Anti-Christian version of TempleOS?

Has no one built an Anti-Christian version of TempleOS just for fun to send to Terry?

Make is all black with red text and give it some satanic name.

no he might go off the deep end and hurt himself or someone else. it's best that we just leave him alone.

Yeah we could make it all about how the OS wants to devour your soul like satan... let's call it... Windows

Nice try Terry, you can't fool us.

Yeah, playing pranks on a schizo seems like an amazing idea OP.

Fuck off you CIA nigger

You can't build satanic version because it's written in HolyC

We can just build an un-HolyC, remember the devil was once an angel.

>Writes are not cached.

Is this all god can do? Seriously?

Does noone remember Sup Forums's attempt at creating SatanOS earlier this year?

you know nothing about programming, do you?

nah, he does. all the cool hip languages these days are just based off of other languages usually very similar to eachother so why don't we just literally copy/paste holyc and change the name and add some random feature so we won't feel bad about forking it

shut the fuck up you autist

What this fag said.

Got more info?

Not really, other than it ended up like any other Sup Forums community project and everyone quit within a week. There might be a repo of it still on Github.

>We can just build an un-HolyC
C++ already exists

Actually if you check some of the stuff it says it goes against the bible; the most blatant thing would be the oracle to talk to God. I am convinced that TempleOS is actually work of a satanist trying to misguide Christians into practicing spiritism, just as the bible says that Satan doesn't always act in ways that look evil, but sometimes disguises himself as God. Bottom line is that it's already anti Christian, but Christians don't read the bible enough to notice it.

Post your software achievements, OP :)

there is repo with 3 logos. never change Sup Forums

t. Satan


t. CIA nigger

Kind if the point. Is faggot idea that will never be completed by faggots. Last attempt couldn't even decide on a logo, which btw should be the last step and not the first.

>Implying he won't just call it a damn retarded nigger OS

Seems like many fags forgot. Last time I brought it up no one remembered it.
Temple OS with edgy heel face turn and networking support. Like all Sup Forums projects ended in logo stage.

>Like all Sup Forums projects ended in logo stage.
How hard was it to just reverse the TempleOS logo?

Sup Forums tried to start satanOS a while ago

How was the logo?

only thing god flushes is your ass straight to hell

>Anti-Christian version of TempleOS


Needs an edit with 'he should join our start up', 'lets ask him'


another fantastic thread