Does anyone know if it is possible to overclock my laptop a bit?

Does anyone know if it is possible to overclock my laptop a bit?
probably to about 2GHz?
It is a Lenovo 100s ideapad.
The CPU is an Intel celeron n3050..

Thank you


Why not?

>overclock my laptop

First off, why.
Secondly, heat b o i

Laptops already get hot enough. It's gonna throttle down to a lower speed when it hits a certain temp.

That is a going point it does not have any fans...

what's the temp under load?

About 60C

It isn't.


>mfw I recognize that crop

and the clock speed at that temp?

About 1.5Ghz

which you've measured yourself?
In any event, the BIOS doesn't support it, so you're fucked.

Fair enough///

Don't. It will just thermal throttle anyway.
Buy yourself a cheap($20) old AMD desktop and play around with overclocking.
Don't learn on a laptop which is also your daily driver.

>overclock laptop
Battery dead in less than a year.
CPU literally melting.

Your daily driver has a 3050?? I bought a board with a built in 3050 for about £30 the other day to use as a PXE server. Why the absolute fuck would you buy one for actual use?

Nobody needs your fuckface.

I can see that you are a stupid nigger that didn't disable all graphic fidelity bullshit that makes win10 a horrible cancer on old piece of shit laptops.

>Advanced System Settings
>Adjust for best performance
>enjoy not having readable fonts

What the fuck is that processor

CPU? No chance. You can overclock th iGPU though.

OP, you can overclock anything you want, but most things aren't designed to handle being overclocked.

I overclocked my oven so i could push the knob past 500F and go up o 850F, i burnt the house down.