Want to order pizza online

>want to order pizza online
>order website requires nonfree javascript
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve

Other urls found in this thread:


go to a pizzeria you autistic nigger.

This, or just eat not-shitty food.

Stop making this thread you fucking idiot. Who gives a shit that a website uses nonfree JavaScript. Most Normie's happen to not give a shit about something being nonfree. Now stop being an idiot and buy a godamn pizza.

Fuck off Uncle Enzo.

Non free JavaScript? Is this a meme?

Also, are you too autistic to call them?

>eating pizza


>Using nonfree phonelines

Ironically, using the website is free, it's the pizza you have to pay for.


The question is, how have they not died from their starvation yet?

i love this meme

the botnet keeps them alive

It's nice when a meme uses best gril.

>eating propietary food

start your own have, the jews i mean globalists i mean megacorporations don't want you to be self sufficient

trips are the botnets three eyes to perception

eat your pizza

JavaScript is software.
Software must be free.
Non-free software is unacceptable.


>>tfw the botnet wants me to starve
it should be

>tfw the botnet wants me to staaaaaarveee

apply yourself, nigger

jews did this to stop you from ever reproducing

>this thread still up

I can give you buckets of sour cream if you want

>Look mom, I posted it for the umpteenth time.

Might as well dye her hair like Maki or something.

>Spam thread
Thanks OP
Post your best ones. anons


you're such a filthy degenerate faggot
keep posting so I can um see what to avoid on next time

Anime memes. Ew.



Its gnu/linux

What, you don't like your water dry?

download the sourcecode and compile your own pizza

thanks babe x

good Sup Forums parody thread, keep posting them OP =)

Forcing memes in 2016? Smhtbhfam.

>not cry.png
>not saturday
I miss the nonfree javascript poster lads ;_;

source is required

Open Source =/= Free Software

>want to order some pizza online
>remember I already have a cheese pizza tied up in my basement



did you just kek at your own post? you can't do that. that's not how it works

I`ll kek at whatever the fuck I want, idiot. There`s no such rule against doing it.




this meme isn't funny anymore

It's not a meme.

When you are morbidly obese it takes a while to die of starvation

Just give up freedom.
Then you can have
video games AND pizza.

>want to braus Sup Forums
>this post is show'n in catelog
>tfw hirohito want's me to leeve Sup Forums

Sup Forums's JavaScript is free as in freedom.
github.com/Sup Forums

Post the joke site with this anime clip originated from..

>Too autistic to go out
>Too autistic to order through the phone
>Have to order through the internet and pay online to avoid having to talk to people

I feel ya
I mean
Haha how autistic I talk to girls all the time