Must make account in order to use drivers options

>must make account in order to use drivers options

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cry about it

AMD doesn't have this problem. :^)

because they don't have drivers at all ;^)

Is it like a verify your throw away email kind of account or a sign in with kikebook thing?


>TFW my old ass hd6320 got a driver update last month

it scans your machine and sends info about your hardware and installed software back to nvidia. Even if you use a throwaway email it's enough to identify you.

I don't think the info on my gaymen machine would come even close to identifying me.

it's enough to uniquely identify your machine. Probably includes MAC address and IP. Very easy to combine with data from other sources to build a complete profile of you.

Do you really want Nvidia to keep a record of when, for how long and for what you use your computer?

Nah, I was just wondering how much they require you to put down. Ideally, you should be able to just download the fucking driver like any other piece of aoftware

So, I can still download new drivers without this spyware right?

Yes off of their website

is the account requirement confirmed in release?

The new GFE requires an account for any functionality, including driver updates and ShadowPlay. You can still update drivers via the website though... for now. ;^)

"Will be"
Has it been implemented in the release?


how the goddamn fuck are all those terrible ideas all the big tech companies are ramming down our throats the last few years even fucking legal? knowingly creating and selling utter garbage and lying about everything has got to be punishable

Razer and nVidiot babbies in damage control.

>has got to be punishable
It is called boycotting, and you should be doing that if you feel so strongly about it.

That would imply there's no monopoly, shlomo.

Then stfu.


>That would imply there's no monopoly
no it wouldn't imply anything cuck no-one is forcing you to buy a graphics card. If you feel so strongly that you are being fucked then don't buy one.

if you buy from nvidia you are part of the problem

boycotting implies large numbers of people not buying

saying "you can boycot it" is like asking Sup Forums's singular opinion

I will, once it's time to buy a new card, and once amd has fixed their shit tier linux drivers. So a couple years from now at least.

AMD is literally updating drivers for cards that nvidia would have dropped support for like 5 years ago.

>am I doing it right?
>will the cheque come in the mail?

Because amd is still using the same card from 5 years ago

>99% of PC users except for a few butthurt Pajeets on Sup Forums
You do know all of AMD's sales are just buttcoin miners, right?

What did he mean by this?

there is no alternative

it was 60% only a few years ago, and soon we will be back to those numbers once amd releases their enthusiast gpus

Non-shit linux drivers FUCKING WHEN?

yes there is unless you fell for the 4k meme

>An Essential Application for Every Gimpworks PC
It makes sure that your Gimpworks enabled card gets degraded over time, specially when new generations arrive.

What driver options are disabled?

I have experience installed to get notifications about driver updates, but I don't remember having to make an account.

Is this new or something? I haven't gaymed in a couple weeks.

I fell for the 120fps meme and I will never go back

Do you have special eyes?

apparently so

Don't ever go above 120 then, you're welcome.

I wish I had seen this thread 10 minutes ago.
uninstalled after update and now I'm without shadowplay.
I suggest we start calling forced updates as 'geforced' updates, we should fight it while they're having other problems with the new software.. maybe we can get the message across.

pacman -S nvidia

pretty sure you don't need to make an account though (on windows)

Any way to install the previous version ?

Fucking this. So sick of nvidias shit, but amd just isn't a real option.

okay, I managed to re-install the older version.
if you want to get rid of the update nag screen, go to: C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\GeForce Experience\Update
and rename the setup.exe

It's new with GoyForce Experience 3.0 that was released yesterday. It requires an Nvidia account to use any of its features now, including Shadowplay. You can also just link your Google or Facebook account if you want to go full botnet.

i just updated my drivers yesterday and i didn't have to make an account.

Is shadowplay for twitch streamers or something? I don't bother with that.

I'll have to fire it up and check it out.

Because it isn't included with the latest driver, since that was released before GFE 3.0. As soon as GFE updates itself, you'll be required to make an account to use features you already had. Isn't that fun?

It's primarily for recording gameplay, but can also be used to stream.