so everyone is saying to upgrade to an ssd, but maybe im missing something

im reading that pic related(SAMSUNG 850 EVO 500gb, the cheapest i could find), has problems with windows 8+

so then if ssd's have problems with latest windows then whats the point

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yeah dude you don't need one

my hdd is old and slowing down so I was considering an ssd, that's why I'm curious. I had no idea there was compatability issues with some OS

It only has problems if you're an idiot and clone your old HDD to the SSD with some shitty software (which is what 99% of all retarded people do)

So in otherwords as long as you did a fresh install there wouldn't be issues?

Yes, make sure reinstall windows and you'll be fine

Samsungs software also works quite well.

I have the 850 EVO, never had a problem with it on W8 or W10. Enable RAPID and make a separate partition for big video games with long load times and you're giggling.

huh, alright then. thanks for clarifying

For some reason I didn't specify but, yeah, do a completely fresh install. It's so much less hassle, even if you have to reconfigure software.

enable AHCI and reinstall windows or use samsung magician to clone your shit

Cloned my HDD to my Evo 850 with Samsung's software and it worked perfectly, very noticeable jump from 5 year old shitty Seagate drive.

Interesting. I did a clone onto an older Samsung ssd and there were no problems. Also it was win7. What problems were people seeing?

>just RMA'd 4 1TB Samsung Evo's today.

Cloning you existing junk and data and bullshit onto your new SSD is shit.

I could get new Samsung 850 evo 500gb for 90€. Should i?

RAPID is a bad idea. It actually slows down your drive in certain scenarios and causes instability.

Oh really? I kinda liked it. Any tests or anything I can take a look at?

It actually slows the drive down for file transfers and boot time.

It's basically a gimmick to try to boost benchmark scores in certain scenarios, but in the real world it actually degrades performance.

More here:

Samsung strikes again with placebo software. Thanks, might just get rid of the software when I get home, unless over provisioning is actually good.

Spotted the retards

SSDs are nothing more than a Sup Forums meme. No one seriously uses them in industry because of the extremely limited number of writes. Also they cost a fuck ton more per gigabyte, and do not have the capacity to hold the entire operating system and applications for a modern computer workstation. The speeds are barely faster than 10000 rpm drives, especially when you consider the fact that most of your hard drive accesses are going through RAM caches anyway, you aren't going to hit the actual disk every time. The only thing SSDs have is *slightly* faster bootup times. But bootup is less than 1% of computer use time, so it's not really a metric worth optimizing for. Just hibernate your PC instead of shutting it off, or grow some pateince and wait the 10 extra seconds to boot up with a normal hard drive.

i don't know man, loading games off ssd is a fuckton faster i.e. the division

This, the loading time for games makes it really shine and worthwhile

Nice bait.

Good goy pay more for placebo

hahaha poor detected

>limited number of writes
no longer an issue unless you're running a database, in which case you get an enterprise grade SSD

>more expensive per GB than HDD
yes, 256GB/512GB are affordable now, get one for OS and applications and you're set

>barely faster than 10k rpm drives
never tried those, cannot comment

>only useful for windows boot
and everything else that needs faster reading/writing such as starting applications, games, loading savegames, search indexing, AV scanning, updating

Have you actually ever tried an SSD?
They are 5+ times faster than say an average WD Black 7200RPM HDD.
Once you've tried an SSD for OS/apps you really do not want to go back.

RAPID is also bad if you have frequent power loss.

Just put an 850 EVO in my girlfriend's 2010 Asus consumer trash laptop and upgraded to Windows 10. It now boots in under 20 seconds and loads apps nearly instantly, as it should

I recently upgraded to a Crucial MX300, those are the best deal going now.

"SSD is a meme" is a poorfag meme

what are peoples thoughts on the m.2 ssd's ?
Im tempted to get one but are they really that much faster

What? I cloned the drive, Windows made the necessary adjustments and everything works as it should. I have no problems with a fresh install, but why do it if it's not necessary? The cloning process isn't even 15 minutes, then I Lol the drive in and I'm up and running. No fuss at all.

I actually have a laptop with a m.2 SSD and another with a 2.5" SSD, let me do a quick test and provide screenshots.

Actually is an mSATA SSD:

I can pick this up brand new for 18$!!
can this m.2 in run in raid0?

Cloned W7 on my SSD, immediately upgrade to W10. Only issue I ever had was first boot because the motherboard didnt know if it was supposed to use the SSD or HDD OS partition.

SK hynix SC308 SATA 512GB

My Crucial M500 if anyone cares.

Cloned my Win8.1 partition over to my SSD(Because I'm not a fucking dumbass that wants to spend 3 days customizing my Windows again) and it's been working absolutely perfect for the past year. No issues whatsoever. Speeds are great.

Ignore this person.
They don't have a clue what they're talking about.


>customizing my Windows
Kek wut?

Installing hundreds of programs again.
Figuring out what registry edits I made that made things comfy.
Remembering what services I disabled.
Setting up all the firewall rules again.
Setting up all the file association rules again.
Setting up EMET rules again.
Setting up Visual Studio again with ReSharper(ughh)
Setting up scheduled tasks and scripts to execute.
Configuring Nvidia graphics
And probably 100+ other things I'm forgetting

People who reformat on a whim are fucking stupid and do not actually use their computer.

>reformatted my PC and could never replicate the voodoo ritual required to get my sound card to work properly

Ended up buying a fucking awful USB alternative.

This is why you install with a separate /home