Do you have gigabit internet?

Do you have gigabit internet?
How much do you pay for it

In portugal there is a promotion for internet going on for about 1gb download 100 mb upload for about 40€ per month.

I have 100mb up and down. I pay 32€ monthly with tv


No fuck that, i all do at home is play games and stream movies. I can however get it for around 50€ a month.

sd 2018 :^)

blir i så fall 4året i rad jag röstar på dem!

4e valet*** förhelvete

80 bucks a month

no but i have this

its free


Fuck you, Europe.

In the silicon valley, I pay $70/month for 80/10 internet that can't maintain an idle SSH connection for more than an hour.

Gigabit? We have like 50mbit or something

nope and this is literally the best I can have 15km from fucking center of our fucking capital city, also I pay for 20/5

35€ for 11/2 ADSL2
Germany, "home of engineering"

is it seriously free?

I have 40/10 and I pay 150$ per month.

>100 mb upload

About 300$ monthly in Turkey.

Thats what you get for living in a meme city

Sup, my Bay Area nigga.

*Bay Area Pahjeet

what the fuck where do you live???

>mfw i pay 10(TEN) eur per month for unlimited gigabit internet