>720 x 1280



Other urls found in this thread:


stay mad and enjoy your lagdroid, poo.

enjoy your slow ass phone and green bubbles, kid


post again when your OS isn't a virus-ridden lagging piece of shit lol

>720 x 1280
Fuck, I knew it was too good to be true.

>Shilling this hard
Wew lad

Enjoy your lagdroid my friend

Took them forever to just get to 4.7 inches.

>He mad cuz hiz bubbles be green


It's not even getting ripped off anymore, it's so out of date it's just flat out hard to believe meme tier.

>so out of date

>2gbs of ram
nigga really? ram is cheap as fuck, niggas be putting 8gbs on their phones and apple has kept the same ram for like 4 years now?

It is ridiculous, 100 uk pound phones (1 sixth of the price) have 1080p. That is just taking the piss no matter how you look at it.

Wait is that actually the resolution? Am I being memed?

There is no point to going above the 326ppi they found the average person cannot resolve at average cell phone viewing distance. All it does is make the phone worse.

Iphones don't need tons of RAM because IOS isn't a RAM hog like LAGdroid.

Apple says you don't need quad HD screens so you don't need quad HD screens


Shills don't even have arguments to back them up anymore. HOLY KEK

That is complete bullshit they made up.

I'm used to using a 1080p phone, and when I used a friends iphone 6 there was a very clear difference, especially in text.

I'd never consider buying a phone over 200 pounds without a 1080p or above screen, no matter how good the rest of the specs are.

You're getting shilled mate.

You're not

>implying I need more than 326ppi on my wide color gamut display

>That is complete bullshit they made up.
>and when I used a friends iphone 6 there was a very clear difference, especially in text.
Have you tried not using the phone 1" from your face?
>You're getting shilled mate.
The person who isn't falling for 'more is better because more' is getting shilled?

didnt sony plop a fucking 4k display on a phone like last year?

how can apple still be stuck on 750p

Good goyim, you're just too smart and well educated as a consumer, these shills don't know the truth that 750p is cinematic and you can't see higher even looking at it with a telescope

if they moved to a higher resolution, they'd loose too much battery life, and become shit compared to other smartphones.

>haha guys i used le epic jew joke again for the 750th time today do i fit in yet please love me i have no friends

That's your whole fucking response to that?
What a fucking retard
>"WHAT?! Android users want more and more for their money's worth?! WHAT IS THIS?! HOW DARE THEY ASKFOR THAT?! FUCKING SHILLS"

It isn't true at all.

Exact story was he bought the iphone 6s and was showing it off, my phone is the original xperia z.

He let me have a go with it and it was noticeable immediately, I genuinely felt disgust at apple for being so greedy, it must only cost about 20 quid extra to have a non shit screen.

He made that joke for every pixel you have, shill

I don't use iPhone, retard.

Bad goyim, bad! 5 shekels have been dedcted from your account!

No one loves you

>It isn't true at all.
Oh sorry, I didn't realize you were the foremost authority on human visual acuity.

No no no you NEED Retina display

Who needs love when you have people getting triggered over a shitty meme goy, it's better than all the shekels in the world!

Good goyim!
You convinced him that you're not actually shilling for free and that you have an impartial point of view!
0.15 shekels have been transferred to your account

I have perfect vision, but even if I didn't it would be noticeable.

Borrow someones android phone, and you will notice it straight away, especially on the text.

This guy, although his websites shit, seems very knowledgeable the on human eye and came to this conclusion


I've conducted some blind tests where a viewer had to sort 4 photos (150, 300, 600 and 600 ppi prints). The two 600 ppi were printed at 1200x1200 and 1200x2400 dpi. So far all have gotten the correct order of highest to lowest ppi (includes people up to age 50)

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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>720p and 2 gb of ram
