Stock Android
Official CM support
unlocked bootloader
Removable battery
Micro SD card slot
Not a single fucking phone in the known fucking universe has this.....
Stock Android
Official CM support
unlocked bootloader
Removable battery
Micro SD card slot
Not a single fucking phone in the known fucking universe has this.....
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If it had an unlocked bootloader and CM who cares about stock Android? You clearly are just gonna flash CM onto it...
Why should companies cater to autistic neckbeards which make up 1% of the market?
Micro SD and stock android is good thing, removable battery and the others are kinda useless desu
I would apperciate not dropping suppoert of 1 year old devices more tho
Removable battery isn't useless.
You can swap batteries in the wild.
You can remove the battery when you don't want to use it - less self-discharge.
You can charge the battery when not in phone - saving time AND the battery life.
>You can swap batteries in the wild.
Or I can bring a power bank with 5x the capacity like a normal human being.
>You can remove the battery when you don't want to use it - less self-discharge.
Or I can turn off my phone like a normal human being.
>You can charge the battery when not in phone - saving time AND the battery life.
Or I can charge my power bank like a normal human being.
Those are all retarded reasons and a powerbank solves them already
>advocating planned obsolence
Micro SD is totally useless.
Upload shit instead of saving it to internal storage and you will never need one.
You cant really read can you faggot
Mobile data is not on that level yet
Powerbanks are for jerks.
Don't you realize that you must still charge your phone from the powerbank? For hours? Or less, with great portion of the energy dissipated in heat?
Well for micro SD there are those gay ass micro USB sticks or cases with micro SD card slot or memory built in
I would rather charge from a powerbank than take my fuckin phone apart and change the battery every fucking time
And powerbanks can charge my tablet, my phone or i can use an usb lamp with it etc, much much more practical than carrying a spare battery
Why would you want stock android AND cm support?
>Or I can turn off my phone like a normal human being.
Your built-in battery will die after a month or so without power. It simply draws "vampire" power always, even when it's turned off.
>Or I can charge my power bank like a normal human being.
The point is, with swappable batteries, you simply DO NOT charge your phone. You charge the batteries.
You can charge them at low current, so they don't heat up and retain its capacity.
Powerbanks? Thanks, no. Effectivity is poor and you still need cables and shitty connectors that break after few hundred cycles.
you sound autistic
external charger is fine
Note 4
Yeah. I'm going to open up the back of my phone, pull out the old battery, put the new one in, close the back, and wait 30 seconds for the phone to turn back on instead of just plugging it in at night like a normal fucking human being.
Dont forget to do that with your tablet and other stuff too instead of using a power bank
While we are on the subject, how many years do smartphone batteries tend to last before they become practically useless to use? I hope it's a while. I wanted my nexus 5 to last a while.
pretty sure my note 4 has all of that
the BPA1 build has CM, i know that much. i run jasminerom because it's been more stable though.
also the at&t varieties don't have unlocked bootloader. rooting with verizon was convoluted but that may just have been because i got it as my first smartphone out of the box and then proceeded to root it
sidenote, definitely get the anker removeable batteries to go with it. mine came with a defunct battery which is very common.
and does anyone know where to get quickcharge 2.0 OEM cables? ;-;
You do realize that not everyone is online 24/7, right?
HTC 10 is the closest you can get and that's why I'm getting it after my S5. You could say that the S5 fits too, aside from not having stock android by default.
>Stock Android
Lel poorfag detected
>Official CM support
Are you a terrorist or a paedophile?
>unlocked bootloader
>Removable battery
2 AAs?
>Micro SD card slot
Oi m8 bluetooth me that song yeah
mSD card is useless.
Why should I use a slower memory instead of my internal storage? I can just move data from PC to my phone with a file explorer via LAN.
>have 50gb library of 320kbps piano recordings
it makes a lot of sense for specific users
A phone manufacturer decides how much storage you have on your phone and doesn't give you the option to expand it. This is what's so repulsive to me in regards to phones with no micro SD card slots.
Have fun when the battery goes bad
Service will change it
Yes they will, for one third of phone's value.
t. proud iFag
Zenfone 2 hits most of those except stock/removable battery. Shame.
>still using LCDs
Not sure about the stock/bootloader and CM support, but LG V20 that just came out has the rest.
You sound very similar to Richard Stallman. Autistic as fuck.
So long as the battery can be replaced with relative ease after a few years when it's losing capacity then there is no problem.
I don't have HTC 10. My S5 has an amoled screen. Thanks for not reading.
Samsung S5 ?
Last good phone from Samsung.
You could still bypass the Knox shit.
>Official CM support
That doesn't make sense. CyanogenMod's model is to make firmware that is compatible with existing smartphones, not the other way around.
Non-removable batteries contribute to planned obsolescence because if the battery becomes defective the entire phone becomes defective.
Try 0.1%
Meh rather have a removable battery than to slave for a socket or power bank. Extended batteries and such.
>Implying all smartphones are USB hosts
>Implying I want to have a micro-SD micro-USB stick sticking out of my smartphone while I keep it in my pocket to play music
This post gave me cancer.
There are thumb drives that have both regular and micro-USB ports. I keep it on my keychain. Real useful.
Literally Geeksphone ONE
Too bad is outdated as fuck and was a piece of shit.
>atom shit
>30 min SOT
top kek