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every day ;_;

Would he have removed the headphone jack, Sup Forums?

He wouldn't have allowed the phone to be thin enough to consider it

No, he also wouldn't have jumped on the thinness meme

never thought I'd see the day

>Steve Jobs will bring apple with him

Yes, apple is just not the same anymore, tim cook just killed all your unfinished projects and now he is killing apple, iphones sell less every release since the 5s, tim cook is doing everything steve said was stupid and after cook realises steve was right he just keeps doing it.

This is just an example since im new to this android meme:

>Phone with equal battery, bigger screen, higher resolution, more cores and two little annoying led lights in the front lasts more time and looks better than "equivalent" iphone.

I even bought an iphone se to see if it atleast felt like the 5s but somehow its worse, it overheats and the battery life is worse.

Now there are rumors that the macbooks are getting capacitive function keys and a fingerprint scanner, they removed the 3.5mm hp jack and tim cook thinks that achieving the same sound quality as the earpods via bluetooth is an achievement.

Also el capitan is shit, i reggret updating shit on day one

sorry youre a fucking shut in with no outdoor life experience.

im gonna fkn rock the camera while im out living life, exploring what the world has to offer.

see ya m8

Tim Cook is better in every way. I can't wait to see what they're doing for the 10th anniversary next year.

>he didn't jump on the thinness meme
>macbook air
>introduced the first iPhone and said "look at how thin this shit is"

Erry day bruh.

He created the thinness meme.

With every passing keynote

No app can replace iJobs

Tim Cuck stated that he opposed it and they used to argue over it.

Steve's last project should of been the iAi, where he's programmed in it, managing Apple's products forever.

Shame he's gone now, hopefully Apple doesn't die.


He was a genius at marketing.

However, he gets too much credit for the "innovation" which he never did. He wasn't an innovator. He wasn't an engineer, nor an inventor. He was barely even a programmer.
What he WAS, was a businessman. A very good one at that.

He was a great man, credited for the wrong things.

Please come back Jobs, I can't handle any more of Tim Cook's fucking $100 dongles and his awful celeb skits every launch

>I actually miss this narcissistic cunt after what happen today

This is one of the unexpected thing ever happen to me

nah, he was a 'visionary'. he knew what he wanted and he made it. bill gates is a businessman that's why he targeted poor fags and institutions instead of people with taste.

apple is gonna get fucked over the same way they did in the 90s. steve jobs dying was first phase, this headphone jack removal marks the start of phase 2. once they have to go back and fix this, it'll be the start of phase 3, when casuals start seeing apple for the shit company it has become

I can honestly see this. In the popular conscious the company and it's products is only as good as it's hype. When discontent with apple and anti apple memes start spreading, then the normies will jump ship. Then again the "win10 is a botnet" meme was quite active on facebook and everyone is still using win10, because of a lack of an easily accessible, heavily marketed alternative

the difference is that android can easily replace iphones and it already has both market share and consumer acceptance to do so. linux can't replace windows because of legacy software (games and video drivers are definitely included here) and bad reputation. it's a completely different situation

It's true

Why do most people see Jobs as some "visionary genius"?

I literally had a dude explain to me how apple's app icon design is based on acid tabs, because Steve Jobs dropped acid, and how genius it is. He also told me that Jobs is more important than the nerd programmers, because without him they wouldn't have sold their product

Normies are just behind on the trends, ironically. It's actually the nerds like us that set the trends first. Remember everyone used to use Internet Explorer too. Eventually they do catch up, it just takes a while. Apple has already lost a large chunk of the market to the various Androids, it will keep going down unless they improve.

Everyone hates W10 already, but there's no alternative unfortunately.

there is an alternative, but it's not mature yet and valve, the one company who could have made a difference, decided to half ass the solution to it, like everything they've done in the last decade

>planned obslescence cranked up to 9001 with no updates ever
>OEM bloatware

Okay, yeah, sure, the nexus series phones could easily replace iphones for a lot of people
>still: java

But not "android"

What does that make C# since it's Java's estranged cousin?

Faster than fucking java in a lot of cases even if it shares some paradigms

rip steven joobs 1/1/06

>no alternative

You could get a mac :]