Is he the new king of Sup Forums?
Is he the new king of Sup Forums?
press secretary
no, he's a faggot desu
le op claiming id
This bassically.
I am your Lord and Savior
Can I be the new Duke of Sup Forums
pure cancer
mods should ban him
>implying i am one person
>implying there is only one
actually by him I meant Sup Forums
go choke on a cock, your money is running out and you have a full month ahead
I'm the biggest faggot on Sup Forums
I know, right?? I see this cuck shitting up literally every thread...This place was so much better when I joined last summer.
We do not believe in Kings. We believe in running code.
>putting faith in code to run
>implying the code does not run
I see your not using a god tier memory safe language like rust my friend
He needs to die.
No. Fuck off. He sucks