Remember when this was Sup Forums?

remember when this was Sup Forums?
Sup Forums will never be as good again.

/biz/ =>

Remember when OP wasnt a faggot?

Nah, i dont either.


biz didn't exist then retard
doge meme literally created /biz/


When I first started coming to Sup Forums that tripfag Rasputin from Australia kept shitting up the board with pictures of himself. Whatever happened to him ?

I hope he fucking died of cancer.

tbqh the mpv that started in 2015 were another high point in Sup Forums's history
Though right now I can't find anything reedemable from this board

wrong post number lad

Biz happened
He was an Australian, he can't be made killed by cancer, he is made of cancer.
(MFW I am an ausfag and loving it)

The DogeCoin scam was one of the most cancerous things ever, kill yourself OP

/g was never good u faggot

tfw I got onboard the dogecoin train when I as mining entire blocks myself, dismissed it as unprofitable and stopped

coulda easily had like $5k-10k worth and I stopped at $500 and went back to making pretty marginal gains using middlecoin

I also got onboard bitcoin in 2011 and sold like 40 at $30/coin

just fuck my shit up

>not opportunity for neets

i think you are just plain stoopid user

He never claimed it was, faggot.

Only oldfags will remember desktop threads

you'll lose no matter what you do. that's stock exchange for you.

>tfw made ~$3000 from dogecoin

glad I got on that memetrain

>tfw on Sup Forums and thinking bitcoins @ $4 was a scam

Crushes my soul every time I think about it.

What's this theme?


Only oldfags will remember Christopher Moot

Looking at stocks from the future and feeling remorse is one of the stupidest things to do

here i had explained the theme here:

...moot? huh?


just a reminder that Sup Forums has always been bad