ITT: Memes you fell for

ITT: Memes you fell for.
These headphones literally have the word "meme" in their name. The "M" in M50x stand for meme.

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I have the M40x and I can't tell it from an apple earbud

The beyermeme was the best meme I've fell for

maybe you should stop downloading 128kbps music.

ATH-M50s are fucking garbage, we all fell for the meme, there's a lot of faggots who have never used anything other than apple headphones perpetuating it.
The least we can do now is inform people of the tin can shit box excuse for a headphone
Beyerdynamemes are comfy. Not quite the best, but things like the DT770s and 880s are by far the best of the price range imo

Whats comfier than dt770s, been using m50 with hm5 pads.

The m50 is fine. I've had my pair two years ans I have no plans to replace them.

>These headphones literally have the word "meme" in their name. The "M" in M50x stand for meme.

Autist trying his hand at comedy.

Most of Audio Technica's headphones emphasize mids and highs. The M50s were meant to be crowd pleasers, for people who whined that headphones like the AD700/AD900 weren't "loud enough" since they had quiet bass. People love Beats by Dre not only because of the name, but because of the overemphasized bass. The M50 is just a step in that direction. If you didn't know that before buying them then you didn't do enough research.

I'm quite happy with mine, can't complain. Would fall for this meme again, especially since I got them for 110 bucks.

Nice try OP... Nice try.

Same I've had my M50s for almost 5 years.
Yes they're bass-heavy to autists obsessed with a flat sound signature but I love the way they sound,
Got my for $99 and even had them modded for a removable headphone jack.

loving my m50x mane
comfy as fuck, sound great, and look niiiice
modular cables are awesome
absolutely 0 complaints

>Supercux HD668b

Just bought it yesterday for $20, used, good condition.

Pretty good so far, slightly too much clamping force for my taste, but I hope it'll get better over time.

The only complaint I have about these after 4 years is that the cover on the headband is cracking and flaking off.

What are you, 12?

>comfy as fuck
they're a lot of things, but they're not "comfy."

You need tiny ears or the M50x is going to clamp on your ears's edge

I fell for the headphone "burn-in" meme.


Love 'em

with what headphones?
at first when i got my q701's i was very disappointed, but after a few hours of pink noise they sound nice

Basically this, and the standard ear pads are pretty bad after some use.

I bought £15 earpads for my 668b

the dac+amp improves sound meme

this. also having a big head makes it painful to wear. i had to stretch mine over an object bigger than my head. left it like that for 10 hours and then it started to fit over my head.
still, the ear problem remains.

Ive ordered a pair, Has anyone herealso heard of Somic V2?

you're fucking deaf man
seriously, seek medical help immediately or risk death

They were the most uncomfortable shits I've ever worn

M50X? They're on my ears right now. Comfortable and great sound.

I'm very happy that I fell for the dt880 meme. I'm using them right now!

>comfy as fuck
if you consider wearing a vice grip on top of your head comfortable

I agree that the headphones are a meme. But your joke was forced as fuck and made me cringe.

>I'll buy these headphones so many people class as subpar
>What why are they shit?

You have no one to blame but yourself op. Comments from shills are apple tier hilarious though.

>Hey guys the m50x are not what I expected, the bass is a bit lacking
>They are great, it's you who's wrong in enjoying more bass

lol is this the new poorfag general thread?

>Poor purchasing decisions general

Yep, poorfag thread

They're nice headphones, buy by no means "comfy".


I bought them as throwaway headphones, I only expected low quality sound and they're not bad but they lack bass to the point it's basically non existent and they feel SO flat that I feel like I overpaid still @ £16

Why did px100-IIs have to up in price so much? They were amazing throwaway (and portable) headphones. >£25 a few years ago >now they're £40

What the actual FUCK


God tier, best 50€ I've spent a few years back. Have quarter modded hd414 pads as well, bass is now perfect sitting a little farther from my ears, and make it comfy as fuck

I also fell for the M40x meme. It sounds disgusting and is uncomfortable as fuck and also too expenesive.
I had some AKG K530 before that and that shit was just 50€ when I bought it at random years ago. They were so much better that I wanted to write a letter full of curse words to ATH, but I considered otherwise. I will never buy shit Sup Forums recommends again.

I use the M50 daily for ASMR and they feel good.
Best value of any purchase I have done so far, the second one being a 500€ hp laptop that's still going strong after 5 years

I'm happy with mine. They isolate reasonably.
Recording, VOIP and that whole sort of a thing.
Cheap too.

No, no. This is the real Meme50

Pads are awful, sounds like shit, try to move your headband slightly and one of the cups flips over several times, large half ball inside the cup.

I can go on and on, these were the worst.

Have to practice that a lot did you?
I can see you never owned a pair
Also pic related

What is this panda? Is this virus website?

they are awful, especially the price they go for now.
they are only worth about $90

I have it saved on a word document for when someone brings up m50s.

I have them and I like them

how are those pads?
are they better at staying cool?

I sold mine for $50 like a week after I fell for the meme
Disgusting, shameful cans

My issues were only with the sound quality and frequency response. I made the mistake of thinking I could use these as studio phones. As DJ phones where all you need to hear is cues and if the beat is matched, they're fine. They're tough, look alright and flip for DJBJ's But using them in a situation where the sound matters? Fucking miserable excuses

Can anyone recommend some reasonable headphones. Coming from Logitech G35's.
My price range is about $100-$150.
My current plan is to go buy some Phillips or Seinheiser headphones that match my budget.

Go for the Philips. Sennheiser has abysmal build quality. They don't call them snapheissers for no reason.

>Not the best build cans ever

Philips cant make consumers electronics for shit,Im sure the headphones arent any diferent either.

Wait until Black Friday and buy whatever is $100 off
That's how I got my HD598's, still prefer DT880's tho

>ever listening to the 'audiophiles' from /hpg/


HD 25s are the best. I've had two pairs in the last 20 years and wouldn't swap for anything else.

It's not just here, ATH-M50s have been shilled around the world for years, all while remaining complete garbage. We need to put an end to this.

I bought JVC HA-S500 that I bought from some Japanese seller on ebay. Put the blue Adidas Sennheiser HD25 pads on them too. They're excellent for the price, I can just toss them around and not worry much about it too. Not enough love for these headphones imo.

Are bose soundtrue good Sup Forums?


Bitch I returned these and bought myself a pair of LCD-2s and an amp.

The only poorfag here is you satisfied with plastic meme shit.

I kind of want to buy these but I don't want my roommates to hear my music.