Hi, I'm looking to buy a Fiio M3 with some Sennheiser CX 300-II PRECISION, pic related, what do you think? will it satisfy my ears enough? what do you have for music?
Hi, I'm looking to buy a Fiio M3 with some Sennheiser CX 300-II PRECISION, pic related, what do you think...
/hpg/ exists but is sucks half the time.
I use Fiio X3 and HD598s
Earbuds are over priced, get xiaomi hybrids. Have had both and there's zero reason to buy the sennheisers for more than $10.
Why not just use your phone? Not like you need an amp to drive 32ohm earbuds. I have $1000 headphones on my desktop and the xiaomi earbuds sound good on my phone.
>Sennheiser CX 300-II PRECISION
I have those. I prefer my soundmagic e10s though and they are around the same price.
Buy Soundmagic e10s and then buy some foam tips.
Always buy foam tips >improve sound >improve comfort
i use my huawei p9 with Rock Zircon or Xiaomi Hybrid and it suits me perfectly
i own a 2000€ set-up at my desk
you should check out Rock Zircon, they surpass the hybrids
especially with some equalisation tuning
Well the Xiaomi Hybrids are two times the price of the Sennheisers where I live, there's also the option to buy Xiaomi Piston Gold for like $25, any experience with these?
>Xiaomi Hybrids
This. also get some nice open back headphones
do you even aliexpress?
I'm scared of getting ripped off by ching chongs.
I used fucking Gearbest, sketchiest motherfucking site I've ever seen and they sent me them fine: Fucking ding ching wrapping and all.
>what do you have for music?
A 2GB 2nd gen iPod Nano. Going to pick up a 5th gen iPod Classic and install a 240GB chink SSD
you act like 10$ is a fortune
don't know about the Fiio M3 but I own the headphones you're referring to and they're pretty great.
Sound quality is quite alright for the filthy casual that I am. I especially like them because they just won't break even when I treat them like shit
I use them with either my s7e or my laptop.
It is when I'm trying to make a purchase, i just like to browse a lot and get something that totally satisfies me.
Huh, didn't know they're resistant, that might convince me
surprise surprise i do the same.
I feel like "yay" is the only adequate response.
yeah they don't really look that resistant but these headphones have lasted me for more than a year now and are still going strong
Thank you
I have the ie800, they're pretty top notch
(get ready to be burnt down by Sup Forums for using "samshit", "touchjizz", "jewish phone" etc etc.)
These ie800 are perfect imo, never had better earphones.