So Sup Forums what is all this hubbub about?

So Sup Forums what is all this hubbub about?

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logan was funneling funds into pistol's fursuit addiction

Now, I want you to look at this bird.

See that is it the purest form of blue.

How does this bird make you feel?



Now, take that feeling and look at this blue cheese.

Think to yourself, is it really blue?

How can you be so sure? Is blue just a fabricated name that the human race has given it?

Maybe it is the colour green or orange.

Maybe it is no colour.

why is pistol so hot guys?

>adams apple
>piercings around mouth
>ten yard cock stare

Its really blue is my first thought, it gives off a calming feeling. I like this bird. Im fascinated by it. Fly free birdo

Watch out user, you never want to put your dick in crazy


Kowtow to your Queen, plebs.

Fuck you, I want some too!

I want her to use my cock as a vape

Logan was an idiot all along and it just took everyone until now to realize basically.




Is Wendell Sup Forums?

Wtf girls don't have adam's apples? Whoa!

Not with that shitty aerotank mini

Dumb cunt can't even vape right

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

good one

Logan didn't chickity-check himself before he kickity-kek'd himself.

that and a really expensive fursuit

did he died

Most likely. Birds dont handle smoke of any kind very well. Especially dope smoke.

why would anyone do that

tmw if this was a dog or cat everyone would be hunting whoever did this. But hey its just a bird dude weed lmbo. #birdlivesmatter

>kekkety kek yourself before you wriggity wreck your channel

C'mon man, you he didn't. Right?