It's started for a day now; what will you be voting on?
Remember this shit will be smeared all over Sup Forums so vote for whatever the fuck represents Sup Forums
It's started for a day now; what will you be voting on?
Remember this shit will be smeared all over Sup Forums so vote for whatever the fuck represents Sup Forums
>tfw mine isn't on your list
if not my entry i'd go for the "get the fuck out, losers and wannabes" one
Which one's yours? There's so fucking many entries that I'm bound to miss one or two
Quite like the second last one
Can we just get the NVIDIA logo. Sup Forums is now an NVIDIA sponsored board.
Oy vey!
So I told Mod to accept my Maki banner.. he actually did it the absolute madman hahahahahahaha!
I'd probably vote for SICP or something happened.
Pretty good.
ms paint apple guy and 'freedom feels so good!' are the best
>wrong fucking board tier
>there is no sudo rm -rf banner
I know which one I'm voting for
>putting anime on a Sup Forums banner
you faggots have your own containment boards
that's the point of putting it on the banner.
I don't like any one them. They're all uncreative, unoriginal, boring shit.
>didn't make one himself
>complains anyway
Mind showing us your submission?
>if youre not a creator you have no right to criticize
Did he hurt your fee-fees?
>tfw mine isn't there
>two startsWith("9")
good job fags, now neither will win
I could easily make one better than all of them. I just thought of this one:
>an image like this one as the left side of the banner, to the right side of this on the banner is an image of the Linux penguin superimposed
This is from Fight Club. It's a play on the "power animal" motif in Fight Club (the protagonist's power animal is the penguin and the woman is the one who tells him to slide), related to the theme of masculinity and masculine empowerment. It could go both ways, to imply that Linux is for 'real men.' The font should be like the Sup Forums font ">slide" to imply the theme about masculinity and Linux. I don't feel like explaining it, if you don't get it too bad fucker it's better than all of them.
Or instead, make this the whole banner and just superimpose everything inside this image.
That's even worse than the anime banners.
Nope. It's the second best banner ever, other than the other one of my previous banners that won the contest.
>mfw i post two days ago long since lost never-did-reappear photo and somebody else posts it to the banner contest
Now if that gets selected, it'll be my silent achievement
this is the best one so far
and the terry cia niggers one
That's the one I voted for.
Could even do a second 'scene' in the gif of some trapfag on hormones using Windows or some shit to hammer in the point.
t-thanks, user-kun
ur a qt btw
Low test trapfag detected
>tfw only Sup Forums pass faggets can vote
Fucking Pajeet mods didn't even approve it.
Just got this idea. fug
Here's another one I just thought of:
>this gif with the Fedora Linux logo to the bottom right corner
Simple and effective, the 3rd best banner ever on Sup Forums.
they're all either;
- shit
- painful truths
- boring
the fact that most are poorly made just shows how shit our userbase is
Can we have something with
>Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.
Maybe with a nice drawing or w/e for the fucks that can't read.
Fuck missed the timeline. Was going to make one showing Stallman and Torvalds where Stallman is interjecting and then... BOOM! Out of fucking nowhere Terry appears with his car and runs them both over. He says "FUCKING CIA NIGGERS" and then it zooms in on his face and "Sup Forums - Technology" appears.
I probably wouldve made one but I didnt even see anything about it
>Only Sup Forums pass users can vote
Fuck you Hiroshima Nagasaki, I aint giving you my money you fucking gook.
I don't really want any of those
The "Something Happened" one is the least bad though. Should be an anti-Windows meme by now. I've already started posting "something happened" whenever someone asks about some computer advice. It's complementary to any thread where you would post "install gentoo" you should also post "something happened."
Can I only vote for one?
this one made me KEK
that one is a lot better in motion
I probably would have participated if I could vote for them and if they weren't basically just ads.
t. Applel shill
I like the "Think Freedom" one. Anyone else?
What are you talking about? Many of them are great
Not him, but which one are?
I don't really hate them much, maybe just 2 or 3 are meh.
I actually think most of them are pretty good. I voted for the one with Richard and Linus arguing
I really like this portable network graphic
Sup Forums - graphics cards
Because half the posts on this board are about fucking video cards and the Sup Forumstards cant even be fucked to keep it in 1 thread like /agt/, /dpt/, /ptg/, /smg/, and all the other generals I can't think of right now.
>Hiroshima Nagasaki
Idk I just found that funny
these ones seem to be at least decent
3rd to last is my favorite
Looks unoriginal to be honest, it's like another freetard-copying-proprietary attempt
Well as long as it looks good mods just OK it. They rejected this at least.
Just fuck off pajeet
I bought a Pass just to vote.
You should do the same
also the #kodewithcarlie
how about css, is that a meme?
You know the submissions are already closed, yes?
3 minutes in the Gnu Image Manipulation Tool wasted.
wew the mods removed this finally.
Where's the Himegoto
vote maki
>mfw my shitty banner made it
I sure hope you guys don't vote for it
which one?
I, for one, welcome our new anime board friends.
i would vote for number 6 under inane but i cant because no pass
why not this one?
or this?
Some fucking fantastic entries on!
Voted for this one
How can you even vote one one?
They are all too good!
>only Sup Forums pass users can vote
Why don't you have a Sup Forums pass?
why should i? can i get upvotes then?
Use that image on the "then" part. And a recent image of Steve Jobs (black tee and jeans) for the "now" part.
Superimpose this in the appropriate then and now parts.
This would be a winner.
i'm not voting because I dont have a fucking pass.
but he called it apps then too...
Vote for the sailor moon one. its the best to be honest
>mfw all of banners are crappy
/mlp/ has better banners, none of Sup Forumss are funny
t. ponyfucker
>/csg/ in boring tier
He didn't always call everything apps. There wasn't even half the technology back then like the smartphone to calls the shit on it 'apps.' You sound like a...
>muh StatusSymbolBook-fag
If I were to submit this then it would've been the third Windows banner.
friendly reminder that voting for a maki banner is being virtually cucked by this virginal waste of life from /r9k/