Why do open sauce loonixers not spend more time developing competitive consumer software and less time releasing the #123943942th pointless loonix distro?
Why do open sauce loonixers not spend more time developing competitive consumer software and less time releasing the...
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Friendly reminder
Because putting together a special snowflake distro is damn easy compared to actually programming shit.
Install void you fucking pleb cocksucker or enjoy your systemdicks
because they get their distros bought like Alpine Linux being sold to Docker and the lead maintainer is now a F/T employee there.
CoreOS has also stolen most of the Arch developers because they use the same package manager
What do you suggest they develop, animecunt? The hardest part is the idea.
no it is not.
If you can't implement your ideas, you might as well not have them.
Music software
Accounting/spreadsheet software
Video editing
You're still at the stage where you think development is hard and you think you're worthy of criticizing software professionals?
I tried multiple times to write graphical user interfaces for command line tools. By the time I was familiar enough with the command line tool / the API I no more had a need for a graphical interface so the projects died. Open source software is often written because the devs want to use it themselves, but GNU/Linux users often prefer the efficiency of the command line so that is what gets made.
software professionals cannot implement things themselves?
I don't mean have time to implement it, I mean know how it can be implemented.
I have seen a lot of shit designs go back to people who had no idea how things could get implemented.
The "idea guy" is about as worthless as a motivational poster on the wall.
>he wants people to develop open source games
>asks why they waste time on making #n distro
Sup Forums has to go.
No motivation. How can people working for free compare to people working for money?
Games aren't really my thing, but the user asked for ideas on making useful software
>Accounting/spreadsheet software
GNU Cash
LibreOffice Calc
Apache OFBiz
>Music software
>Video editing
>No motivation. How can people working for free compare to people working for money?
Most Linux developers are paid.
Games aren't very useful.
How about some working drivers to start with?
>FOSS alternatives
>none of them come remotely close to the original
It's because of people like you no one can take linux users seriously.
You keep spouting this crap instead of just admitting that there is in fact no software with that kind of quality.
You didn't even name an """original""" for accounting software.
Feel free to remain a slave to proprietary software companies. It's your choice :)
Krita is (surprisingly) really good. I think it has a serious team behind it.
I actually use the Win port more than SAI lately.
Tryton, the accounting software, is also quite capable. I doubt
ever worked in accounting however.
Dumb anime poster
Go back to v man child
Aren't you supposed to stay banned?
Here let me remind the janitors for posting off-topic
Go back to the reddit
Hello pissphone v2.0
Krita really seems open sores done right, with crowdfunding and all.
I don't really use it, though, but it looks nice
anime website
Cause they will use the pointless new distro and they dont need a fancy gui for the tools they develop for themselves.
There is usualy no incentive in FOSS to do software that is useless for the developer. Most devs use cli wich means no gui development.
>There is usualy no incentive in FOSS to do software that is useless for the developer.
Money (through crowdfunding) could be an incentive.
this nigga hasn't played tux racer