I fucked up, Sup Forums

I fucked up, Sup Forums.

I opened my case and swapped my old 6 GB RAM setup for the new 16GB one, then closed it and booted up.

Except now the fucking screen goes NO HDMI SIGNAL and goes to sleep right away. No Windows boot, no nothing, just that message.

I tried with the old RAM, I tried to access BIOS (doesn't let me), I'm honestly at my wits' end, such as they are. And I don't even understand what the fuck happened.

Could you please help a fellow user out?

you fucked up go buy a ps4

is your mobo posting
>inb4 no it's me user, I'm posting

Boot down, take out power cable, remove battery from mobo for about 30 seconds.

Insert battery again and try to boot again.

If same problem persists, try to boot with just 1 stick in the ram slots.

Also, if running a GPU, disconnect it and plug into motherboard to see if you can just get it to post.

It would help to know what kind of hardware were dealing with here.

Does the computer actually turn on?

Have you checked every wire is connected properly inside the computer?

Have you tried different ram slots?

Single stick of ram in different slots to see if you fucked one?

Have you checked the mobo over to make sure you didn't do something like put a deep scratch in shit somewhere?

If it doesn't even turn on have you checked simple shit like making sure the PSUs on/off button isn't set to off like a retard or the mobo to power button connection isn't severed

>is your mobo posting

As far as I can tell it's not, there are no flashes and beeps.

Just a black screen than a message appears that goes like

>HDMI 1 : scanning....(this is where I have the cable plugged)
>HDMI 2 : no signal

And then HDMI 1 goes NO SIGNAL too, even tho the cable is fucking plugged. This shit is driving me up the wall.

Have you tried pushing down the ram until it clicks?

Ok I'm off to try the solutions posted so far, will come back with new data.

sounds more like you didn't put the RAM in properly. A motherboard without RAM put into it cannot boot no matter what. Other things are likely irrelevant to issue, unless you're so retarded you have to disconnect other cables just to swap RAM sticks.

Make sure you put the new RAM into the proper slots (refer to your mobo manual on this), and make sure they're inserted all the way in (click sound usually confirms this).

Ok so, the RAM was actually not inserted all the way in (I was afraid to damage it so I didn't push hard enough I guess)

But even after correcting this and clicking it into place completely, I reboot and the screen is STILL doing this shit.

Did you reset your CMOS like stated above?
And for the love of god, what fucking motherboard do you have?

is the new ram combatible with your CPU?

OP is obv a liar. How can you post on Sup Forums if your computer is not working?

try resetting the bios, you need to jump wire some pins, check your mobo manual

isnt removing the battery easier?

>implying mobile devices don't exist

seems more logical

idk, batteries are more fiddlier, i just short two pins with a screwdriver when i fuck up, quick and easy

1. Plug in monitor
2. Boot computer
3. ?????
4. Thank me later

not sure if anyone asked this, but I always had this same issue, look up your mobo manual, you probably inserted the RAM sticks in the incorrect order. Try switching them around or something

I had this problem but when installing a GPU. Make sure the RAM is seated properly, often you have to push down quite hard, make sure the plastic lock things at each end are not sticking out

If you can't get it to boot even with your old RAM now, you likely unplugged something by accident.

Is your computer dusty? Did you have an old ass computer you didn't clean, and then took out the old RAM and now dust has gotten into the RAM slots?

OP here, this is my situation. Can you see anything wrong?

yes, move the second ram to the black slot, so there's an empty slot between, it's dual channel you dingus

Your RAM is placed in the wrong order.
Check your mobo manual for the love of God.

how the fuck are you so stupid?

nigga how do you not know how to place your ram?

Not using dual channel wouldn't prevent it from booting, but a RAM stick missing from slot 0 (the first slot the computer checks) would. At most he'd cut his available bandwidth in half, but it could still boot just fine.

Now check your motherboard manual, OP. If you chucked your paper manual out with the trash, go look for it on the mobo manufacturer's website.

I placed both RAMs in the black slots and now they have a blue slot inbetween.

Thing is, not only the screen is still not working but now there's this red light labeled "DRAM LED" or something. I'm assuming it's not good. Also I can't find my mobo manual.

you need to put in slots 1,3 or 2,4 i.e the same colored ones

just lol

>are you mentally handicapped?

fucking retard alert


>Also I can't find my mobo manual.
fucking google it, jesus christ man

>Sup Forums is that way ->

PLEASE buy a gun and kill yourself as soon as you can.

> (You)
>no mobo manual.

You are hopeless.
Find a PDF online.
And then kys.

>tfw irl laughing at a thread

been a while

Whats wrong with you Sup Forums. This is not a tech support board!

He has obviously no clue how to troubleshoot such a problem.

So i ask you wy are you helping him?

You all are the reason wy such people are on this board. People that unironically think apple products are great/innovative. People who think its acceptable to use windows or facebook.

Thank you for your attention and dont forget to drink bleach.

bad bait

I would have googled it but I couldn't remember the model either.

Now I've searched among old shit and I've found it's an ASUS P8-Z77-V LX.

Now to check if it's compatible with those Corsair things.

shut up prahbdeep.

Just end your miserable existence.
It will be better for everyone.

Take the parts out, then rebuild.

Had to do that to fix my gpu going crazy.

Maybe blow out the dust too, can't do anything but help. Either it fixes the probkem or you know it is fucked.

hadn't laughed today on Sup Forums .... until this thread

same im fucking dying
use the manual to show you how to replace ram,
then kys

I forgot tripfags. If you are not the op or have to proof that its you dont fucking use a tripcode.

you choose a right time to check for compatibility haha just made my day

Wy are you using the meme wrong. Pajeets are windows shills stupid cunt.

U can do it op I believe in u

just no.

So, according to the manual it should be compatible.

It also recommends using the blue slots so that's what I'm gonna do. And yes, I'm a retard.

Are those by any chance DDR4 sticks in DDR3 setup?

No, they're both DD3.

Sry Fucking typo... why

You don't even need the manual. I just kept switching out the RAM until my system would post. The slots are also named on the mobo e.g. DDR31 DDR32

>hey guys the slots can't be differently coloured for a reason right?
>They obviously did it for aesthetic reasons.



dude just put one of the sticks into one colored slot, then the other stick in the OTHER COLORED SLOT!!!

Then try the blue slots you incompetent fuck

gee did u already remove CMOS battery? or replace swap ram between bank?

Put the old RAM back in and be done with it OP. 16gb is a meme anyways

New development.

Putting the RAMs into the blue slots did nothing, so I tried disconnecting the GPU for shits and giggles.

What this did is bypass the NO SIGNAL screen and allow me to access the BIOS.

I still have no idea what has the GPU got to do with all this, i never even touched it before now.

>Sup Forums - Tech Support

fuck you pajeets

Disregard the wrongly places RAMs of course, I only modified the picture from earlier. They're both in the blue slots now.

I can boot up the PC just fine with the new RAMs if I just disconnect the GPU.

What the fuck is going on.

I think your computer switched to onboard video rather then your graphics card

BIOS -> something something primary display -> PCI

clear the bios, check all the settings
if it's not working, then just kys

Where is your monitor connected? Also, have you tried microeaving your gpu for a minute yet?

Sup Forums's extent of PC troubleshooting knowledge.
>hurr durr ram in wrong slots XDDDD """CHEQUED"""" instead of letting one person point that out how about I say the same thing with a funny Le Epic Randumb meme XDDDDD kekekekeke

I swear to god we need to just burn the board and move somewhere else.


My guess is when you put the ram in the wrong slots your mobo freaked out and booted into safe mode disabling your graphics card. Now you just need to reset it back and you should be fine


I'm the only one who posted chequed and you didn't even quote my post, how cucked are you? LMAO

Had the same problem, would not boot with gpu in. Turns out my new ram had a 1-letter difference with the type of the qvl. Check that shit negro

Wow I guess you're right, I take it all back, nice job user chalk another one up for internet fights won.

made my day

How do I go about that? Do I just take out the battery and then put it back in agan like an user suggested earlier?

Well *cough* *cough* *cough*

boot into bios, check the settings

take it out, wait, put it back in

>actually getting butthurt over meme usage
XD uw0tm80 keked

Anyway OP, put your gpu in the microwave for about 60 secs, trying to boot without ram probably fucked the circuitry, nothing your microwave can't fix.

We can't really do shit unless we know your mobo model. It's always printed on the actual board. From there, we'll hold your hand and look up your manual for you.

That wasn't OP

>another victim of the 16 GB RAM meme

>Criticizes other for providing advice while not doing shit
Nice work senpai


Installing the wrong kind of ram can cause boot failure like what you just had.

Check your motherboard. Is there a switch next to the ram with "MemOK!" written above it

not OP but this reply might help him

i think might have killed himself
today was a great day

op might have

Ok, so.

I can BIOS or boot normally if I disconnect the GPU

But as soon as I connect it, it's "no singla/display going to sleep".

Resetting the mobo via its battery did nothing.
Resetting the BIOS to default did nothing.

I don't know, I might try this next.

sorry to disappoint.

My mistake.

You have the MemOK! switch, looking at your blurry photo. Reseat all of your ram, turn on the computer, hold the MemOK! switch until the DRAM LED begins to blink. Let it do its thing for 30 seconds.

- If your computer reboots on its own after that amount of time, let it do its thing.
- It should reboot at least once because it's testing different settings for compatibility, so don't panic.
- The LED should be blinking randomly. If it's a single continuous light, your RAM is bad. Put the old RAM in and repeat the process. If you get the same result, motherboard might be shot.
- To STOP the MemOK! cycling, turn the computer off and pull the cable out for 10 seconds.

You have to have another gpu / another computer where you can stick your gpu in?

If you go back to your old ram does your computer work fine? If not maybe your gpu is dead

*happen to have

Listen to this man op

Might just be the GPU then.

But things don't just "die" because you installed something new. I've seen this from static discharge however, like installing a new graphics card causing the RAM to short out. Were you grounded when you did your install?

I hope this fixes your problem OP.

I held the MemOK! switch like you said but the DRAM blinked like once and then never again. It just kept rebooting but without going past the screen of death so I turned it off again.

I don't think the GPU is dead because it still blinks green when I connect it, and its fan works.

>having this much trouble with installing something as simple as RAM
jesus christ OP

Did you swap out the RAM?
Did you power off the computer and unplug it, then run the MemOK! switch again on the second set?
Do you have GPU Boost enabled? If you do, disable it.

The fan working on the GPU doesn't mean anything. The fan can still draw power from the mobo while the hardware itself is fried. Same with LEDs.