What is the most dangerous technology?


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Beat me to it


mr bones' rollercoaster


nuclear bombs or some shit

Headphone cable splitter

infectious virus, long latent period

The wheel

samsung galaxy s7

To be serious for a moment, nukes are pretty dangerous, but ultimately not world ending unless we really go for armageddon.

Bioweapons are more likely to wipe out humanity by mutating out of hand I think.

The botnet


Carbon separating enzymes

They deserved it honestly


The Internet, just as Huxley predicted...


Rocks are the most dangerous technology in existence.
Without rock man would not have made the first weapon.
Without rock man would have not been able to mine for minerals.
Without rock man would have not developed society.
Without rock man would have not developed computers.
Without rock man would have not developed nuclear weapons.
Without rock man would the main would have not made Sup Forums.
Without rock man would nothing.

>Bioweapons are more likely to wipe out humanity by mutating out of hand I think.
Not that dangerous and not technology.

>it isn't technology if it doesn't run on electricity

Complex A.I.

That which is also the most beneficial:

without rock the earth wouldn't have developed in general, we'd be a ball of ice or a gas planet

also sticks are pretty ok weapons in place of rocks

>biologically engineered weapons are not technology


>most dangerous technology

Things that humanity hasn't evolved sufficiently (yet) to imagine or comprehend.

We haven't developed it far enough at this point, but we're on track with anti-matter. I'd call that a competitor, especially once it matures for a decade or three more.

You so old-school m8y m8 :D

How does one blankpost nowadays?
None of the old methods I know work

And the internet, its spiritual successor.

A rock big enough would destroy the planet.

Very Very big rocks

3.5mm headphones

Tim Cock pls

I saw people bleeding to death because of how pointy jacks are

>Not that dangerous
>not technology
>Biotechnology that is pioneered to specifically wipe out the human race one DNA strand at a time is neither technology nor dangerous
wew lad

Can God make a stone so heavy even he can't lift it? Oops, looks like the rock killed God.

>rocucks gonna cuck
Stick better.
Better splinterface.
Free-logbre, grow your own, branch off.
Can use to get anything, blackberry, apple, pea-seeds, even root.

Scads systems. The lack of security in most scads systems I should say.

I think you should specify what you mean by dangerous. Guns or even nuclear weapons are neither dangerous because they're not going to kill anyone on their own. They're lethal but not dangerous. Dangerous is something that's both lethal and uncontrollable.

Human beings.


I would say in the near term it would likely be nano-technology.

It offers many obvious benefits that can have quick and financially significant impacts, so it is setting up for high speed adoption and wide dependency use, it already in more things then you realize.

However many of the negative aspects, like the huge infrastructure costs and health/environmental impacts are largely ignored publicly.

Like many now banned technologies through out history we will demand it become part of every aspect of our lives only to later find it hurts us deeply in the coming decades. However given the speed and scales which we now operate the fallout will likely be one of the biggest in history.

For refers asbestos was actually one of the fist wide scale nano-technologies before the that term was really used, and we are still cleaning up that huge mess that killed more then we care to admit. This will be far worse.

The irony is that if we used this responsibly, rather then applying it to everything like some magic powered then we could likely get many of the benefits without many of the negative costs, but it would limit the scale and money made and take much longer to do. And historically we never do things that way, thus it becomes a time bomb.

Grey goo