>Except as otherwise noted in this website, all of the content of the website constitutes a work of the Federal government under sections 105and 403of title 17 of the U.S. Code.
Does this also cover the javascript on the website? Does this mean that there's no botnet on Congressman Trey Gowdy's website, or in fact any Congressman's website, since Public Domain means free as in freedom?
Though I don't know who did the coding involved for the website. If that was contracted out to a private party, conceivably they could exert copyright over it. But then I'd expect to see some kind of notice for those parts.
Ethan Harris
Elijah Baker
Cool find OP
Joshua Russell
>samefagging this hard The cringe is unbearable
Nathan Edwards
Sebastian Rogers
>using a portable botnet All that talk about freedom, and it turns out you're just a big fraud!
Cooper James
B-but it's a R-Replicant phone, a-user-kun...
Oliver Wright
>mos of america doesn't matter Not anymore it doesn't. The american economy's going down whether Trump or Clinton win and there's nothing shart in marts can do about it
Logan Rodriguez
Yes, we know you went to your computer to post.
Luis Williams
N-no, I'm just u-using my f-freedomphone...
Thomas Long
Do everyone a favor and exercise your freedom to leave.
John Williams
B-but my q-question wasn't a-answered d-definitively yet...
Robert Watson
Nobody cares about your question.
Ian Morris
S-see ...
Ethan Robinson
Go away you mindless meme spouting retard.
Isaac Hill
>bullying someone who just wants to be safe from the botnet W-why?
Justin Ramirez
Go away you mindless meme spouting retard.
Owen Gomez
O-okay kid...
Evan Evans
Go away you mindless meme spouting retard.
Michael Young
You're all feeding his mental illness. He thrives on this shit. Everyone just leave and hide the thread.
Ryder Rivera
>his >he B-but I'm a girl!
Aaron Garcia
Go away you mindless meme spouting retard.
Lucas Rodriguez
>and there's nothing shart in marts can do about it Maybe start a new war?
Connor Brown
FOR FUCKS SAKE, CAN'T YOU FUCKING TYPE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON? If you really want an answer, stop being a fucking retard.
Aiden Green
B-but I c-can't h-help my s-stutter...
Dylan Gray
Go away you mindless meme spouting retard.
Asher Morris
>girl >>girl >>>girl >>>>girl Fuck off you degenerate tranny autist.