Sup Forums how do you get ur money?
Sup Forums how do you get ur money?
Jobs. Fixing computers n shit.
>burgerflipping for IT
I'm a finance controller
Well some douche ran my bike over in his Jaguar
But I made him think he hit me
He was all nervous and jittery because there were some cops around the corner
Gave me a signed blank cheque
I wrote 1 million out to cash
And that's how I got my money
I work for E Corp
NEETbux, good boy points
shilling on Sup Forums
Sent from my iPhone 6s
Nobody will believe me but I won about $50000 at a Casino which I'm living off right now.
Trying to set up a software development company.
better not be vidyagaems
wealth and success will come to you only if you reply to this post "my software company will be foss"
Uber driver
I am a content creator.
bitchwork at a restaurant
Off my PI's grant-writing skills
Full time program analyst.
Part time wrestling coach and freelance consultant.
NEETbux. I make about the same as a mcdonald's worker.
I work as a Pizza Guy
Shabbos goy for the ADL.
Government money, I'm the worst
Uber driver in india
Work for a gambling company doing repair and maintance. Pretty chill job overall, unless something urgent comes up it is more or less me choosing my hours and making sure everything is working correctly.
I'm a pharmacist.
>casino winnings
Hope you saved enough to give Uncle Sam his slice of the pie
>being jealous of someone with an easy job
I work and earn dividends ;)
I'm a lead developer for a systems engineering department at an aviation company.
I'm a mover.
i suck the jew
-Sup Forums
Mix of NEETbux and extra income from drawing furry porn.
NEET living with parents. I barely make any money by fixing shit computers and selling almost-useless shit
should kill myself already
IT Technician at a large video game studio
Raping and recording wife of powerful/rich people.
government sends me money every month because im legally retarded
fry cook at wendy's
sellin blow
>Sup Forums is literally retarded