I cry because every other manufacturer will follow suit and will replace the 3.5mm jack :(

I cry because every other manufacturer will follow suit and will replace the 3.5mm jack :(

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>I cry because technology advances

Did you cry when we stopped listening to 8-tracks as well you moron?

Wireless has no advantages over 3.5 though

>one less annoying ass wire in my daily life

Sorry but that's a pretty big advantage to me

Then why didn't wireless charging take over, user?

Surely you mean 1978.

You could already use bluetooth headphones. Now you can't use wired ones.

Get used to lossy compression on top of lossy compression.

have fun recharging your bluetooth headphones

>missing audio jack in 2016

Because in its current state the phone has to be physically touching the charging pad. Might as well plug it in

>Now you can't use wired ones
except you can

probably because the 3.5 was so fucking cheap that there was no incentive to actually try to make a good wireless solution.

either this move by Apple will go largely ignored or it will light a fire under everyone else's asses and accelerate wireless development.

>other manufacturer will follow suit and will replace the 3.5mm jack :(
No they won't.

you again

You just can't charge the phone at the same time.

Will they though? I mean this isn't like them removing the CD drive. This is more like them taking all the buttons of the shuffle.

But it reduces another annoying ass wire, user. Your logic doesn't really make much sense.

>I cry because every other manufacturer will follow suit and will replace the 3.5mm jack :(

Don't count on it. This is Apple's "New Coke" moment. Millions of customers are going to be hesitant to lose their jack and either not buy one, or take a wait-and-see approach. We'll see this in the numbers in 90 days.

>Not wanting limitless digital perfection over whatever's the cheapest chink DAC/Amp the phone manufacturer could be bothered to install

We will see record preorders again. It's apple most people have already started selling their 6 now which is a piece of shit anyway after 2 years.

>piece of shit
How delusional are you? It's still an amazing phone.

Apple goes to sue them mode for stealing from Apple

No, it just means chinaman will be pumping out a ton of Type-C to 3.5 adapters.

A piece of shit that still managed to spank the Note 7 two years after release.

>instead have to charge your headphones 3 times a day

Much less annoying, I agree

>type-C to 3.5 adapters


How fucking easy are these going to be to steal? Just walk up behind a guy and grab them

Yeah I'll just wait till the iPhone 8 when they get rid of that cumbersome screen that's taking up so much space, don't worry, there will be an adapter for you dinosaurs #courage

On MSM, I've only heard about complaints, even from loyal Apple customers.

Even the Apple wireless earbuds last five hours and charge while in their case. Are you seriously listening to music on your phone 15 hours a day? Your argument is dumb.

Worst of all is niggers love stealing Apple products. They see it and its like a big red target.

gonna start seeing a lot of "used" wireless earbuds on ebay soon

How fucking easy is it to steal anyone's smartphone/laptop/current headphones/anything? Just walk up behind someone and grab it.

following on this..

15 minutes of charge = 3 hours

I don't see much of an issue unless you marathon every day of your life.

unfortunately they look fucking retarded.

>using other people's ear buds

You're just asking for an ear infection.

I give you 6/10, you made an effort, but the picture would have been much funnier if you had shown half of another grave marker with Steve Jobs' name cut off at the edge of the picture.

And how much do those wireless earbuds cost compared to, say, wired earbuds? Pick a brand.

No, he's asking for an Apple iFection.

Oh you

I bought some Panasonic ear buds for $5 or $6 a few months ago.

Even worse, Apple's wireless ear buds only work with Apple products.

Oh boy, I can't wait to hear complaints about how normies keep fucking losing their left/right AirBud so they now have to live with one or constantly buy a new pair every time.
>All because they need a wire/string/whatever to keep them from separating, and because they're not responsible enough.
Or everyone complaining about how they can't study and use Soundcloud because the battery (probably) still sucks and they can't charge and listen to music like us with 3.5MM jacks.
>Yes, there are those who take care of their things, including some normies
>Yes, I do know that "If I don't like it, I shouldn't buy it" and "It's pointless ranting about it on the Internet, much more this place.
Before you assume I'm on team Android, I'm using my six year old iPod touch 4. Never really needed another. Dropped face down several times on various surfaces, only suffered a dent and some acrylic breaking off.
>Won the Apple silicon lottery

>Normies gonna be normies and complain about why keeping two little pieces of shit they stick in their ears is so hard
>Normies gonna complain because they can't listen to music and charge like they used to
>Doesn't mean I hate Apple. Using an old iPod touch 4 on this thread

Samsung will copy Apple as always. Other manufacturers will likely keep the 3.5mm jack around until it gets to a point where nobody is using them.

I'm obviously in the minority because I don't think Apple's wireless earbuds are that expensive for what they are ($159 I believe). If you watch the presentation they clearly have better sound quality than the current earbuds and have quite a few added features.

After giving them a listen I'm probably going to buy them, I've wanted quality wireless earbuds for daily shit for a long time. Of course they won't be what I use for listening to music when I want the best quality possible, but wearing them to the grocery store or when I'm walking seems ideal over wires hanging around to get snagged on shit, this alone is worth the price to me. The fact that they can detect when you only have one in and reroute the audio is also really nice.

Everyone's gotta join this meme. Sad.

What's the privacy implication of wireless headphones anyway? Is it just blutooth now?


'nuff said

>Is it just blutooth now?

To which I say, "knock yourself out."

Unfortunately I along with many others am a cheapfag and think triple digits for shit like headphones, unless you're a professional, is a waste of $$ intended solely to impress the other bus riders.

Music for the thread.

You can use a lightning to headphone jack adaptor. It comes with one. It only presents a problem if you want to charge your phone at the same time as you listen to it.

Some one will probably make a splitter.

As it stands right now, if you want to listen to music on your iphone and charge it at the same time, you have to use the dock, which still has the 3.5mm jack out.

About 30 minutes ago I saw a Samsung commercial that had wireless earbuds

>Samsung will copy Apple as always.
FYI - Samsung released wireless IEMs two months ago? If anything Apple is copying Samsung and doing a stupid job of it with wireless earbuds instead of IEMs.

about 11 years ago i saw a commercial for these

and now, a mere 11 years later, apple invented the technology to do it again

>I cry because every other manufacturer will follow suit and will replace the 3.5mm jack :(
Except for LG :^)

All this shit remind me when Apple did a no Ethernet laptop, media went crazy about the "death of ethernet" and guess what.

I say this will be an "option" but too much people invested on their headphones to expect the market doing a 180 turn and declare the 3.5 jack "a thing from the past"

remember how the iWatch was going to cause a revolution?

The ones that look retarded are those with a mic. Granted, that's what comes prepackaged with the iPhone 7. Welp.

Please don't give me dog shit and try and tell me it gold. Apple is not interested in technological improvement. If it was so against 3.5 mm it would have implemented a more generic connector that other manufacturers could implement instead the chose a Lightning ®©™ that headphone manufacturers must apply to Apple for a licence.

IPhone headphones will not cause wider take up of lightning headphones any more than lightning chargers became widespread for changing connections. At the end of the day who cares what apple does. Either buy apple or don't.

wireless is retarded unless you're doing long distance or mobile networking
having people run bluetooth everywhere just clouds up the spectrum

>nignog decides to culturally enrich my thonkpad
>beat him with it
>nignog fucks off

Fuck off retard.

Nobody will care a month after its release and apple will call it a flop and start making devices with 3.5mm again.

Yeah and theyll get rid of 1/4inch jacks for guitars next!

Because they don't have a proprietary way of charing the phone wireless yet.



is there something wrong user?

you do know you can transfer analog signals through type C?

So what about that touch disease

>I cry because every other manufacturer will follow suit and will replace the 3.5mm jack :(
Oh god please no

pff, old news man, just get the iphone 7, what are you, poor?
didn't you get the "new iphone every year" plan like your friends? huh?

No they won't
Not if people just don't bother with the iPhone Cuck.

>I cry because every other manufacturer will follow suit and will replace the 3.5mm jack :(

Don't cry

Just let apple tell you what you need and don't need in your devices

Remember when they told you that you don't need CD drives in computers?

Just close your eyes and go with the flow

>crying over outdated tech from the 1800's
>in the year 2016

Get with the times, grandpa

>Remember when they told you that you don't need CD drives in computers?
Not the same user but no. I remember when Apple claimed flash was dead and desktop PCs were dead.

>I remember when Apple claimed flash was dead

It is

>5 hours of battery life

yeah i'll stick with headphones until this shit changes.

> Not preordering the new Beats Solo 3 along with your iPhone 7 Plus for the real apple experience
Just like I don't answer green messages from broke ass niggas I'm about to shrink my friends circle even more. If you use cables or 3,5mm prepare to be erased from my contacts.

It is. CD Drives are pretty useless too. They're usually pretty spot on about this stuff in all fairness. And the headphone jack does take up a substantial amount of space, for something I don't use. And most people don't use.

it's funnier when kids do this praising old tech over new tech

>using local high-speed buses to transfer data
>not wired networks
>lol get with the times xd

>It is
Millions of websites disagree with you, including this one with it's /f/ board.

Flash on mobile is dead you fucking nitwit

Of course you can still use it on desktops

>One more thing to charge
>two more batteries that only have so many cycles
>with an apple case, three batteries to worry about
>one more thing to degrade audio quality, as if the compressed formats and cheap DACs weren't enough




Just wait until there's exploding batteries in peoples ears

It works for me though

This is how much space Apple is saving by getting rid of the standard

>Flash on mobile
Which is why mobile devices don't browse the internet. Oh wai-

>Of course you can still use it on desktops
Not according to Apple. Remember, desktop PCs are dead?

>wahh iphone DAC sucks I wanna use an external DAC
>WTF why would you get rid of the headphone jack how am i suppose to listen to music now

>>wahh iphone DAC sucks I wanna use an external DAC
Said no one
Audio chips on Apple devices are pretty good as far as phones go.

the new haptic engine is there. It works not only with 3D touch but also with the new home button that is solid and doesn't move anymore. It was a good choice as it gives the single home button even more functionality now.

No man, the 5 hipsters who cared said it, and it matters so much it invalidates all the complaints about this

What if they just made the phone a little bigger instead

> You can press
> And press harder to do slightly different thing
this changes everything

You're a fucking idiot. If apple decided tomorow that they would remove the AC outlet and make an iOutlet for the wall instead so you can't plug in anything made from this moment on, what do you do?

Yes, remember when you had to double press buttons really quickly to do a different thing? That was hard.

Now it's easier to do the different thing. And easier to do it accidentally.

Worth removing in favor of brain cancer?

>put away headphones
>bunch them up
>wonder why they're tangled
>congrat: your dumb

Or maybe this guy is disabled

>be missing two fingers
>have parkinsons
>try to quickly coil headphones
>end up tangling them
>stuff them into your pocket, tangling them even more
>life is suffering

apple: products for the disabled

I would say most normal people (i.e. not you neckbeards) have vehicles with blue tooth and either don't mind the new hookup for the apple ear buds or have blue tooth headphones. Wake up

i remember when they say Steve Jobs was dead

The only reason I use Bluetooth is hands free calling. Fuck off.

i'd say most normal people don't even know how to set that up, and your idea of "normal people" is skewed by a small number of sexy people you oogled in higschool/college for having distinguishing features like bluetooth headphones

kind of like how an /r9k/ talks to one woman, gets rejected, and goes full MGTOW

It's fucking hilarious. Apple's repeating their previous mistakes and making a prison of their architecture again. Now that they've lost their exquisite design taste with Jobs' death, everything they do just comes off as crass and blatant gouging.

Android's going to eat their fucking lunch and beat their ass as hard as open architecture PC did in the 80s and 90s. No one wants an ugly, expensive, tacky prison, and that's what Appleshit is becoming again.

Seriously it's just too funny. History repeating to a fucking T.

except apple is a status symbol for the poorfag masses who buy the newest crap on lease with $0 down, known for toy-like gadgets instead of thousand dollar systems for businesses and nerds (and that's before adjusting for inflanation since then)

>Right click for touch devices
Brought to you by the company that gave you one button mouse.