TWO battlestation threads

TWO battlestation threads
TWO stupid question threads
25 Apple threads
10 cellphone threads
19 pure shitpost threads
4+ blog/tech support threads
24 consumer electronics threads
A handful of retarded programming/NEET threads
A handful of threads about softwares

and we can't even have a single thread about desktops?
>post em

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you faggot.

lol how did you even find this thread; it got autosaged

hi jordan!

h h-hello here is my desktop

>page: 1

gosh look at those blurry fonts what was i even thinking!

I moved guifetch to github so you guys can check it out


Post that Mio image please.


Thank you.

is this the shitposting thread?

please tell me why this is shit and i shouldn't buy it:


the real version

What music player? Please dont say AAE or Adobe Audio Experience

C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!

I thought this thread would be all weeb faggots.

she uses adobe audio experience

it says right there in the terminal tab user



thats what it is though

please make fun of me

What's your name?

Send me a link of Adobe Audio Experience and i cant trust in you

im pretty sure her name is nakano azusa

nakano azusa. why?

Haven't imported my music yet


>concernd about the quality on Sup Forums
>posts in every fucking thread with a name

Attention whore elswhere

she doesnt have tripcode

>look at all these technology threads I don't like
>Why can't I make a thread barely about technology so I can massage my mantits with other weeaboos?
It's called /w/, degenerate.

don't bully jordan

jordan is a very sensitive snowflake.
he may be a faggot with aspergers but hes SENSITIVE
