Name that Material!

Can anyone tell me what type of material is being used in this image for the musculature of the mech? I keep on seeing it in media nowadays, but I can't tell if it's supposed to be a type of silicone or latex...

I would fuck the shit out of that.

Bumping with new robot with similar material.

that is a drawing of something that doesn't physically exist in reality

how the hell is someone supposed to know what "material"is being used in an artists rendering. It isnt true to life. How are you so stupid?

are you retarded faggot kys

Made up material or not, there will CLEARLY be an influence from real life.

Polished steel for the grey muscles. The ligaments (Red) look like a nanomaterial with a texture similar to worked leather, but it should be similarly resistant to graphene.
I have a subject called Material's Science.

Thank you very much! Knew someone on G would have the time to answer.

Carbon fiber

looks like vinyl

Says the namefag

He completely just bullshitted you

Here let me try

The red material looks like anodized titanium with a carbon fiber composite matrix. More than likely a Ti64 alloy that has been beta treated for maximum toughness.

Bullshittium, a new recently discovered material that has whatever bullshit properties you want
Hahahahaha no. You can render whatever the fuck you want these days. Particularly easy stuff to render is shiny stuff. They just drew something and jacked up the shinyness.

That's not what nanomaterial looks like, pic related nanomaterial

why does it look like they are wearing heels ?

looks like one of the dudes from warframe

I think they are remixing metal gear solid enemies with mental retardation


i wanted to look up anodizing titanium cause i have never heard of that before i thought it was just with aluminum. turns out its a thing.

so was ti64 beta

i guess its an titanium aluminum vanadium alloy. i have never even heard of vanadium before

That's complete bullshit too. If it was titanium like that, it wouldn't be able to move.

>it's not even a 3d render, it's literally a digital painting

my best guess would be simple shiny plastic though

kojima memes, everyone in kojima games wears heels and a climbing harness now because LOL SO TACTICAL XD

Well duh

isnt that right in the post

>He completely just bullshitted you

>Here let me try

It appears to be cyberskin elastomer that has been dyed with amiton

looks like a sweet vinyl wrap

Ask him yourself, his name's Konstantin Maystrenko.
Hope you know Russian though.

Hey I took a class called Material Science too.
Industrial Design Major Bro?
