Craig Owens said that sexual bias is exhibited by the choice to make the man in the diagram perform the wave gesture to...

>Craig Owens said that sexual bias is exhibited by the choice to make the man in the diagram perform the wave gesture to greet the extraterrestrials while the woman in the diagram has her hands at her sides.[7] Feminists also took issue with this choice for the same reason.[8] Feminists also criticized the smaller size of the woman relative to the size of the man, and the way that the woman's hips shifted to one side in a posture that they considered to be "submissive".[5] Linda Sagan responded by saying that she drew the woman smaller than the man, because women are generally smaller than men; that she drew the woman's hips shifted to one side to show the way that the hips and the balls of the feet can move; and that if both figures waved extraterrestrials might misinterpret this as meaning that the waving gesture is the normal human pose. Critics viewed the explanations offered by Linda Sagan as being rationalizations.[5]

I don't mean to alarm anybody but I fucking hate women

Other urls found in this thread:

Did you even read this yourself?
Linda Sagan, a woman, is the one who created this.

The critics are both male and female. Though they're all retarded.


Fuckin kek

Too bad we'll never be able to catch up with it. Every alien will think all women are sassy and only men wave. The most crucial of details when making contact.

They should have put an Apple logo on this to make aliens aware of the pinnacle of human achievement.

So your reaction to a small subset of women being retarded is to hate all women (and to treat them like shit whenever you can, whether you admit it or not), thereby giving feminists even more of an actual reason to be posses at men? Are you retarded, or just sexist? Either way your opinion is irrelevant

>they only represented 2 genders
>they didn't know at the time there are like 60 gendrds5

I think they should have been wearing clothes.
I mean shit nigga

Fuck, wrong thread

>9 planets
Dudes aliens are going to be so confused they're not going to be able to find a star system with 9 planets, since we only have 8 planets.

The funny thing about it is that these shitheads can't retreieve the probe and alter the record.

sjws are a meme and fad and are dying out so it's important to not give them any attention because if you do it will only be worse for you

>two atoms together in top left
these are balls, sexism

>arrow showing voyager leaving solar system on bottom mid
erect penis and sexism

>girl on right is prettier than me

>pluto isn't a planet anymore

>sexual bia-

stopped reading right there.
You all need to be get laid, no matter with whom and how and when.

>Small subset

I always thought that entire fuckin' pictograph was retarded.

They should attempt to build another voyager that could catch up and overtake the old one.

And include several plates of audio, and hard data storage.

I'm sure smarter men then me made this. But I've no way of understanding how the fuck they think this would help an intercepting alien species find earth and peacefully interact with us.

>Implying ayyliums haven't been here for millennia
ayy lmao

>smarter men then me
*more intelligent in one way than me
Men of science often have a narrow horizon.

I guess so. I just take issue with the fact that a member of my species made a fucking infographic for the soul purpose of extraterrestrial communication.

That. I, can't even figure out. Being of the same species.

It was made to be light, and after millenia in space, still do what it was intended to, a hard drive in deep space could easily get completely wiped by solar radiation, a gold plate is much harder to destroy.

What even is this thread.

Solid state storage?

no represenation of mayonnaise on the plaque
>triggering intensifies

>ripped lean bodies

Whoa what kind of strange humans are these, haven't seen something like that in over 50 years.

>Linda Sagan responded by saying that she drew the woman smaller than the man, because women are generally smaller than men; that she drew the woman's hips shifted to one side to show the way that the hips and the balls of the feet can move; and that if both figures waved extraterrestrials might misinterpret this as meaning that the waving gesture is the normal human pose

>responding to attention-whores
>wrecking them
The only way to wreck these kinds of people is to ignore them completely.
Now that they got an official response, people are going to see the issue as more real and give it more attention, and it's going to escalate from there.

This.What if this sends the wrong message and we're invaded by pervy aliens?

What's new you raging faggot?

>implying aliens perceive the world visually in a similar way to us and would ascribe significance to what amounts to scratches on a piece of metal

why aren't tumblerinas rioting about this plaque? it only depics white people AND just two genders

It depicts orange people and two sexes
All genders look like those

gender is just a social construct man
what said

also as a black person of color my ethnicity gives me authority to say that those are some cracker looking mofos on that picture

Pretty sure that shut them up

And as a white person my ethnicity gives me the authority to tell you to shut the fuck up

nu-Voyager finally catches up with the original. It's robotic arms tear the probe open and smash the old pictograph. In it's place goes a Game of Thrones box-set and 30tb of hentai.

did you just assume what my gender looks like

thats rayy-cyst man

Flash-based memory degrades without refresh cycles


You simply cant argue with ideological zealots.

Someone drew up a tumblr theme'd version a while back

implying aliens will know what to do with binary electronic data stored on a medium that isn't even good for long term data storage on earth

does most of Sup Forums not even have basic tech literacy anymore

>"Wahhh! The SJW boogeyman strikes again! Keep womenz out of muh techs!"

Stop wasting my oxygen.