Home or Pro?
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What's the difference between both?
One is the FBI botnet and the other is NSA/CIA?
>Mfw my favorite color is purple
Decision made.
Pro is basically Home + Hyper-V and group policy editor.
Enterprise is where it's at.
user, why is purple so pretty?
Enterprise N LTSB 2015 or 2016
You're not THAT much of a cuck, are you? Better yet, just use 7/8.1. Why do you need 10?
bec its the mix of goat red+blue
either is just fine. At any rate you're better off just waiting for server 2016 to avoid at least some of the win10 bullshit
Kill yourself.
plus remote desktop client
so OP, in which environment will be this used?
if you are a home user, and you dont need access to "esoterical stuff" like the group policy editor, home is for you
If you are to connect your computer to a workplace / connect it into a windows domain, then Professional is mandatory
Be grateful that at least 10 does not have like 10 different sub versions like 7 had
Home + spybot anti-beacon is enough in most cases.
education, enterprise > all
>Being this retarded
Holy shit, get the fuck out of Sup Forums. Anything under Enterprise has a keylogger. Microsoft retains literally every shred of data your computer collects. This includes conversations you've had in the same room, video of you in the room, and everything you've typed into Windows 10 (yes, your fucking passwords get sent too you fucking moron).
If you don't understand why the situation laid out in 1984 is a problem, fucking kill yourself.
>Implying entreprise doesn't have a keyogger
TOPKEK. You're using microsoft software boy, don't expect to have freedoms.
I thought you guys said this os was tolerable. I've been using Windows 10 for less than 1 day now on a new laptop and have had:
total lockup bluescreen, don't think I've seen a bsod in years
auto updates that I can't turn off even with everything disabled
updates restarting and changing my settings
restarting to find fucking Windows Edge and Windoes store on my fucking taskbar
trying to disable shit in the convoluted options menu, have to go through screens like "you sure you dont want to use this great Windows recommended setting??"
probably the worst start menu i've ever seen
no wordpad, just preinstalled office suite that bugs me to buy that shit
what the fuck is wrong with microsoft, it's like they're trying to alienate actual computer users, I can't even have a device to type and browse the web on when they force all this shit on me.
time to install windows 7 again!
>I don't know how to use windows, the post.
It's ok user, im sure linux will hit 10% marketshare in the next hundred years or so,
>implying I'm using windows
Knowing how to use Windows has nothing to do with their shittastic new OS failing to work properly.
>B-but it works for me!
Congrats, you deserve to die like the rest of the sheeple that fall for data collection.
im a complete windows pleb, been using it all my life and have never touched linux.
the problems I talk about above have never happened to me when using windows 7 for the past few years.
with that os of course you need to disable tons of shit, but I have never seen an operating system try to push proprietary software on you as hard as this.
the bluescreen total lockup "SOMETING HAPPN :(" was pretty infuriating, but restarting to see Windows store and Microsoft Edge back on the toolbar, with edge having been changed BACK TO MY DEFAULT BROWSER without asking me, then trying to change my browser back to my chrome botnet it pops up a bunch of "are you sure????" messages fucking KILLED ME
>no wordpad
nigga what are you smoking?
I'm using Pro at work because we are using a Remote Desktop and there's pretty much no reason to get the Enterprise version.
It's alright I guess.
whoops im retarded, I expected it to be in my list of installed apps but it wasn't. found it via search tho, cheers.
Just buy a Mac. There was a time when I'd make fun of you for doing it but with Windows 10 it's the only option for someone not experienced with Linux.
Have to have Pro for work. Can't join work domains on home. That's why I have it.
Enterprise doesn't spy on you
kek, good one user
Home is free but they're both botnets so neither.
>people actually buy Win10
Besides all the spyware bullshit, I get a free Win10 Pro key with every computer my work buys.
>Botnet or Botnet?
Windows Server 2016 is the only real answer.
You should probably pirate it first before buying it, just to see how shitty it is before spending money on it.
Unless that was your original plan, hue.
I have enterprise on desktop dual boot with ubuntu, pro on laptop with the windows bash subsystem. Works gud.
Linux can join domains, there are multiple tools for it. Samba4 has the option to act as a domain controller just like Windows AD and can be managed using the same tools.
So, Mac OS X?
Is W10 easy to pirate? Considering all the info it's constantly sending, I would imagine it would detect it's not an authentic copy quite fast.
>choosing OS based on colour
that's just sad
POSReady 2009
torrent it
Yeah but how a simple fag can obtain one license of that version?
Only gaymer desktops dont come with this preinstalled these days.
It's only become easier over the years.
Windows 7/Vista cracking required you to modify the bootloader.
With Windows 10 you have everything built in (Pro/Enterprise only), all you need to do is enter a KMS serial number (obtainable on Microsoft's website) and set the KMS server to a non-MS one.
It's easily crackable. No difference when compared to 7 or 8.
trips confirms
then why didn't you install gentoo
Home doesn't have Hyper-V.
Pro has Hyper-V.
Thus, Pro is a better choice.
>Is W10 easy to pirate?
Yeah, you can install a legit, unmodified iso of Windows 10, and then use a KMS activator (I use KMSPico) to fool Windows into being activated.
> I would imagine it would detect it's not an authentic copy quite fast
I don't think they give a fuck. I've been blatantly pirating Windows for almost a decade with full updates and pretty much no issues.
MS Security Essentials/Defender usually detects the activation method, but you can put exceptions on those directories/files and also choose the "allow" option if it's detected.
This, I activated a version of Win 10 LTSB 2015 with KMSPico
Zero issues after 5 months of use
Spend the 20 mins necessary to set up all settings and controls in the beginning, it's worth it
Cool. I'm going to try it.
Should I go with Pro or Enterprise? I read you can disable more stuff like auto updates with Enterprise?
education or enterprise
If you're pirating might as well go for the best.
Enterprise gets you shit like additional group policies to disable the auto-installing "suggested" apps (this happens even if you're not logged in using a MS account), disable telemetry completely (pro lets you only go down to basic) and as you mentioned more control over updates.
One does not simply 'obtain' a LTSB N copy of W10. One tyrones it. There was a pastebin with instructions, but I lost the link :(
Yesterday somebody recommended me Win 10 Enterprise LTSB. I just installed it in a 200X laptop that came with XP. Result? Works pretty fast after a few minutes, and I don't have all Cortana/Windows Store/... shit.
You guys know that by installing KMspico or whatever you're literally installing NSA tools, right?
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N is basically 7 and XP combined. It only has the good features.
Windows 10 non-LTSB is pretty good, too, but I personally don't like all the apps and junk that come with those versions. Windows Server 2016 is also incredibly good--possibly even better than LTSB.
I had to go check current version of your pic, how the fuck does a video game have a longer wiki page than most countries?? Some people on wikipedia need to take a fuckin break.
>Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N is basically 7 and XP combined. It only has the good features.
Then what's the point? Better off sticking it with 7 if you really need windows for some reason.
Thanks Doc.
Before I head back to Sup Forums, is Server good for gaymen ?
The only weird thing I found is that I had to manually enable the Win 7 photo viewer. A shame.
>implying this isn't a hardware issue too
son your hat better be made of lead foil.
no. it has the same level of telemetry as win10 with the same inability to turn it off. it's roughly on par with ltsb n. the last good server edition is 2012 r2.
telemetry cannot be disabled completely, even in enterprise and ltsb n. setting it to zero just sends a minimal amount of telemetry. even with editing group policies, it cannot be completely turned off.
my computer came with Pro (i dual-boot, before you get triggered) and i very much like it compared to my home pc with home. Has some nicer features. Can't even remember them, but they do come in handy.
Enterprise is just volume licensed Pro.
telemetry at 0 only sends shit like 'this computer telemetry is at 0' and it basically just windows update. even at 1 its hardly worth mentioning, 2 is debatable but 3 is where you should be concerned
I am already triggered
nobody knows for sure what's sent. but everyone agrees that info is still sent.
Windows is definitely botnet but you're literally retarded if you think Windows is constantly sending hd video back to hq.
they explain it in the article regarding telemtry for enterprise. you can either read that and make a decision for yourself, or you can be a Sup Forums tool and spout shit like everything you type gets sent back to them no matter what
i am not saying you are that, but just use your brain
Did something change with 10? Because that's what it was with 7.
Why does Windows 10 LGBT not come with an image viewer?
Surely they could give you the W7/8 one like they do with Internet Explorer
thanks senpai
you are a quality user
Do you mean the article they wrote explicitly saying that telemetry cannot be completely turned off? Have they finally revealed in another article what is being sent, or are they still mum about it?
the article about enterprise levels, it tells you the shit it sends back. it even says level 0 basically just says 'hey this machine is at 0' just to get a number of ones set at it. the thing wont even check for updates
Enterprise LTSB
Found my new OS
thanks anons, i'm going to buy PRO then. It's seems nice and i don't think i can buy enterprise.
I'm not gonna pirate it because i don't want to get fuck someday.
inb4 >buying windows >install gentoo
i have a thinkpad for linux and gnu
People still buy Windows?
You must be the biggest retard alive.
What are you talking about?
Hold the fucking phone. Nobody in here is recommending you to buy it.
you said it's better than home.
I can't pirate it, i need an activated windows. i know i read you can pirate and fool windows but they still know. One day they'll just deny my access and i can't just lose things like that.
>i need an activated windows
Strange, my Windows is pirated