Is there anyway to de-botnet Windows 10?

Is there anyway to de-botnet Windows 10?

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Unless you unseat any and all network hardware, no.

unplug your PC

Install Gentoo



> Dhsksisjdhduenxlppwodifundben

Uninstall Windows 10

If you never connect it to the internet, you can't have botnet

It's fine you literally aren't doing anything anyone cares about just disable cortana and stop pretending like you're mr robot.

This is why Orwell's 1984 is slowly becoming reality.

nigger it's about them being able to keep track of what you do and it all being recorded in a database somewhere
the "nothing to hide nothing to fear" (((argument))) is bullshit

As much as I hate M$:
At installation time they give you the option to be assfucked or not. Win10 is not that bad. Stop whining.

Win 10 LTSB (N version for bonus media stuff removed)


stop putting your shit on the internet and it won't matter anyhow

If you never establish any connection to another device it is pretty safe.

But if you honestly think that Microsoft would let you disable all its spyware then you are pretty naive.

That's a huge statement. Considering NO one cares about who you are as an individual user.

>That's a huge statement. Considering NO one cares about who you are as an individual user.
Not him, but Orwellian shit is already happening here in Germany.
The government is already suing the people who oppose it based on private facebook conversations.


Couldnt find anything on English:

The Leader of the PEGIDA (group against islamisation of Europe) wrote some not so very nice things about refugees on his facebook page and had to go to court for incitement of the people.

I am going to build a budget i3 pc. Should I just buy a cheap windows 7 key? Why do I even need the latest windows?

I have a PC with two HDDs. I keep Windows 10 in the 160GB HDD and Arch in. The other. When I want to boot Windows 10, I connect the SATA cables and disconnect the internet. I love having multiple HDDs.

Yeah, my Windows copy is debotnetted. It's funny reading all the Linux users cry about how horrible Windows is because of something I fixed on my machine. Makes me realize how truly perfect it is to have a spy free Windows.

They'll tell you it's not possible, because no one has ever successfully modified a closed source program before (kek).

but it is you fucking moron

You know you can just connect both and choose on startup?
There is no reason to disconnect one.

>the option
You are naive if you think that would disable all the spyware.
In fact I would be willing to bet money that these switch do absolutely nothing.

I don't want dualboot and I don't really trust Windows 10 near my important files. This method is almost as fast as dual-boot, I'm happy. :)

get the source code and make your own fork

How did you modify Windows 10 to accomplish this?

Did you verify that it no longer sends anything?
How do you distinguish security updates from telemetry?

Not quite. There is still some telemetry that cannot be removed. It is still the best version of 10 but cannot remote all the telemetry.

Blocked all ms hosts and ips, disabled all spying apps. No trace in pfsense.

Was his statement public facing or in private message?

Whatever works for you but there is really no need to physically disconnect anything when you can tell the BIOS which Hard drive to boot from.

He posted it on his facebook page.
I dont really know how private that is but if I remember correctly (I might be wrong) it was not publicly accessible.

But the point is that the government is willing and able to prosecute the people who disagree with it.
See also here:

I believe it would be equivalent to a lawsuit against Trump because of his comments about Mexicans or Muslims which would be completely unthinkable in America.

How did you block the hosts and ip?

With a program and built in functions. I tested the blocking capabilities in pfsense by recording all traffic and they do work.

He'll have an interesting fight. I imagine some of his defense would rely on what the definition of private is. Could be interesting to watch.

Which software?

user please posts updates.

Shame this doesn't address the biggest issue with the OS, getting only updates you want to install.

Use Ltsb n.


Name one update you wouldn't want.

Ok. So win 10 was not debotnetted, shit was just blocked.

Well the latest news is that he was found guilty of racial incitement and has to pay about 10.000 Euros ($11.000) but the process is still ongoing and a final verdict has not yet been reached.

All of them. That's why ltsb exists. Little to no updates and no shitty restarts.

Explain the difference.

>he wants his OS insecure

Enjoy the being fucked by the leaked NSA toolkit.

Interesting. I'll need to look for more info.

Taking a bullet with a Kevlar vest is not the same as disarming the assailant.

Driver updates Microsoft thinks you want would be the best example.

The fact it is restricted to LTSB is the problem. Being forced to run an illegitimate version of Windows just to have a usable Windows OS is ridiculous.

Yes it is, I agree. However, most people here pirate their OS. If you're gonna pirate, then pirate the best.

A Kevlar vest still hurts when you get hit. There is zero different between the packets being intercepted and the packets never being sent. No data is collected by MS.

Always better to actually not have them sent in the first place instead of blocking them.

Probably, but considering this works fine I'm not going to waste my time fixing something that ain't broke.

>muh spyware

Don't connect to the internet if you don't want to be surveyed upon

The Internet is not logging every key I press every file I access and which persons I tell what.

Even google or facebook are way less intrusive into your personaldata then Windows.

There also isnt a better replacement for the Internet that respects your privacy.

The internet also can't access your personal files on your harddrive under normal circumstances

>friend used to hate win10
>looks over my shoulder
>sees Sup Forums thread about win10 sucking
>"what's wrong with windows 10? Why do people hate it? I've had no problems with it."
>nothing to hide argument

Hosts file

Actually, Facebook had a keylogger abusing for a long time until they got caught. Something similar is probably still there.


Thats why I dont use facebook. Likewise I dont use Windows.


>is there a way to make shit taste nice?


Start streaming your whole life to alphabet agencies. It's fine if you don't have anything to hide, right?

I wasn't kidding at all.

Buy a gun while you still can, user. Race war's a-comin'.

Don't you just love this argument fucking basic ass clods love to parrot. "If you aren't doing anything then why worry" or "the government doesn't care" I've been face to face with slapnuts like this and I ask them. Hand me your wallet, let me install a camera in your house, gimme them clothes too while you're at it. Of course they decline because everyone values their privacy. Doesn't matter if you aren't doing illegal shit or not privacy is privacy.

Calm down Brian