What are your favourite fonts?
I personally love Source Serif Pro for reading.
What are your favourite fonts?
I personally love Source Serif Pro for reading.
Other urls found in this thread:
Segoe ui
fira mono
Arial Narrow and Helvetica. Sans-serif works too.
That's gross.
ugly asf
Why is it so blurry?
fira mono
They are not the same font, surely?
h a h a
Fixedsys holds a special place in my heart
Personally, I think Consolas is pretty comfy
ubuntu font is comfy
I use Consolas in GUI-based editors and Fixedsys for terminals.
Arno Pro is my personal favorite.
PT Mono
>those margins
Makes me want to puke tbqhwy
what reader is this?
Fira Code: monospaced font with programming ligatures
FBReader for android (the one on f-droid).
terminus best font for terminals
It's fucking tiny, just like your dick.
Georgia is the best for comfortable paragraph-form reading.
San Francisco and Roboto are my two favorites.
My favorite fonts are
>Kozuka Mincho Pro Gothic
>LT Finnegan
I use terminus but I could be convinced to switch by something else that's well-designed and readable at tiny sizes.
Why is Times New Roman a standard
mh i just dont know what to think of ligatures
Iosevka for monospace
Otherwise Noto because idc
Meslo LG
Honestly Perfect DOS VGA is the same but better. Camcorder is really nice too.
Source Sans , both Light & Regular
Geomanist Regular
Open Sans Regular
All are "Classical" fonts in the sense that they are for long texts and are not noticed, but better in every aspect over the standard garbage such as calibri, Arial, Times New Roman and Helvetica. Just try them for yourself.
Would like to post some examples, but I'm on Wangblows atm and the shitty font rendering wouldn't help anyone.
Source Sans Pro is also really clean and simple. I use it on nearly all my devices as my main font
Envy Code
Did my thesis in Baskervald. I'm usually not too fond of hipstery shit, but this font appealed to me somehow. I used the lettrine package to get decorative initials as well, using the GoudyIn font.
Ubuntu font is the best one. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't
That's nice.
What was the thæsis on?
Satellite measurements of vegetation - and what to learn from those.
Which is the best one for subtitles?
So what can we learn from satellite measurements of vegetation?
A shitload. In fact, there's several petabytes of data lying around, just waiting to be exploited. Plant health, water stress, soil moisture .. lots of these sorts of parameters are actually well-captured by plant greenness, making a few of the new hundred-million satellite missions redundant. Kek.
I really like PragmataPro, looks nice
I like roboto and tahoma.
>paid fonts
implying I would pay the ridiculous price that dude is asking. He made a nice typography and thinks he made Helvetica.
That's really cool user.
>Source Serif Pro
How do you solve missing ampersand (&) symbol?
Wanna post it?
Open Sans or Clear Sans are my choices for plaintext subtitles.
LT Finnegan
go back to 2013
we noto sans now kiddo
I dislike the Noto family.
>that tab width
but that's illegal user!
>Using non free fonts
Liberation serif
Droid serif
I don't want my documents to become other party's property just because of the font I use.
Nah, I'm happy not to have my real identity linked to a post on a Romanian body hair appreciation image board.
Those are OFL, by the way.
Libre Baskerville is nice as well.
My bad, Droid* is Apache.
What is this retarded passage from?
Johnny Mnemonic
Reminds me of some old teletype terminals, I like it.