Sup Forums here, a question for technophiles

Is it true that whites are the best programmers?

I've heard that a lot of the programming work done by Indians is muddled up garbage that's fucking up everything in Silicon Valley (although they do work much more cheaply).

I've heard that Asian programmers need to be heavily supervised, and don't come up with many original creative ideas on their own, preferring to stick to the book

What are your observations?

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I don't know about Asians but Indians are an absolute fucking nightmare. Some stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, I'm afraid.

Is it true that Sup Forums retards cannot form their own opinions and can only argue in memes?

>code monkey programmers
>creative ideas

Asians are the best dull methodical grinders when it comes to producing efficient code. Don't go thinking being a code monkey in Silicon Valley entails anything more than turning older, smarter people's ideas into a functional system.

It's still older guys running the show and young kids slaving away to automate it.

China has the best programmers.
Burgers and Pajeets are almost equally bad, far behind.


>Sup Forums boogeyman gas the race war hitler dindu

> Israel that low on the list
i am surprise

Looks like the reddit manchild is back
You already had a whole fucking thread fir your faggotry, now fuck off

SJWs are coming for your ass, Sup Forums fag

>accused of thinking in memes
>responds with literal meme
gj buddy

Fuck off you nonce

>countries like nl, usa, sweden, uk responsible for 99.99% of computing science and cryptography
>behind shitholes like foxconn inc and vietnam

Yeah sure

>basking in reflected glory
What's your ranking?

source? I mean besides that weekend at fedora rank, it has to be better chart, I'll buy china and rusia but the others can't tell

I'm not from any of those places

Sponsored by VMware, Juniper, Facebook and others who use the site to find new employees IN AMERICA.
Yet American programmers failed completely compared to China and Russia master race

If jews are whites, than yes :^)

There no such thing like subhumans or general racism issues.not cause we all are white nights but to spread the art of computing efficient around the World

No, cute boys who dress like girls are the best programmers.

From what I've seen with a few years in the industry, that is spot on.

The indian developers are more 'point and click' developers who use tools to generate ore code than they write themselves, and the code they do write is a mess with no regard for supportability or performance.

The asian developers cut and paste code like no other. I've yet to see them do anything original.

with those prices I'll be mad af, US colleges should participate as teams

only correct post ITT

neck yourselves, I mean it

hey look, a tired pol meme
i'll reply with a tired Sup Forums meme

But it's true you silly Sup Forums fagoot.

HNNNNNNNNNNG who is this qt?

Lead me to them

There are plenty gut programmers in India, the bads are just moar memorable.

This is just a retarded statement.
The field of "programming" is so fucking diverse. Asians and Indians that come from their countries usually suck. Russians are pretty good. Most Americans whether white American or anything else suck ass unless they're coming from California or a well known school in the country like MIT or Penn state. One thing you can say is that there's more dumb whites who are absolutely useless than anything else.

In my experience the worst white people code is orders of magnitude better than the best Chinese code but when you're forced to maintain and extend it they're both horrible.

One of my current projects is a 50k line ish C# project and everything is global, making a change to a custom button class breaks user login completely. Before that it was another C# project with a single 12k line class.

One was written by a British software dev, the other was Chinese but in both cases I wanted to poke my eyes out.

That's bullshit. Indians and the like have a bad rep because people think of shitty outsourcing companies. Of course the good ones don't work there.

They are good at doing false flags but programming not so much

How can the Sup Forums board so fucking gay Jesus

>yet china fails at every google coding competition even though they have the most entries

As an Indian I can tell you, that the ones that end up in California are the insecure types from the Gujurati/Marwadi community who consider having their kid migrate to U.S as a status symbol of their community. "Kiddo do your computer engineering and get a greencard to U.S because that's the only way you'd get a girl to marry you, plus my friend got brought an expensive car too and we need to one up him"

I am in Creative and the ones who take creative fields are the smart, open minded and usually from Rich family backgrounds. They end up staying in India. I am working on a startup with a developer, the guy is a drop out and he has won multiple Facebook and Microsoft hackatons. He will never want to go to U.S.

Immigrating to U.S is for the weak. And yes Indian developers in US are cancer, Sundar Pichar is proof. They lack confidence and will end up trying "options" for everything. Oh wait doesn't Google have 20 messenger apps already?

Sundar Pichar hates Muslims

at least you got an answer

I don't think your should look at the problem lilke this.
Go to anything related to computers you won't see a lot of blacks or even asian and same goes for girls.
I know a few girls that are better programmers than a lot of guys I met, about black people they were like 5 blacks for 100 people in my school, so you'll have less chance to find a good one.

Indians have a culture of constantly trying to advance in a company at whatever cost, which means leaving code monkey jobs behind after a couple of years. So you get poor code as projects are constantly passed down from one pajeet to the next without regards to past knowledge. Companies know this but they get cheaper employees as duties are passed down and budget for fuckups along the way. It's cheaper to hire dumb pajeets and fix their fuckups than it is to hire knowledgeable coders that get it right the first time. Welcome to the future.

> MUH skin color
> MUH indians
This is not your board, stormtard. Racism is not allowed here and neither is your shitposting of your insecurities to make yourself feel better. If you want to circlejerk with your fellow retarded stormfags, go back to your containment board, not here, and leave us to converse with each other in a civilized manner, unlike your simple-minded racist prejudices.