Reminder that these ancient sockets are why walls are so thick. Why can't we replace them with something well designed, smaller and proprietary? Wireless energy is also an option.
Reminder that these ancient sockets are why walls are so thick. Why can't we replace them with something well designed...
It doesn't exist unless Apple brings it to market.
Not sure if we have enough courage for that.
No, what we need is MORE POWER!!1!!1one!1One!11!!
Walls are thick for improved insulation and structural integrity
Smaller one may be not large enough for more powerful things (700W driller, 3000W furnace... Enjoy your house burned)
And it's impossible to change a global standard of an entire continent
Reminder that I don't fucking care how thick my phone is yet I *still* don't need a 3.5mm jack because I *want* wireless headphones to succeed. The sooner big players such as Apple "force" the technology, the sooner we'll get better and cheaper headphones.
Wireless energy is not an option you fucking retarded faggot, and walls are thick for other reasons too. Piping, sound isolation, heat insulation etc. are all other reasons that walls are thick.
Kill yourself, you retarded faggot.
>Wireless energy is not an option
>What is far-field wireless charging?
>What are lasers?
Put pipes under the floor.
>sound isolation
Active noise canceling.
>heat insulation
Stop being poor and get a better heater.
Luddites like you are the reason we still build houses with obsolete crap like walls.
>global standard
Why would you specifically want something proprietary?
You forgot
>What is far-field wireless charging?
>less efficient
>actually suggesting that one transmits 230V wirelessly (European sockets are about as deep)
>What are lasers?
Even worse when it comes to efficiency.
>Put pipes under the floor.
And what if there are multiple floors?
>Active noise canceling.
Throughout an entire apartment/house? Or are you suggesting everyone wears a noise cancelling headset permanently?
>Stop being poor and get a better heater.
>Luddites like you are the reason we still build houses with obsolete crap like walls.
I didn't realise you were just shitposting before now. Here's your (You)
>why walls are so thick
The only quality difference between a mobile trailer home and a house in the suburbs is the thickness of the walls and floors.
So why does it fucking matter?
It's an iPhone analogy
>proprietary technology that creates a barrier to entry for new providers will create better products
I don't get why everything can't just be wireless. Cords are so archaic. It's 2016
This is actually a pretty good list
>Sit down in house
>It bends
>muh efficiency
Not a problem for most devices, and you don't need high-power devices in most rooms.
>And what if there are multiple floors?
Then you build your bathroom downstairs.
Just use your AirPods you retard. Only manchildren and pajeet hotliners use headsets.
>I didn't realise you were just shitposting before now.
And you decided to reply anyway.
>Here's your (You)
>walls are so thick
Aren't American walls mostly made of plywood anyways? Why would you want to make them even thinner? Do you enjoy listening to what your neighbor is doing?
>And you decided to reply anyway.
Just wanted to give a friendly (You) m8
>Britplug has fuse, blocks access to live before ground is inserted
>Various europlugs are well built and compatible with each other
>Various misc plugs that are flimsy or weird
>No ground
spark plugs are the major risks with slimmer plugs put in the sockets
Bong plugs are way overengineered. (Fuses in each plug were necessary because UK homes used to be wired in a ring circuit) Nowadays here's literally nothing they provide over Schuko which justifies their size.
Actually, it's probably building and fire safety codes that are keeping walls at their respectably safe and reliable thicknesses. Nice try though.