Why do we rice?

I was wondering why I spent time ricing my desktop, rarely anyone other than me sees it. It's not like a car that you can use to pickup qt's.

Because most of us are under the magical pixie girl illusion that someone might still one day see it.

why the fuck do you decorate your house? because you like when your living or work environment is pretty and suits your needs


I have soft blue LEDs because I like to have soft blue LEDs in my work area.

I don't rice. I just set a japanese underwear model wallpaper and call it a day.

I don't decorate. I just pin up a japanese underwear model print and call it a day.

Ricing is an end in itself, just like life.
We have an ability to choose the meaning of our rice.
Rice is eternity.

>day 853
>someone approaching
>someone actually sees your dekstop
>turns around
>walks away

No rice, no life.

One time someone actually saw my rice and I got really excited and he told me to fix my font rendering.

Life is hell

Is this the new desktop thread


Personally I enjoy it. That's all there is to it.

because you're 12.

Personally, I remove the stock wallpaper and set the desktop to solid black. I leave everything else stock.

How does it feel to have no personality?

If you don't know why you do things, you should start making better questions to yourself.

How does it feel to have a bunch of resource-sucking non-functional crap running? How does it feel to have to waste time adjusting your color scheme because a developer made his program assuming the user was on the stock color scheme?

>actually caring about a few hundred MB of ram when 16GB+ is becoming the norm
>actually caring about the few hz of processing power for desktop bg's to change
>actually caring about a few hundred MB worth of disk space for nice, pleasant backgrounds to look at

Seesh, I'm one for function over form but you're dead inside. Surprisingly, moreso than me.

What extra stuff needs to run for rice. Isn't it just colors and theme

>ITT Caring more about how the desktop looks than what you use your computer for.
Do you also customize the dashboard of your car? Customize your microwave? Customize your bath towels? Customize your pants? Customize your toilet?
>no customized toilet
>it's so stark
>you're dead inside bro.

Conky, windowblinds, and additional compiz plugins are some of the common ones I can think of.


Pants is a bad example because people already customize them and fuck I'd customize anything if I was staring at it all day and night, it's called >aesthetics

Superior. How does it feel being a bitch?

>Do you also customize the dashboard of your car?

If I was keeping it for more than a year, yeah totes would.

>Customize your microwave? Customize your bath towels? Customize your toilet?

You're going full autist on that though.

>Customize your pants?

Actually, to a degree. I have the fitted, you know? To look good? Fucking go outside some day in something other than your tracksuit pants, which double as your pj's.

Really? Who customizes their pants? I would have them hemmed or a hem let out if they didn't fit - or I would just buy pants that fit in the first place... Beyond that? I'm sure some fashion designers and tailors customize their pants, I guess...

As humans we always seek improvement. That can range from aeshtetics, monetary compensation, or mental stimulation. Same reason we upgrade from a loft apartment, to a house, a car. It's to seek momentary happiness, and to distract us from the never ending cycle that is LIFE.

PS I love my desktop, gf, car, house, and l love life itself. Cheer up user

no rice, no life
I do it for me, but from time to time someone looks the screen and ask me what the hell is that and how did I do it.
Problem for some is that they favor looks over function and I think that's why they keep ricing

>japanese underwear model wallpaper
I would like to see it

I do the same

There's no reason to use a wallpaper other than solid black

Oh, so having tacky garbage on your display is having a personality?

I bet you put stickers on your laptop

We rice because we must

I do a lot of basic customization because it makes things comfy. It's like moving your bed to a certain corner of a room because you like to look out a window or maybe you want to be closer to an electrical outlet. Ricing just makes your system easier to use because you make it exactly how you want it. Things are always better when tailored to our individual needs and preferences. People against ricing are the same people who still wear a fucking necktie to work and paint their walls white. Fuck those boring losers.