Just curious about this
I hit the little +
There is a click here link?
wtf, im l-i-t--r-e-a-l-l-y blind
somebody plz take a screenshot of this and create a new thread xD
This. Your ``strawpoll'' is stupid.
> +
I can't believe he didn't even add this in.
Why the fuck would you drag and drop the number ever?
th- the what?
I click the No. to open a new tab
It's extremely uncomfortable on my laptop, but wathever
what >+?
oh i just found it, didnt even know that existed. Still kind of stupid though, i like having threads open in new tabs so its easier to refresh. Also its cleaner
Are you nigga's serious?
Use the Catalog™
I only use the catalog
this nigga gets it
literally this
didnt even notice the + all these years
but everything looks sad and uninteresting on the catalog
that's because it is.
Cause I can.
Right click thread number -> open in new tab
i click "No."
ITT: idiots who can't figure out the catalog
>not middle-clicking