What OS should I pirate for my first build?

What OS should I pirate for my first build?

Has to be able to run vidya.


windows 7 + daz loader




Use GNU.

Any truly good game will run on GNU one way or the other. I'm sorry you can't run shitty cawadootie and crapplefield bullshit on GNU.

win7 if dx11
win10 if dx12
win7 if vulkan is an option

>Old Vidya
Win 7
>New Vidya
Win 10
>Source games only

Windows 10 Pro so you can defer updates. Use KMSpico.

Gentoo or go back to Sup Forums

Windows 7 if you're autistic, Windows 10 otherwise.

Might as well use Windows 10 since all versions of Windows have a universal backdoor. Once your OS is totally owned there's no point debating other ancillary spying features that different versions contain. It's Windows, everything on the machine is shared with MS and the USG if they ever need to reach in and take a look.

There's still the accessibility version trick to get a free copy. And once it's activated on your hardware there's some MS black magic that concatenates all your hardware serial numbers into a device key that gets saved in their servers. So if you every switch OS you can go back to Windows, and Windows activation will "remember" your computer.

But I'd recommend Linux especially if you have Nvidia graphics. Plenty of Steam games support Linux. Any of the Ubuntu derivatives work well with Steam. You will miss out on some of the AAA titles like Battlefield and Overwatch. Those companies almost assuredly take bribes from MS to keep it that way.

Okay I have an RX 480 in the mail so I guess I'm going with win 10 for the dx12 benefits.

Are windows iso files safe for the most part or is it really risky?

>There's still the accessibility version trick to get a free copy. And once it's activated on your hardware there's some MS black magic that concatenates all your hardware serial numbers into a device key that gets saved in their servers. So if you every switch OS you can go back to Windows, and Windows activation will "remember" your computer.

I'm confused. So Microsoft knows I pirated win10 and stores every serial number of all my stuff?

depends on your source

i don't know of a reliable crack for win10 yet

Depends on what you want, really.

Option 1:
Simply get win7/10, install it, play useless shit and stay a normie, aka "part of the problem"

Option 2:
Start with a Linux distro you like.
Play games that run natively/simply work with WINE.
Fuck around to get latest AAA games working. Learn a lot in progress.
Finally get "Call of no mans Battlefield: Human Degeneration" running.
Realize that the world is a pit full of assholes that's going to total upfuck soon.
Do more important things than escaping reality.

Choose what fits you best.

>Dvas face

>yfw femenist mei

going about all that run around shit to get something running seems to be more of 'the problem' than windows is.


Windows 7 and Windows 8 seem easier to pirate right now at first glance after googling some stuff.

Windows 7 has the start button so I guess I do that. Thank you.

I thought liberals were the problem? Oh wait Stallman is a liberal retard.

MS don't care if people pirate their shit at this point anymore, they just want you to use it so they don't perish.

Good old actually once said something along the lines of "I prefer people to steal my shit to them using someone else's shit"

Daz doesn't work if you plan on going GPT, and if you aren't a retard and/or plan on using an M2/PCIe SSD, you're going GPT. Use KMS for GPT

you could always crack 7 and do that accessibility shit to upgrade to 10 i think.

How did you "pirate" Windows 10? MS is, still, giving it away for free.

Did you download some infected Windows 10 iso from a dodgy torrent? WTF, man. Get the official USB installer creation tool from MS's own website. You'll still get MS's spyware but at least they won't steal money from your bank account like the Russians.

The cosplayer is a feminist? I follower her on Twitter, never seen that

More than 75% of the people not realizing that there's an underlying problem to our world right now is the biggest part of the problem imo

You can tell by looking at her.

I thought they stopped. (I haven't downloaded anything)

It says it's free for people who use "assistive technologies", what does that even mean? Do you know?

But don't I have to get a previous version of windows anyway so I can upgrade?

I dunno dude

You should come back when you're 18 and done with video games.

Okay here's the plan: ISO of 7 Ultimate and use Daz's loader.

This info is curtsy of Reddit. No shame here.

>No shame here.
Do you think that's for the best? Sometimes shame is an appropriate emotion

Get Ubuntu for free and get a load of Tux Racer

I already got the Window 7 Ultimate ISO and used Microsoft's USB/DVD mounter.

Also got the Daz's loader ready.

I'm making an Overwatch box so...

>Daz doesn't work if you plan on going GPT
You're the retard here.

>What OS to pirate
There's only one OS that can be installed on PC and that's windows, you can get windows 10 if you buy a pc

i like how all the naughty words are censored. this is the internet and we can't be offending any obese baby boomer lady

Win 7

Winfag shill.

Unfeminine nose = feminist

but it's cute doe

Windows XP

Overwatch doesn't run on XP officially.

HAHAHA. Seriously though, even my normal clients wanted 7 over 10, not just autists.

Unless there's been some magical update within the last couple years, Daz is BIOS/MBR only, UEFI/GPT doesn't work

What do that even mean?

If you get 7 you can upgrade to 10 free and legally

>Windows 10 is suddenly an acceptable OS for Sup Forums
When will this meme end? By the way, I've deposited $5 to your Windows Store account.

What are Os ?

>Freefags actually believe this

But i have amd gpu on my laptop

Manjaro (or any other linux distro), although you cant pirate it because it is free.

If you really want to play certain games that are not available under linux then go for windows 10

> vidya

Arch Linux + virtualbox :^)

Don't I have to call them?