Tries new distro

>Tries new distro
>Loving it most of the basic shit I use is in the repo
>Time to download my favorite most used programs
>cracks start to show
>Tfw when no sublime
>Tfw when no Google Chrome
>Tfw when most non common Linux programs arent for that distro
>Living in tar.gz hell
>Try to troubleshoot
>"Works on my machine lol"
What distros have you guys felt this?

Other urls found in this thread: built tar.gz

Just go back to Windows.

>Tfw when no sublime

Why the hell would you need Sublime in Linux?

If you're not an expert, don't use a distro that isn't apt supported.

non-free pig disgusting
>Google Chrome
non-free pig disgusting




>Professional / Expert / Hardcore Hacker:

Arch doesn't have this problem :^)

I prefer debian/ubuntu based distros, so I've got packages for everything.

Have fun with your hipster Linux tho.

Some day you will be good enough to use Arch.
However intelligence is mostly inherited.
A good question is: Do you believe in God?
If you answer Yes, you probably can never use Arch.

I'd switch Debian and Fedora around.

This is why non debian/ubuntu can fuck off.

> tar.gz hell
JUST build it yourself, that's it.

Why does Linus Torvalds use Fedora?


*tips fedora*


y0u forgo7 kali th0

Been using Manjaro for a month now. Pretty happy with it.

Arch isnt professional. it breaks like ecery hour and you need to spend like 3 hours fixing the issue

>>>>>>>>>>>>LE XDDDD N00B, EPIC1!!!

Because he has shit to do so he gets a distro that actually works and is well-supported instead of being a Gentoo/Arch memelord like the retards here who don't do anything but desktop ricing and dick wagging in OS threads.

> sublime
piece of shit
> chrome
apt-get install chromium
> no programs
get a debian or arch
> tar.gzs

Learn2man, my friend.

I've just used Ubuntu-based systems so far and OpenSUSE in 2007. OpenSUSE was kinda a bitch to set up and I couldn't get stuff to work. But then again I was a stupid teenager back then. With my current knowledge and Ubuntu, I didn't have any problems like you described. I also checked whether the programs I use most are available in packaged form for Ubuntu beforehand.

Can you imagine a professional using Arch? I can't. I can only imagine fat basement dwellers with memepads using Arch.

I'm using arch for like, 3 months and it never broke; idk man, I think the problem is you.
Really, I'm not even an Linux expert. Arch works far more stable than Mint I used to use

Are you incapable create own packages from sources until now? Even slackware with their SlackBuils tech offer the convenient way to build own packages. And even has the repos.

And most important: if you NEED windows software -- stay on windows, eat the shit


Op here, I can use both arch and Gentoo I just grew up and got something that just works. Debian testing and ubuntu mate get the job done.

>Works on my machine
Kill yourself

Probably you need to try going out and don't learn from Sup Forums

>and I did this thing nine years ago


None because I don't use obscure special snowflake crap distros

what about arch, or antergos or manjaro if you're not into that installing bullshit, if you did that you would have the AUR for all those packages to be managed with a package manager, you would do

>yaourt -S google-chrome
>yaourt -S sublime-text-3-dev (i think)
>or search the AUR for the package before installing

yaourt is the most popular of all aur wrappers, i personally use pacaur.

also, pic related the aur when you search for sublime-text

and what you get when you search for chrome.

>If it Just Werks its a n00bi3 distro
nice meme goy

>plug in openbsd usb drive
>hit enter a few times to install
>everything works out of the box
>manpages don't suck
>every piece of software I use is on the repo, including rust, elixir, plan9port and intellij
>could this be my dream dev environment
>open firefox to shitpost about it
>fans start to spin out of control, battery dies and computer explodes

>install manjaro-sfce
>everything and their mother in the repos or aur
>gui for pacman/aur
>never breaks
>huge knowledge resource with the archwiki

>struggling with tar.gz

Shouldn't you be using Win 10 or something?

how do you uninstall a package or something installed this way?

>install fedora
>it just werks

Either install it to a dedicated location
./configure --prefix=/opt/yourprogram/
or use something like "checkinstall" built tar.gz

So Debian has a wiki now, years after Arch?

After using arch, I've never really understood what the point of the 10000 distributions was.

thanks! that's good to know, and how do i manage the dependencies of a tar.gz ?

You don't. If you want proper dependencies, you have to make your own deb-src package.

It's more complex than Arch or Gentoo.

>manpages don't suck
>they're outright wrong in many cases
>needing to press enter less than 278 times while installing openbsd, let alone extra up/down and space presses
Also, while freebsd is significantly better, it still sucks. It's really sad, but BSD in 2016 doesn't even compare to linux in the early 2000's.

>apt-get install chromium
Still not Chrome

>Install Ubuntu 16.10
>Install Atom Beta
>Bye windows

Feels good.

that's to bad, i think that's the main reason most people have an issue with .tar.gz

>install Ubuntu 16.10
Error: the installer has stopped working.
Error: could not decrypt partition.
[hanging intensifies]
Error: could not remove logical partition.
Error: Something Went Wrong.

This is barely related, but I can do a presentation about one of the many distros out there. This is the first time I've ever heard of them and I'm doing this for the sake of doing it, learning and hopefully educating someone else in my class. Should I go with the gentoo meme or do you think it's easier to grasp things myself if I start with a more simple distro?

>Not using the mighty Gentoo Handbook

>>install gentoo my friends

I've used Gentoo for a few years before I switched to Debian.
Missing nothing, really.

>Tries new distro
>Time to download my favorite most used programs
>Everything is in the official repos or the AUR
>mfw people still insist on calling Arch a timesink

Seems like i clicked the wrong post, the post is still valid as the Gentoo Handbook is far superior to the man-child wiki that is Arch

My first introduction to linux was when I gave ssh access to someone on irc on a fansub channel and he installed gentoo for me. Was around 2006 I think. He really shilled that shit hard and I got hooked on it, of course I borked the install after a few weeks and reinstalled it myself. I'm managing an overlay with almost 60 ebuilds now and can't live without portage.

I also feel the same as OP when I try other distros. How can you folks live with such limited package managers that fuck up every six months when you need upgrade?

This doesn't happen on the MacBook Pro with Retina display.

>Litterally Chrome without the botnet

>Still isn't Chrome

Yeah if by "professional" you mean that fat bus comic "anime pro" lardass.

Go to any business website

It's time to leave the Irc circlejerk

At one occasion myself and 2 others spent half an hour each trying to install a certain specialized python module on different linux distros with no success. After 5 minutes it was up and running on my OBSD machine. Then again, I still haven't gotten sage to work on it.

Some of us don't need ebin monster cable codecs for perfectly rendering our weebshit cartoons. In fact, as hard as it may be to believe, some of us use Linux environments to get work done.

So I've just installed Arch for the first time, I did pacman -S xorg and pacman -S i3, yet when I startx, it fails

It's a shame CentOS is government botnet the operating system because it has one of the most well-designed, comfy installers I've ever used.

Because he's too lazy to try something else and it did everything he needed it to do out if the box.

pacman -S xorg-xinit

Are you using Slackware?

>wasting time on Arch or Gentoo
You meant teenager hacker-wannabe with lots of free time.

>>Professional / Expert / Hardcore Hacker:

You mean for real experts/etc. it doesn't really matter. Distro won't make you an expert. You would be surprised how many people with real knowledge use Fedora or Debian.

Take your shitty Sup Forums meme to some other shitty thread.

No that's Kali

Do I then add i3 to xinit?

>A good question is: Do you believe in God?
>If you answer Yes, you probably can never use Arch.

Euler believed in God.

This. It just werkz and its smooth af

Trusting AUR. College kid detected.


some people use their computer for more than just watching anime

However unless they are hipster faggots they use a proper stuff on unix-like systems like vim and emacs. Maybe eclipse/intellij.

I think you rather missed the point of my post, user.


It is, because by this time next month, you'll be installing an update to X or your graphics drivers, and it will break X, as every single X or driver update always does.

My problem with gentoo is that you have to keep adding masks/accept_keywords/use the more you install or update, and you will eventually reach a point where it's impossible to further update or install anything or cleanly remove anything without dumping your entire .use, .accept_keywords, .mask and .unmask files, which in turn will cause ridiculous amounts of conflicts that can take weeks to solve.

Now, don't get me wrong, it's not like with arch where that shit would happen once a month - it takes many years (5 or so seems to be the average) to reach this point - but the problem is there.

Now I'm using manjaro instead. The loss of LICENSE and USE flags is annoying, but the AUR has more packages than portage + overlays (that is, actually working packages anyway - about 1/3 overlay package has been broken beyond repair for years which is another issue I have with gentoo).

That only happens to gamer faggots and their proprietary display drivers.

So you humiliate yourself into using depricated software jsut because you're stuck on a lecagy os? That's pathetic.

I only broke my installation once in 3 years and it was totally my fault.
This X breaking meme is stale.

I originally installed Arch because Brackets wouldn't compile on debian or ubuntu because they used an outdated glibc.

First it's spelled deprecated, second you don't know what it means.

1/10 bait.


Pretty much all the mainstream ones (namely, debian, ubuntu, opensuse, fedora).

debian, is great but I like latest software

That's what Debian sid is for.

>not using gentoo testing

Sid is always broken by design. Nothing ever works on sid.

Lies. I've been using sid on desktops for about 7 years now.

A second is not a year.

Well, I'm using the same install as I did five years ago and didn't have to dump my package* files into the trash. Probably mostly because I use kde/plasma profile and all important flags are set by that. I also am on ~amd64 so I don't have to unmask newer packages. Switching to systemd was also just a eselect profile/plasma/systemd away.

I can guess that using a plain non de profile complicates things beyond measure. But kde has excellent support on gentoo and is a pleasure to use here. I was surprised that even pre-release packages intended for distributions maintainers are available on the kde overlay.

Case in point, I have to maintain my own overlay separate to my layman'ed one just to keep up to date with some packages. Especially gtk+ packages take months to half a year to be available. I still don't have libreoffice 5.2 for example and gnome updates take at least six months to land here.

Oh well I do use gentoo as my own distribution system in my non-it company so I can't really just drop it now. I used arch before that but it was a pain to keep every pc in the same state and "stable" distributions have software and drivers that are just too old.

>Arch isnt professional
He meant the user is professional, no issues for me almost 3 years with out ""breaks"" last time was a major grub upgrade and I didn't read the pacman output cause #yolo.
Not a pro myself I just follow closely the wiki and manuals [spoiler] if doesn't work OOTB[/spoiler]

The trick to a well-pruned USE garden is using local flags unless you absolutely have to set make.conf

I set all my USE flags in package.use, even global ones

Much tidier that way

This, my make.conf USE line isn't even 80 characters long.

is just an up to date distro, is not like wating to you leave the desk to fail, just don't upgrade any package when you need to work

But there is Sublime

Just Ubuntu everything.

There is no reason to use anything else.