Speccy R8 n' H8 Edition

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>2 xeons
For what purpose?

Laptop, nothing fancy.


mah nigga

>tfw task manager uses most my CPU


r8 me niggas

u guise ar fukin homo

not gonna rate, just comment. since my shit aint worth shit, rating would be hypocritical.

anyway, here is everything i have, cut and cropped into an image of pure condensed autism.

that cpu will keep the fury from ever reaching any meaningful performance.

heck, my 6300 could just barely keep up with my 270 in 1080p games.

4k porn capable

what are you using it for? that is, besides bragging rights for having two processors?


10/10 description, still better than my laptop.

spare a monitor?

what are you stockpiling inside of those drives?

>what are you using it for? that is, besides bragging rights for having two processors?
Running VMs and web servers. Four cores are dedicated to a pfSense router and I keep 10 server processes on standby. Each process uses one core.

>what are you stockpiling inside of those drives?
All the media I have consumed over the past 3-4 years.

got these monitors super cheap, like $7 each at a thrift shop.

>Four cores are dedicated to a pfSense router
You probably know this but that's stupidly overkill.

Not when I've got a realtime scanner for all web traffic going in and out of the network. It's like antivirus but running on one computer while everything else is protected.

r8 my laptop


People always hate on my computer but never tell me why beyond greentexting it's brand. I think it's super comfortable though.

That's still overkill, pfSense should be able to handle 4M+ connections and over 500MB/s throughput on that many cores. With full UTM level of traffic monitoring.

Unless you're running a huge web server on your next work with thousand of connections an hour, you're dedicating far too many resources to pfSense.

Dedicated pfSense boxes for small/medium businesses use 4 cores at ~2.5GHz and 8GB of RAM and can handle millions of connections at once.


>tfw putting together the perfect 1440p 23"8 (looks like 4k really) budget config and spending the rest of my mine on my gf
>you'll never know
monitor is Benq BL2420PT

Benq B

>GT 440

why tho


660 is main output card, 440 OEM is for driving the second screen.

I also wanted the 440 OEM because it was a bit of a freak of a card vs a normal GT 440.


how do you get two cards to both run at the same time?



neo-Sup Forums

as long as you aren't trying to use both for gaming there should be no issue.


They're fun.

Just plugged them in, installed the nvidia driver, plugged in the monitors, set up the monitors, and I was good to go.
Not that hard to do. Unless its an absolute freak of a machine or using some really old hardware, multiple GPUs, either similar or different cards, is quite easy to run.

Now, for something like SLI, yeah you need at least 2 matching cards in the same system (EX 2x GTX 660). If you have an open third slot, you can stuff a slave GPU in there for any number of purposes.

with one wallpaper for attention

hey brother

HDDs / 10

Uh, and yeah, the mother board's sensor is pretty much fucked, it should be at 30-40º I guess, and my third monitor has a shitty adaptor or whatever.

I wanted to upgrade and use my 750ti as slave for the not main monitors. Maybe it will be too much for non gaymen stuff.

Should be fine. Hell, this 440 OEM (card on the right) is overkill for a secondary screen that only has a couple of IRC and email windows open.


No need to upgrade.






Your greentext suggests Alienware is a bad thing. You know it's a premium brand right?


Comfy build there user

pretty nice desu, i like alienwares

Same, but 8gb of ram, need to upgrade
Plextor m8pe 512gb ssd and the 1tb it comes with.

I want to get an ssd to replace the HDD cause it's slow as balls

Who /mITX/ boys?
Also, the ASrock h61mv-itx is the most solid board I have ever used. Incredibly motherboard, cost me £25 on ebay.

my old faithful

>inb4 4.4GHz

It's hot as fuck where I live, so summer overclock it is. 4.4GHz on stock voltage isn't bad in my opinion. Typically have 4.7GHz on ~1.32V, if I remember correctly.

They never tell you what's wrong with it other than the brand because the brand is the base of the issue. Example being I ordered a Dell with better specs than that Alienware a few days ago, but it cost me $600 less than an Alienware, but they're both made by Dell.

They make fun of my Dell PC too, same reason

aww yeah gentlemen. rocking the sli config.

planning on upgrading CPU but limited due to 1150 ;-;

We'll Dell is quite honestly not a fantastic brand, only reason I bought the laptop from them were the gaming laptop specs for $800. That and everything I've read about this laptop say dell made some major improvements with it, we'll see.

You're running 2 different brands in sli, with single channel ram?

That is disgusting.

>Realtek NIC

>You're running 2 different brands in sli

Fuck single channel, though.


He's using 2 brands. Brands always have different speeds between them. Some are factory over clocked, some aren't. If he's using 2 different brands then it's always going to be running at the speed of the slowest one.

Not to mention than pny probably has worse thermals which will effect the other one.

Unless I'm just retarded and gpus aren't like ram?

If you are low on cash, Xeon 1231 nigga

dont h8



Most likely, those are reference cards. Think for a couple seconds before you sperg out next time.

>R9 Fury Series


Single-thread limited on the i7 right now.
i5's going full bore. Hopefully this will be the last time I redo Princess Tutu.

>Doesn't know shit about 980's

tell me when your intelligence let's you do a simple google search

getting a 1080 or two 1070's whenever i make up my mind

Considering they're reporting from different brands, although I'll give it to you I didn't even consider reference cards.

It's cute that you think you're so smart though user.

>150$ cpu
>125$ mobo
>200$ gpu
Feels good, except for the fact that the nitro+ fury is now on sale for 310$. Kinda sucks man.

LGA 1366, nice. Can`t your board support more memory if you wanted?

What in the world are you using?

Please tell me you got that fury hella cheap.

>That firepro apu
>That rare ram
How is it?

A 20$ gt240 is overkill for a second monitor. I did try it, though. Ran into lots of issues because nvidia and amd don`t mix well.

What would it take for you to upgrade?

You`re not wrong, but you can just balance out the clock rates you know. Also, other anons are probably right about reference models.

>thinking that im smart and that your IQ isn't the problem here

Google a PNY GTX 980 next time to try to see where yuh went wrong bud. But I am looking to get DDR5 RAM sticks while we're just speaking out of our asses.

So pny makes the reference cards then?

I'll admit I didn't know that but that would explain why only retards like yourself buy reference.

>mfw a poor fag tries to shittalk something he just found out about

stay classy Sup Forumsent

I'm just keeping up the shit talk train actually.

Question though, are you so proud of the desktop your dad probably bought you that you called someone who hasn't evend mentioned his hardware in this thread, a poorfag?

>What would it take for you to upgrade?

If the parts fail and/or can't do the task it was ment for, then it's time to buy new one.

This machine is mainly used for work and hobby things. It's not for gaming but does handle multimedia just fine and it cost me about 70$ when I bought it.

>demonstrates he barely knows anything about graphics cards
>criticizes choice in graphics cards

>Oldish Intel Xeon + Newish AMD GPU
my nigga

Remember to buy AMD products goy!

So not giving 2 shits about pny is demonstrating no knowledge of gpus?


I don't have a good one for that so ill just call you a retard like you deserve for good measure.

Can`t argue with that.
>tfw have 2 lga 1366 systems worth of parts.
>Need to sell one for projects.

Really should get around to trying to sell that shit.

Yeah, so tempting to jump on one of those fucking furies, but I`ll hold out for vega like the plan was from the get go. I do regret not getting an 8gb model now though knowing they came with faster vram. Memory speed seems to be the key on this card for getting a better overclock, but I`m not really sure how much farther I`m willing to push it.

Send a mobo my way. I have an old 1366 i7 a friend gave me that I have absolutely nothing to do with. If the motherboards didn't go for more than the original cost of the cpu I'd get one but fuck.


What's up my nigga.

The mobo I have available goes for around 100$ on ebay all day everyday. DX58SO

Other one is an EVGA x58 SLI that I modded to support the x5650 I have in plans for a build for my nephew. Got that one for 30$ "as is untested" Those evga boards were going for 50-70$ for a while, wish I would have bought some more of them.

You can get a lot of really good shit based on the incompetence of the seller, that`s how I got my cpu for half the going rate, and my mobo for 1/3 the going rate.

>Not to mention than pny probably has worse thermals which will effect the other one.
Are you an idiot? PNY isn't some fly by night bullshit manufacturer. They're even the only ones Nvidia allow to make Quadros.

Thanks for the model, I'll check it out.

Not really doing anything with the cpu so I was just gonna use it to build my dad a desktop for amateur music production and whatnot. Cpu is overkill for that but since I already have it, no harm can come from using it.

Not him, but that greatly boosts my confidence in PNY products.

Just realized that you're Not just the fact that you somehow don't know shit about PNY (who aren't the only company able to make reference cards [again proving you don't know shit], but they are the only company Nvidia trusts to make Quadros).

>only retards like yourself buy reference

You clearly don't realize that reference cards exist for a reason. Prime example: small form factor builds. Reference cards blow air directly out of the back of the case, instead of blowing it around inside the case. That's really the only good reason (outside of being historically cheaper) in my opinion. Otherwise people get them for aesthetics (if you're into that).

Honestly, how much do you know about hardware? I can understand that you don't know much if it isn't your forte, but don't get all high and mighty when you're spouting nonsense.

Fuck, I just made that point. That's what I get for taking time to argue with retards like on the internet.

I can't buy cards with retarded coolers because then I can't use the PCI-E card support in my computer. I move it around a lot so it's important.

PNY does make the reference cards for Nvidia, though. AFAIK, occasionally they'll actually design the reference boards.

I know a pretty decent amount about hardware actually, but I guess I don't know own muc about the makers of it.

I don't trust pnys thermal management, simple as that, that's why I don't like them. And I could care less if they're the trusted maker, chances are quadros could be made better by someone else, but we've already seen I'm ignorant to manufacturers so who cares.

Yeah, it doesn`t have any of the top end bells and whistles like sata 3, but it supports 100% of the lga 1366 lineup, provided your bios is up to date. There`s also the DX58SO2. That has the extra features, but more expensive and far less common.

I reaally dislike the board itself, but the bios is pretty nice, and compatability is bar none the best seeing as it`s actually an intel board. Chipset will be hot as fuck since you likely won`t get one with the included fan.


This is who I bought mine from, which it actually came with a xeon w3520 despite being advertised as board only no accessories. See some that come with rma for 130.

You really don't know when to quit, huh?


First you don't know much about PNY, but now you don't trust them for specific reasons? Get your story straight, user.

In most workstations there is a support on the side panel for heavy PCI-E cards so that they don't strain the slot when the computer is moved/shipped, but if the cards are over a certain width they can't be used.

I bought a pny card once, fan failed and the chip overheated, burned the card and the pcie alot it was in.

You guys are failing over more details than I am. I said I didn't know they made the reference cards, how does that translate to "I have no experience with pny". I didn't know they made the reference cards because I don't buy reference cards.

... what are "retarded coolers" by your own definition?