G Shock

Sup Forums,

What is your opinion of these watches? I think there's no better kind. I love everything about them.

Also, of the following two models, which do you like....



my opinion is they look autistic and no one needs a wrist-watch for pure utility, so if you're wearing a watch you should be wearing one that doesn't look retarded

>24 hour clock

Kill yourself

I just wish it wasn't so bulky.

Yeah. Unless you have Schwarzenegger arms, these watches look too huge.

Idk, it's a lot more convenient to have the date and time on your wrist
And it can make a difference in situations where it's inappropriate to pull your phone out or something

some niggers use military time

They look like shit, in my opinion.

at this point they are more of a fashion now
I got the Char's one

Jesus that looks great

Fuck it's expensive as hell on ebay :(

Yeah it was limited edition. Sometime the price do go up and you can sell it to retard
but then there are retards who hoard limited edition and turn out nobody want it because its so expensive.
Still these days G-shock like to slab on "limited Edtion" and raise the price so high and people will still eat it up

and for something like the Frogman
they used to be around $400 when it came out
and then year after they decide to discontinue all but black/red color, so the price shoot up to $1k

It speaks.
Kill YOURself - everything is logged and properly recorded, dated 24-hours.
Eat shit and die.

Excuse me, you're the nigger here.

Now THAT looks autistic.
2016 Frogman doesn't look bad. Pic Related.

There are less bulky models. Pic related, I've got it and my brother had the mudman. Very different in sizes.

Gold display looks better.

But what do I know about 'fashion', I wear this hulking behemoth...

i have little use for a G-Shock specifically. It's hilariously big on me. i only really wear it anymore because my dad bought it for me some 10yrs ago


that looks hard to read at a glance. I don't want the void to stare back at me when I check the time

thank you Mr Skeltal

the hype beasts would wear it at my highschool.

I want pictures of skinny Japanese schoolgirls wearing a G-Shock

you gotta love them

that's what baby-gs are for

I like mine.
I'm fat, so it doesn't look too ridiculous.

>What is your opinion of these watches?
Giant hideous retarded children's toys.

They are fashionable as fuck and indestructible, not sure where childrens toy comes into it.

I bet this is what your phone looks like.

Guys, I'll be taking apart my first Amphibia soon for customization, and I'll need tools. Basic ones, because I don't feel like putting a fortune into something I'll be doing a couple times only, especially on such a cheap watch.

What are cheap but decent case holders, case openers and hands removers suitable for Russian dogshit?

my own beat to shit mudman 9300

tough watch


I have this one. How autistic am i?

Remove the branding and it'd be fine, but as it is, very fucking autistic.

>lenovo rubber dome
>baby g

oh jeeze

Why did you get a women's watch? Are you a trap? Or a female yeti?

g-shock are good but get the one with solar power and wave-ceptor these two features are very important

this is standard in EU

huge watches look bad

low test

Autistic kiddo watches.

>no one needs a wrist-watch for pure utility

You've never worked trades in attic, crawlspace, etc? Extreme sports? Cave diving?

What do those round indicators show?

How's the unemployment welfare?

>fatass with a SPORT watch


Well, I have lost 100lbs ;)

i have a g-lide GLS-8900 AR. mines black with the colored rim. i like it alot.

You kiddies need to grow up and get a real watch instead of this plastic toy shit marketed to 12 year olds.

In the Army, the only people wearing G-shocks are privates and Sergeant Chongos.

Fucking disgusting

I have that exact watch

Literally nobody wears gshock anymore, the new fad is smart watches.

Plastic is for kids.

Inb4 babby wrists.

what does the army even do?

>very important
Why? It's quartz. I'm trying to imagine a situation where you would be out of touch with an accurate reference clock long enough for the drift to matter and yet need a sub minute accuracy. When i was a kid I had a g shock and it stayed within a second for months before I got bored of checking it.


ahahaha he does too.

what a fag

nigga u blind? they are covered in hair, its just thin and light

the best

got a DW5600

planning on getting this next

it's a Mudman G-9000-1v btw


This is fake

I really like the look of this. A F-91W crossed with a G-shock. It's not as big as the others and would go well with my babby wrists. These aren't overpriced collectors editions, right?

make way for the ultimate watch Sup Forums

I really love the look, but have a couple questions:

1. Where can I buy them in Canada?
2. Can I put a Nato strap on them easily without complex tools?

Shit watches lads.

Casio F-91W reporting.
Some of us work with our hands and need small watches.

>These aren't overpriced collectors editions, right?
The early 1980s models are but a new one is $80-$90 and that is for a radio controlled and solar powered one. A DW-5600 (pic) is even more basic and goes for like ~$40

That shit looks way too basic. Yours was better looking.

Fuck youuuuuuuuu

>admiting to being a terrorist

Allahu akbar

an autist guy complaining that the watch looks autistic, cool i will buy that watch if you autist fucks say it looks autistic

So is this /wt/ for now?

The irony, the F-91W is the most shit of all the digital Casios. For literally a dollar or two more you can get a much nicer one. It's too bad they discontinued the 71W, it was objectively superior to the 91 but you memer faggots ruined it all.

Got myself this, super pleased.

nice opinion