Old thread: >>????????

Old thread: >>????????

>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>don't respond to anime posters, they are known to ruin threads and shitpost, report and ignore.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there an easy way to add my .torrent files and have qbittorrent check subfolders to find matches? I have all my music/movies/tv/games in different folders and don't want to manually add hundreds of torrents...

You lucky fucking son of a bitch. It's the only tracker (besides Sinderella, but I'll never get on that) I'm not on that I want to be on. I hate you.

old thread is you cunt


Someone doesn't know what phishing is.
Pic related.

You can add all of them paused. Make them all go to a specific directory,
recheck, move ones that aren't complete to another directory, repeat
Should take less than 10 minutes.

Or, you could move all of your torrents into one directory with your current client.. but that's kind of stupid
no u

>You can add all of them paused. Make them all go to a specific directory,
> recheck, move ones that aren't complete to another directory, repeat
>Should take less than 10 minutes.
Clever girl. Thank you. Are there usually any rules about seeding from multiple computers?


The rare Society Glitch is now up for un-official recruitment on WCD PU inv forum.

>Are there usually any rules about seeding from multiple computers?
Depends on the tracker,
On what.cd you can only have 3 different IPs at a time if I remember correctly.

>check new GPs
>"oh, nice"

>wow i sure hate high quality encodes

>man its been a while
>login to all my sites
>login to PTP


This goes to anyone, but, what is Sinderella? In terms of content -I know it's super fucking rare or something, but it is it even worth my time?

tldr; What content is on Sinderalla?

Not sure if I'm being fucked with desu. Received this email:

>You have been invited to Empornium

>From: noreply(at)www.empornium.me, To:
eynlwzri, Date 2016-09-06 03:05:22

>The user ________ has invited you to join Empornium, and has specified this address >(49qa8w+9alsh0grhct3w(at)sharklasers.com) as your email address. If you do not know this person, please ignore this email, and do not reply.

>Please note that selling invites, trading invites, and giving invites away publicly (eg. on a forum) is strictly forbidden. If you have received your invite as a result of any of these things, do not bother signing up - you will be banned and lose your chances of ever signing up legitimately.

>To confirm your invite, Please send your desired username and password in a reply to this email,

>The format should be as followed:



>Once you have received a confirmation email, please visit this link for further instructions.

>To confirm your invite, click on the following link:


>After you register, you will be able to use your account. Please take note that if you do not use this invite in the next 3 days, it will expire. We urge you to read the RULES and the wiki immediately after you join.

>Thank you,
Empornium Staff


I sent back an email in the proper format and didn't get a reply. A few minutes later, I had another email from desu(at)national.shitposting.agency saying, "check the new thread you mong

Am I being b8ed, Sup Forums?

What's the private tracker for hitmen, this is the deep web right?

Also, when I go to the invite link, it says:

>Invite not found!

Though this could be because I never got the confirmation email.

Go to their irc and ask the staff?

Im your guy, who do you want killed?

lmao, I thought it was sketchy that they'd send from anonymouse. Well played.

By the way, I made up a custom username and pass for that. You won't find jack shit with that info.

Korean porn

Speaking of foreign trackers, does anyone have any experience with tvc? Does it have all of the jools holland episodes?


Haha, thanks.

I had to use anonymouse as the "reply to" otherwise I wouldn't have seen it.
Would have been more convincing without it, though.
The sender is actually EMP..


wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers mentions GazelleGames and BlackCatGames for games.

Does anybody know if any of these carry linux releases as well? (e.g. DRM-free GOG releases for indie games)

>Does anybody know if any of these carry linux releases as well? (e.g. DRM-free GOG releases for indie games)
they do

Empornium is the best fucking tracker ever. No bullshit.

There's a difference between high quality and straight up fucking bloated. This is animation, and cell animation to boot. Even if it was a live action movie it'd still be bloated.

Word. Just stream anime from crunchyroll desu

Oh I get it. It's the best """"""fucking"""""" tracker. For content related to content with sexual intercourse aka "fucking".

Thanks. Do you know which one is bigger of those two?

I work 60 hours a week and could still do a recruiters job. I mean seriously, how hard is this shit? Check their ratio, see if they're banned on other trackers>>> invite. Jesus christ, its not rocket science

t. rocket scientist

happy Ganesh Chaturthi to you sir

I understand being busy for a week or two at times, but 5 months.. How do you not have time to check a stupid website more often than that?

I finished watching Me Before You (GP FL on PTP atm) and it's completely decent. Worth watching if you fancy seeing Ms. Eyebrows act for 2 hours. Lighthearted comfy (because of the old English town atmosphere) easy to watch drama. 3/5

Apparently turbo feminists are upset that a white straight rich man can be depressed. They seem to think it doesn't matter if he's paralyzed or not. Astounding.

>Ganesh Chaturthi
>I understand being busy for a week or two at times, but 5 months.. How do you not have time to check a stupid website more often than that?
Especially when that's literally what they're supposed to be doing

If I change the names of files will they no longer be recognized to be seeded? Or is it just the guts that matter

you can't change anything about them

You'll need to point your client to them and recheck. It won't know them otherwise.

But as long as I recheck them they'd be fine? This guy seems to disagree

Mhmm. Right-click "relocate" on the individual files in uTorrent. I don't know how you'd do it in any other.

No. You can change the name of the parent folder they are located in, assuming that folder isn't included in the .torrent. If it is, you can't change that either.

You can use hard links if you want to change the names without having to create second copies

>not using soft links
also dubs

I like my links like I like my men

I guess if you don't plan on ever moving your files softlinks are better

It honestly depends on the torrent client. There's nothing stopping a torrent client from doing whatever it wants in principle.

>You can use hard links if you want to change the names without having to create second copies
I don't know what that is. Linux only?


Can kids these days not even be bothered to open a wikipedia page?

you might wanna look into filebot, you can set up a script to rename files & automatically link


>you might wanna look into filebot, you can set up a script to rename files & automatically link
I currently use filebot for renaming my TV shows but didn't know it could autolink. I need to do some research, obviously

>wcd log checker still not updated
You'd think this would be high on the priority list.

getting ready to interview for what.cd to get into the deeper private trackers

after being on animebytes & ipt for over a year

reading their whatinterviewprep site and holy fuck are you autists really this fucking insane about your audio files?
I have hundreds of VPS and dedicated servers around the world that I manage, and I want to seed from them. why the fuck do I care about your stupid fucking "spectral analysis to check for lossy transcodes"
I'll just write software to automate what I need done, why do I need to memorize it?
pls kill yourselves.

>on AB for over a year
>doesn't have access to the invite forum

Why are you crying so hard?
It's really not difficult to have that access when you actually work for a living, user..

>literally too retarded to upload 10 torrents

i'm sorry lad it's terminal

>why the fuck do I care about your stupid fucking "spectral analysis to check for lossy transcodes"
How are you going to write software to check for this?


>uploading your own shit
no thx, I just fill up 8tb of crap and let it seed

Not sure if bait. My opinion is that if you're a Sup Forums browser and don't know enough about audio codecs to answer the interview questions then you're probably Sup Forums spillover and should kill yourself

It's real fucking basic. It's not like they're asking you to implement a psychoacoustic masking algorithm or explain the intriciacies of various windows for spectral resamplers or something

They just want to know that you understand the difference between lossless and lossy codecs. And honestly, if you don't, you need to get off this board

nothing I've read on this site is new to me. It's hilarious how extreme autism people are though.

Allowed Lossy Formats

MP3 (the minimum bitrate for MP3 is 192kbps (CBR))
AAC (can be trumped by any MP3 torrent unless it was bought from the iTunes store and includes iTunes Exclusive tracks)
AC3 (usually found in DVDs)
DTS (usually found in DVDs)

>literally only allow the garbage lossy formats

>MP3 is the most popular lossy format on What.CD. We allow AAC files bought from the iTunes store because there are often iTunes-specific bonus tracks, and since AAC is lossy it cannot be converted to other formats without a loss in quality. Similarly, AC3 and DTS are music formats often found on DVDs and since they are lossy, they cannot be converted to other formats without a loss in quality.

that is incorrect, you can convert it to a lossless format and not lose quality from that original AAC...

are they retarded?

youre the one whos retarded

Are you? Low-tier bait desu

aww why are you guys so butthurt over the shitposts on this site?
They're spreading false information, I thought you autists knew audio or something like that.. you claim to

/ptg/, i'm a member at torrentday, and i know that everyone hates them because pay2torrent and ddos and the owner being a douche or whatever, but, having not paid them anything or given them any valuable info, do i lose anything by being a member there, and/or are other general trackers way better? baconbits and torrentshack are mentioned on the wiki, but i'm not sure how stringent requirements are to get in those. are what.cd ratios that persuasive?

i torrent relatively infrequently, mostly looking for sporadic stuff and just leave stuff seeding forever, but i know that ratios from IPT and its sister sites are worthless among many other trackers.

Now now no need to be mean. We're ALL retarded here.

what's the best torrent client to use in terminal? rtorrent?

I've never used one in just terminal, I've setup rtorrent with a web interface and transmission has that built in..

Do random release groups make money or why do they do it?

> BitTorrent uses a specific protocol based on upload speeds and the number of other peers in order to choose which pieces of the torrent to download from which peer.

uhhh no it doesn't. bittorrent doesn't use a specific protocol, it IS THAT PROTOCOL

holy fuck why are these people so stupid?

use ruTorrent with rtorrent...

>idk how to read or answer your question huauhehjaeahe sry im dumy hehkkee

that's you, faggot
I don't want a fucking web client

>a specific protocol

maybe if they meant that they'd word it differently
but that doesn't describe SYN ACK at all from TCP, it describes the bittorrent protocol exactly. and no other protocol.

>Most home internet providers use Network Address Translation(NAT) to allow home users to connect as many devices to their router (also known as a modem or wireless unit)

incorrect, a modem and a router are in no way similar, nor are they interchangable devices. Some devices have both capabilities in them. as well as access point and switching capabilities.

that's like saying an engine and a cup holder and a car are the same things. that's totally wrong. do all cars have engines? no
do all cup holders have engines? no
all cars have cup holders? no
do all cup holders have cars? no

jesus christ who wrote this site?

if you're going to be stupid and fucking autistic about your music, do everything on the site that way.

complain in the interview, I'm sure they'll accept your input and fix it

You're like that autistic kid in class who tries to correct everyone at any opportunity. Kill yourself.

whoa man I'm just reading their interview prep, it's not MY fault they have so much false information here.

Hahaha all your autism is fucking hilarious. The sad part is everything you've said is actually correct. They really should change it.
It's unfortunate they wouldn't, because they should. They're using a dumbed down way of teaching on some subjects and then others it's high level. Now even I'm reaching through this site.

Reading through* sorry auto correct on phone

They even mention the bit torrent protocol on their rules page so someone knows that's the protocol.

It only allows those formats because they're the ones that are actually used in “original” (i.e. reference) distribution of media

There's no point in allowing Opus because it's completely unnecessary: There's no store that will sell you Opus and only Opus. (If they bother to support Opus at all, then they'll probably also support FLAC)

It makes sense when you spend more than 2 seconds thinking about it.

Yes but that would be pretty pointless because you could just upload the original lossy sample to begin with, save bandwidth and not mislead people into thinking it was lossless.

Uploading lossy failes in lossless formats is explicitly against the rules, so what you're suggesting would not be permitted one way or the other.

they do support flac..

not what was said. at all. they just said it was impossible which it is not.

I'm clear on the rules, I doubt I'll be uploading anything unless one of their "green box" formats doesn't exist on something that was uploaded.

But you're transcoding FLAC to Opus and uploading that. If they allowed Opus. And they do allow FLAC by the way.

Is CG or KG better for retard movies?

>all these deleted posts

i'm not on either but i'm pretty sure CG is (waslol) b grade movies and KG is foreign/obscure shit.

rofl just saw all the deleted
I guess my insults toward their prep site hurt someone?

>they do support flac..
>But you're transcoding FLAC to Opus and uploading that. If they allowed Opus. And they do allow FLAC by the way.
How fucking retarded are you people? I'm talking about stuff like online web stores, not what.cd

If the web store provides FLAC, then upload FLAC to what.cd and be done with it. No point in providing any other formats because you can just download FLAC and transcode that.

MP3/AAC/AC3 are only allowed because some albums are only *available* in MP3/AAC/AC3 (e.g. if they're on DVDs, or if they're sold on stores like iTunes that only support lossy formats)

It's real simple

wasn't me

Could somebody on Pretome or another scene tracker search for the group aeroholics and tell me if there's many releases from them on there?

Loads on extremebits

Thanks, didn't know they track graffiti footage. Is there many releases on there?

just reached HD-Pro on awesome-hd
ask me anything


Pretty much everything. There is a whole graffitti section on there

Thanks user.


How many times is too many times to masturbate per day?

You shouldn't masturbate at all

>not bringing the ruckus to the ladies

Did you use a cheatbox?