Starting an electronics repair business

Starting an electronics repair business.

Need a name.
Help me out here Sup Forumsurus.

Electronics Repair

Subtle, but not quite as catchy as I was hoping for.



Spicy Parts

Pajeet's Electronic repair company

Mr Robot

repairs with klossy

Electro Wizards
Circuit City (not being used atm)
Brohm's Law Office

Op's electronig kers.

Could name it

^town name^ computer repair.

I did that a couple year ago and had steady flow of seniors needing repair for their machine, makes it seem like an honest place I guess.

I imagine it works better if you live in a small town.

Gentoo Incorporated

That would work, but I'm advertising in multiple cities. Guess I could just make different flyers.

>That would work, but I'm advertising in multiple cities. Guess I could just make different flyers.
Just use the county/region name

I Fix Real Good

Dindu nuffin repair shop
Ramming & Co
Kilo to byte
Byte Me
Pee-cee herman

Mrs. Robot

>Byte Me

Hackerman and repairs co.

>Byte Me
Op do this



Do you think the normies would get a kick out of it though?

Mine started doing the thing where the housing was warped and the CD would scrub. Took it apart, mounted it in a Tupperware bowl, and problem solved. Also far more durable.

Mr robot

Electronics/Repair shop, or as ive taken to calling it Electronics plus repair shop