What's the point of distro hopping? Just go with the distro that has the largest software repository

What's the point of distro hopping? Just go with the distro that has the largest software repository.

But Debian is terrible in every other way.

Do you fuck only one girl? No! Distro = Girl

I did marry the women I lost my virginity to...

Such as?

You mean Windows?

You don't belong on this site.

You Takbir, bra?

Arch has the largest, if you consider the AUR

Sorry, long day.

That's nice

i have not sex, only masturbate

so true

Are you sure?

So you can feel cool and sheeit.

That explains the link between Arch and virginity.

Ubuntu has the largest, if you consider PPAs.


Wrong. AUR beats the number of PPAs.

>Just go with the distro that has the largest software repository.

So go with Windows?

What repositories?

ye me too men

That's Sabayon Linux.

nuget and chocolatey

I would never get tattoos, let alone a breast tattoo. Terrible.. I would also get triggered as soon as I'd find the slightest imperfection.
