Arch is a meme distro, prove me wrong

I fell for the arch meme
>dat disgusting font rendering
going back to ubuntu as I write this.

Other urls found in this thread: font rendering

You are shitposting. You never could install Arch.

Shit font rendering is a problem with freetard/wannabe freetard distros like Debian and Fedora.

Nice try, newfag font rendering

I installed Arch. It's shit. I'm ready to install Ubuntu now.

This. Have a well deserved (You).

Get the infinality stuff.

werks on my machine!

>Shit font rendering is a problem with freetard/wannabe freetard distros like Debian and Fedora.
I've been using Linux for 8 years and never made that connection. Your post was like a glass of ice water thrown in my face. Amazing!

Sure proved me, totally believe you now, newfag OP


Sup Forums memes aside, gentoo is nicer and I use it.

You all just got trolled! LOLOLOLOL!

>I-I swear I could install Arch
>I am installing Ubuntu now, trust me

top kek

Arch is an absolute god send. I will probably never understand how this bleeding edge rolling release distro can be that great and stable while other more tested distros like ubuntu are fucking shit and broken to the point of being basically unusable.

Just some experiences I made with those distros:
> Ubuntu TF2 has 40fps, on the exact same machine with Arch it has way over 100fps.
> Ubuntu make an update, samba is broken
> Ubuntu Server using LXC, one container crashes, whole System is fucked although Ubuntu is basically the developer of LXC

I guess in the Linux world it seems to be better to use never packages with all the bug fixes instead of going with older "more stable" packages, with tons of know bugs and also slow.

I am using Arch, it's pretty cool!

Consider gas

you just don't "get" Ubuntu

Ubuntu is an African word meaning [i] Human [/i]

I bet you spent more time fussing over your opera font settings than your Arch font settings.
>bin dare dun dat.

Wow I hate debian now


I know this thread isn't serious, however

Arch is the best choice, just werks(tm)

99% of fonts are shit and that has nothing to do with font rendering. a good font does not need any antialiasing or hinting.

You forgot the picture. But because I like you user. Here's the picture.

I use Manjaro because I have a life and can't spend all day troubleshooting.


>install Debian standalone thinking I'll be able to install an x-window manager just to get the hang of it
>nonfree repos not in default sources.list
>WiFi doesn't work,
>Ethernet port doesn't work

No problem I'll just install the firmware from source

>no pre-installed compiler

mm no time spent fussing

>You never could install Arch.

Reminder that the Arch installation could be 110% automated with a nice, clean, user-friendly gooey that just werks.

There is no reason the Arch installation needs to run from the command line other than to give its userbase a false sense of self-importance.

Reminder that someone already did this and 95% of Sup Forums arch users installed with it

I've installed both Gentoo and Arch.
Arch takes nowhere near as long as Gentoo.

Literally the Arch installation is one page, the Gentoo guide is literally a GUIDE

and LFS is even longer

I'm actually working on it right now!

Hey, its not like you can compile packages in Arch from source, or have an optimized kernel right?

wtf i hate debian now !

i've never installed arch b ut isnt it one of those distros that doesnt come with anything?
so, you installed shitty font rendering, and thats arch's fault? or?