New picture when?
New picture when?
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kys when?
android is still behind ios
Don't know I liked the nexus 4 but 16gigs was very limiting and I didn't want to stream all the time
>android is still behind ios
pulling the software card eh?
dumb retard
I fucking hate you, because I can't ever tell if you shills are real or youre just meme posting
android has more yet it still lags to play a youtube video after closing out unlike ios. Also check the speed test.
dumb retard.
Stay mad android fanboy
>Android is still behind iOS
Lol, no. Android has always been leaps ahead
>The nexus 4 has a higher resolution screen than the iphone 7
Yeah seconds behind is totally leaps ahead....
Shit security is totally leaps ahead....'\
In any case, he's a faggot. Just disregard his posts.
It's all meme posting, sorry if you cant tell the differenece or even what websight you are on
android fanboys in denial
>in 2016 you guys will love: wireless charging
>tfw he was wrong
I use an apple/winphone
Nice try though.
Ill consider using android when Snapdragon comes close to the performance of the A-series chips and they start using NVM flash storage instead of the garbage they currently use.
The 820 has beaten the A9 for months.
UFS is faster than NVMeme
stolen from that website populated by silly freaks that everyone keeps crying about
another one from that red website
>"water resistance"
ayy this is pretty good
>seamless updates
>Muh security
>Muh Mac can't into viruses
Regardless that it's patched, it still happened, and effected every apple device not on the latest update, not just some devices. Suck my tiny android penis.
>hates iPhone 'cuz no A10 CPU master race
Haters gonna hate
but dem green bubbles doe...
The Nexus 6 doesn't take very good pictures. It could if the Google Camera didn't suck balls. I'm still gonna use mine until it breaks, though.
>Wireless charging
You mean inductive charging which is both slower and less efficient than using a regular plug connector. But hey, you got a neat gimmick out of it.
>VR support
Dying overhyped gimmick for faggot gamers.
>app installs from a browser
Sites can already use banners at the top of the page with a link to the App Store.
>seamless updates
Available since 2007. Also iOS devices actually get updates, unlike Android devices.
>IR blasters
What is this, 1995?
>split-screen apps on phone
Already available on select apps for Plus phones.
>expandable storage slots
Keep dreaming. Won't be long before Samsung eliminates theirs just like they did with the removable battery.
>lock screen widgets
Already in iOS 10 for all iPhones 5 and up.
>4K screen resolution
Utter overkill for smartphone display size and viewing distance.
>Nexus 6 doesn't take very good pictures
6P user here, I have no idea what you're talking about
6P and 6 aren't the same thing.
>>Nexus 6 doesn't take very good pictures
>6P user here, I have no idea what you're talking about
Nexus 6 user here. Camera is shit.
>Not a single valid argument: the post.
>asking others to make OC instead of making it yourself
this is how far we have come gentlemen.
phoneposters are the cancer we tried to prevent
>tfw you miss the cancer cut off line by 6 months
phew xD
Does this mean your first time on the site? If so I've been here since 2012, and was browning constantly since summer of 2015
Yeah but the A9 is also much older than the 820. I love Android but Apple deserves the credit for their SoC design
In context he's right
>somewhat water resistant
Don't forget the OIS in the nexus 5
I was a an 11-12 year old on Sup Forums around 2010/11.
I was some fucking cancerous underage b& and actual summerfag let me tell you.
I still was browsing, even if moving boards the rest of the year from then on, but summer I lived in a shed outside the house posting on Sup Forums and drinking coke, constantly.
What was the last official OS update the Nexus 4 received again?
And both have been behind BBOS for years, so what?
I love how androidfags try to make a huge deal of all the irrelevant shit, meanwhile at its core Android its still a piece of shit and iPhones are still better than anythings. Its the pinnacle of delusion
But go ahead. Keep hating apple.
yeah, on price
You need to be at least 18 to post, kid.
>17 year old, UNDERAGE GET OUT REE
>I sure showed them!
18 on 19 though, actually.
You sure owned him!
>also a wizard
Wonder how many of my kind are left
>Also iOS devices actually get updates, unlike Android devices
Just updated my Galaxy A5 from Lollipop to Marshmallow.
Stay jelly(bean), iFag.
>Shit security is totally leaps ahead....'\
Has Android really fucked people over? Don't you have to do something really retarded to be affected by the flaws?
Fuck off, newfag.
I remember seeing feelsgoodman.jpg back in ~2008.
Pepe is one of the oldest memes here.
android is a test platform for ios. lol.
LOL xdxd
>you will enjoy app installs from browser
Comparing cameras with MP
Traded 3.5mm for water resistance.
No wireless charging or ir blasters yet. Maybe in 2020
Congrats on getting a year-old OS, user!
no one's forcing you bud
>Traded 3.5mm for water resistance.
kek, then there's sony and samsung which can do both.
> traded
More like "We can't engineer a waterproof socket"
Nice bait kiddo ;^)
my sony xperia z2 from july 2014 is still going strong and it has better specs than the new iphone
It's also a piece of shit, unlike the iPhone.
>apprentice coming up on wizard-dom
we're still here
> the NO U
Just leave already. You're busted, Apple is finished.