they buy it from another State
Jobs done.
That's not how it works.
Make it so it works outside the state
That actually sounds cool. I want to go to house parties
Don't bother releasing it in Denmark. They can buy booze at the age of 16 there.
uploading it now
reframe it as a diversity initiative
Just restrict it to non-california residents.
That also sounds like a terrible app idea
>being this beta
But you don't need to like cock. I can just suck your cock instead.
I'm just going to start using your thing since it triggers at least one faggot per thread, figured I'd let you know.
And OP are you so fucking retarded you didn't think making a app to get minors alcohol was illegal?
daily reminder that jordan is fat ugly and stupid.
he's made fun of everyday because of how much a faggot he is
Is this real
its a shoop of jay and his white trash cousin
What's with this trip, I started seeing it non stop
It's not a tripcode.
fucking name fag, now,you are associated with this fat fuck.