Which music player does Sup Forums use?
Which music player does Sup Forums use?
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SPOTIFY youtube vlc
music is for normies
Winamp it really whips the llama's ass
YouTube Player
Why hasn't Maki got a face. ๆใใงใ
Use Deadbeef
what f2k skin?
i wish there was something better but all players now look like this
who the fuck thought that it's a good idea to make fucking 4k fullscreen player when I need is next / previous track start and stop + volume that's it. small playlist windows is OK
Which one is that? Looks comfy.
For me, I just pull up music on YouTube. Obviously not an ideal interface or sound quality but I listen to a lot of underground music that mainstream sites wouldn't have.
wallpaper please, preferably with face
f2k on win, cmus on linux
Aubergine by noha-ra
I can't find one with a face
why is it so huge?
fuck off dad
took too long.
this or volumio with cherry music on a raspberry pi to listen to music anywhere on your phone
are the ONLY right answers
no seriously 70% of this is just wasted space
the best one, em pee dee plus en see em pee see pee pee, using em pee see for the bar.
idk, random window size. 90% of the time its either minimised or on another display.
iTunes, I'm not even kidding.
... it's beautiful...
Vox when using os x, foobar when windows, cmus when Linux.
Same here. Has the best qualities with the right tweaks and is easily accessible, plus it organizes your library in windows folders too. I don't even use an iPod anymore and I still use iTunes.
If that's your library, your music taste is pure shiy.
Still using a jurassic version of Winamp.
I bet you listen to metal.
can someone explain library in a PLAYER window meme to me?
Mpv + ncmpcpp
I like the visualizers and overall appearance.
Because only two genres exist; metal and shitty radio pop, right?
Guilty. Don't listen to pop as much now tho
ncmpcpp is the only correct answer
Arch GNU/Linux with mpd + ncmpcpp
Get it right, faggot.
Zune software. Still the most beautiful player ever created.
phonograph on android and musicbee on windows
Well, to be fair/honest, I use it because I'm on a Mac and, like most of the programs that come with OSX, it's perfectly fine for the job if you don't have any special use case. And it's nice to have the same organizational structure on all devices.
Foobar2000. Dam straight.
play.spotify.com with adblock :^)
windows media player 12
Currently using foobar with column ui.
That mpd+nc whatever looks ugly as fuck dont know some of you faggots use it.
Clementine is ok. Only good for linux tho. Switched back to windows and theres a lot of better options i guess. Foobar included.
Wanna find something else tho. Can someoke recommend me something? I wanna rate my shit and see a playcount.
Aimp/MusicBee does not support native video game music formats.
what.cd is a very easy private tracker to get into that has an extremely large selection of music, rutracker is pretty much a clone of what.cd if you can read cheeki breeki, and chances are your music isn't very underground.
Metal is a shit genre though.
winamp, only because milkdrop
Go back to Sup Forums and circlejerk over your Meta-NuWave-Next-Generation-Post-Modern-Classical-Dad-Rock or w/e it is those hipsters enjoy
ncmpcpp shits itself with some m4a files tho or would that be mpd or ffmpeg?, anyway im using deadbeef now
This is the correct answer. Only thing is dealing with what.cd ratio shit
>Win 8.1
My negro. I downgraded recently from that piece of shit 10.
>Windows 8.1
>Diablo 2
>San Andreas
Great taste user
MusicBee, it just werks.
Greetings, Sup Forums users! Today, I am going to remind you that you can press Alt + PrtSc to capture a specific window instead of your whole desktop. That way, you don't need to have distracting content when showing your music player! No need to thank me, I'm just helping my fellow community members. :-)
Thanks, reddit.
mainly Foobar2000
Foobar2000 on windows and jetaudioplus on android
Found it.
This is really cool. Ignore that other user, he's a faggot.
I've installed this and I'll be using it a lot. On desktop, having the video play is really neat because you actually want the visuals provided you are not working fullscreen on another application. On a phone, yeah, this'd be pointless, but it's for desktop and is really cool. If YouTube had every song on it, this application would be superior to anything else.
more like penis pee
Foobar2000 I need to get a skin, used to use Winamp but not anymore.
I dont.
Does FooBar2000 allows me to create smart playlists?
wallpaper please
Deadbeef or just mpv --no-video 'yt playlist'
Being a lazy cunt feels good
Autists don't like eye contact
Yo this album was so fucking great
itunes 11
Dopamine is pretty slick on Windows.
I use Rhythmbox on Linux.
I would use Lollypop on Linux but only Rhythmic seemed to beable to import the .m3u that spotify-ripper generates
Dopamine is slick af though. Seriously one of the best designed applications I've seen on Windows.
Amarok or Cantanta
I won't post a screenshot because I am too scared of Sup Forums judging my taste.
This isnt mu
I actually do.
I also listen to future bass, house, rap/hip hop and pretty much every other kind of music.
Lady gaga makes me want to throw up though.
Glad I am not the only one who uses Ethernet cables on laptops!
Forgot the pic
Sorry for late reply, I was eating dinner lol.
My laptop has a shitty wifi module. Can't play online with spikes.
Ayy I use Dopamine as well.
I agree, it is pretty slick.
This is the best answer probably
Foobar works
Foobar isn't bloatware
Foobar isn't a vampire to your computer
Things you can't say for itunes. Get Music Bee if you want something a little souped with less cancer
I am using this old version of iTunes because it isn't bloated like the newer ones and got used to it. Will be trying Foobar soon :D
is there a music player for ubuntu that uses the color scheme for albums like iTunes?
is it exactly like the image?
cause i read that it matches the system theme not the album
I use musicbee. It looks nice, has a ton of features without hogging resources and just works. I can make smart Playlists, dl a shitton of stuff off of comiket and put it in the inbox library, which lets me listen to them and slowly put it in the main library with a single click, the music explorer is also nice to find new stuff by artists I like or genres in my library, the auto tagging and editing options ate godlike coming from clementine, with auto tagging, good internet sourced tagging, never failed to find a cover for me. It needs some help in syncing with mp3 players like Ipods and won't work at all with the touch version. But that's a minor offense. The player itself has three native views, main, small and mini. Small was linked here but boy was it configured like ass, you can make it look gorgeous, though I mostly use the mini one since it has an always on top option, which is great when G A M I N G. The main player can use tabs and several columns, which you can easily customize with more features than anyone will ever use,kinda like foobar2000 does, but since it explains and has a better ui out of the box, you can actually use them without research. Wow this got long, bet they'll give me a ton of rupees now
Audacious for muh Winamp 2 skins
i use foobar for general listening, spotify for music discovery.
musicbee also good.
Maki a slut
Damn straight. Still using it to this day.
Shame that MS removed the library that lets it burn CDs though in the recent Win10 update.